wakjapan ロゴ

About Us

About Us

Company Overview

Company Name WAK JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Address 761 Tenshu-cho, Takakura-dori Nijo-agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, 604-0812, Japan
Established Established on May 02 1997
Capital 10 million yen
Managing Director CEO Michi Ogawa
Business Contents Planning and Management of International Culture Exchange, Japanese Cultural Experience, Translation and Interpretation.
Number of Employee 10 regular employees with approximately 60 staff members including the attendants and instructors
Banks Kyoto Bank, Kyoto Trust Depository, Mizuho Bank.
Membership Memberships Kyoto Cultural Exchange Convention Bureau, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto Tourism Association, 5K-Kai, Kyoto Tourism Federation, Osaka Convention&Tourism Bureau