Jan Vansteenkiste - (Ex-Developer) System Engineer


System admin with a passion for open source. Not afraid to talk to developers.


Having started as a developer (java/PHP), I have a lot of useful experience to bring in a mixed ops/dev team. My main interest are automation using tools like puppet, Jenkins, ... and any other glue to stick operations together.


Experience is listed in reverse chronological order. All latest jobs are performed as a consultant for Inuits. A marker will be included to indicate the experience before that.

* UGent: Centrale dienst ICT (May 2018 - Present)

System Engineer, Puppet

Improve and modernize the existing puppet infrastructure so more people (devs) can use it without relying on sysadmins and the cycle of tickets. Update or replace existing parts of the supporting infrastructure, including repo servers, Jenkins, ...

* VRT (November 2013 - January 2019)

Application Support Engineer / System Engineer / Puppet

Automate deployments by using CI Tools (Jenkins, Puppet)
Setup monitoring using checkmk, prometheus, kibana
Build a new infrastructure on (Amazon) AWS and facilitate migration.
Help design and implement the new infrastructure used for Sporza using tools
on AWS, varnish, ... while working close together with the development team.

* UnifiedPost (September 2011 - October 2013)

System Administrator

Daily system administration of the infrastructure and working on a fully puppetized environment preparing for a dev ops way of working. Includes writing a lot of public and private puppet modules to handle all services with advanced configuration and customization in mind.

* PHP Developer (September 2010 - September 2011)

Pitched in internally at Inuits working on several Drupal (6/7) projects as a PHP developer.

* UGent (March 2010 - September 2010)

Various *nix system maintenance, ticket/queue follow up and delegation. Various service configuration / integration. Day-to-day maintenance on backups.


Before finding a proper open source related job...

* Bayard Europe (October 2005 - October 2009)

Write an application for internal use (ERP) using Java / Swing.

* SYNTRA-West (January 2007 - March 2007)

Instructor GNU/Linux

Teaching basic Linux knowledge: Starting off with a installation, go over the basic console commands and set up some services.

Teaching Advanced Linux Networking: In depth look to how configuration is done. Setting up apache+PHP, samba, cups, bind (dns), squid, ...

* OCMW Ieper (October 2005 - September 2006)

Security Consultant

Network security: Evaluation of current security state, suggest improvements,implementation of new security measures. Help out with day-to-day IT.

* Stage: LINDIA (Linux-in-India) Project: (2005)

Collect old PC hardware in Belgium, Ship it to India, built a (Linux) classroom and teach the basics to students in a technical school.


Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen: Bachelor Multimedia & Communication Technologies. (2002-2005)
Specialization: networking.

Klein Seminarie Roeselare. (1995 - 2001)
Wetenschappen Wiskunde.


Although there is little point in listing all tools I have ever used, the main strenght is adopting and learning new technologies quickly.

That being said, these are some skills that I enjoy using and have fluent knowledge in:
- Linux (Debian/Redhat/Gentoo)
- Puppet
- Jenkins (management, pipelines)
- Bash (scripting)
- Ruby (scripting)


Dutch (Native), English (Professional), French (Elementary)


Mail: [email protected] Github: https://github.com/vStone/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janvansteenkiste/