
Here you can find the list of vocabularies that the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) is developing and publishing on the Web.

Ontology Serialization License Language Domain Description
The P-Plan ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science plan provenance scientific workflow PROV extension for linking Plans and parts of plans to their respective executions.
The Workflow Motif Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science workflow abstraction

Ontology for describing Workflow Motifs. Workflow Motifs outline the kinds of data-intensive activities that are observed ... See more

The Workflow Invocation Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science infrastructure scientific workflow Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution.
The Research Object Optimization Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science Research Object RO-Optimization is an extension of the RO model in order to be able to describe ooptimizations of workflows and their results.
The Workflow Fragment Description ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science workflow abstraction P-Plan extension to represent workflow fragments and their relationships to workflow templates
SMART Protocols Ontology: Protocol Module rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science plan Smart PROTOCOL is an ontology designed to describe the minimum information to report a laboratory protocol.
The Workflow Infrastructure Conservation Using Semantics ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en workflow e-Science conservation infrastructure reproducibility

The WICUS ontology network is a set of ontologies designed to represent the information about the computational infrastructure ... See more

The WICUS Hardware Specs ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en hardware specification e-Science reproducibility

The WICUS Hardware Specs ontology is describes the hardware characteristics of a computational infrastructure and the hardware ... See more

The WICUS Scientific Virtual Appliance ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en virtualmachine software hardware e-Science reproducibility

The WICUS Scientific Virtual Appliance ontology describes the virtual computational resources used for executing scientific ... See more

The WICUS Software Stack ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en software e-Science reproducibility

The WICUS Software Stack ontology have been developed to describe the software elements of a computational resource. These ... See more

The WICUS Workflow Execution Requirements ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en requirements execution software hardware e-Science reproducibility

The WICUS Workflow Execution Requirements ontology relates a Scientific Workflow to the execution requirements and dependencies ... See more

Linked Data Rights (LDR) rdf+xml html CC-BY en license

The Linked Data Rights ontology provides the vocabulary for creating rights expressions for Linked Data resources by extending ... See more

The OPMW ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en e-Science provenance scientific workflow OPMW is an OPMV, PROV and P-plan extension to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows.
The Research Object Ontology rdf+xml html Undefined en e-Science Research Object

This ontology shows how AO and ORE ontologies can be used together to define a ResearchObject. This ontology is further customized ... See more

Research Object Evolution Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY en e-Science Research Object http://www.wf4ever-project.org/wiki/download/attachments/2065027/ROevo_v0.4%2823%29.png
The Wfprov Ontology rdf+xml html Undefined en provenance scientific workflow e-Science Research Object

The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using ... See more

The Wfdesc ontology rdf+xml html Undefined en provenance scientific workflow e-Science Research Object

This ontology ("wfdesc") describes an abstract workflow description structure, allowing the description of a scientific workflow ... See more

The Aemet Ontology Network rdf+xml html Undefined es en meteorology Ontology network for the AEMET project. This model describes meteorological information.
El Viajero Ontology rdf+xml html Undefined es en news blogs OPMO profile for a News and Blogs scenario. Extension for modeling travels and routes.
Non-Ontological Resource Metadata Vocabulary rdf+xml html turtle Undefined non-Ontological Resource

This vocabulary allows (1) describing the non-ontological resource available, (2) including in the ontology generated the ... See more

The Ccon Ontology rdf+xml html Undefined en ru fr es pt ecology e-Science

The Ccon represents the main concepts about the Cerrado plant communities structure and dynamics. This ontology will be part ... See more

The Fire Ontology rdf+xml html Undefined en pt ecology e-Science

The Fire Ontology was developed to represent the scientific knowledge about fire behave focused to describe the characteristics, ... See more

Lemon translations module html turtle CC-BY es en languages translation

The translation module a straightforward extension of lemon, a model for representing ontology lexica. The module is aimed ... See more

BNE ontology html turtle CC-BY-NC-SA es en libraries

The ontology of National Library of Spain (BNE) is the core data model undelying the Linked Data solution of BNE: datos.bne.es. ... See more

The Video Game Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA en videogames The Video Game Ontology is an ontology designed for describing video games and all the resources related to their game plays.
Quality Model Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA quality evaluation The Quality Model ontology is an ontology for describing quality models and related resources in any particular domain.
Evaluation Result Ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA quality evaluation

The Evaluation Result ontology is an ontology for describing evaluation results and related resources in a quality evaluation ... See more

Otalex ontology rdf+xml html CC-BY-NC-SA es pt en otalex alentejo geology hidrology Geonames extension for encoding the terms of the Otalex project
Coil Videogame Ontology html turtle CC-BY-NC-SA en videogame coil Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Coil
Asteroids Videogame Ontology html turtle CC-BY-NC-SA en videogame asteroids Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Asteroids
Browser Quest Videogame Ontology html turtle CC-BY-NC-SA en videogame browser-quest Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Browser Quest
Lexicon Model for Ontologies - Vartrans rdf+xml CC0 en sv fr es it pt de af ro nl lexicon lemon A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Variation and translation module.
SAREF extension for environment html turtle CC-BY en environment light pollution photometer SAREF

This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the environment domain, specifically for the light pollution domain, including ... See more

SAREF extension for building devices html turtle CC-BY en building building device device IFC SAREF

This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the building domain by defining building devices and how they are located in ... See more

FAIR* Reviews ontology html turtle rdf+xml CC By 4.0 en open reviews open science peer review The FAIR* Reviews ontology defines a set of classes, properties and axioms, for describing research reviews as semantic objects, reusing standard existing vocabularies using ontology engineering techniques.