Here you can find the list of vocabularies that the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) is developing and publishing on the Web.
Ontology | Serialization | License | Language | Domain | Description |
The P-Plan ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science plan provenance scientific workflow | PROV extension for linking Plans and parts of plans to their respective executions. |
The Workflow Motif Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science workflow abstraction |
Ontology for describing Workflow Motifs. Workflow Motifs outline the kinds of data-intensive activities that are observed ... See more |
The Workflow Invocation Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science infrastructure scientific workflow | Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution. |
The Research Object Optimization Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science Research Object | RO-Optimization is an extension of the RO model in order to be able to describe ooptimizations of workflows and their results. |
The Workflow Fragment Description ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science workflow abstraction | P-Plan extension to represent workflow fragments and their relationships to workflow templates |
SMART Protocols Ontology: Protocol Module | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science plan | Smart PROTOCOL is an ontology designed to describe the minimum information to report a laboratory protocol. |
The Workflow Infrastructure Conservation Using Semantics ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | workflow e-Science conservation infrastructure reproducibility |
The WICUS ontology network is a set of ontologies designed to represent the information about the computational infrastructure ... See more |
The WICUS Hardware Specs ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | hardware specification e-Science reproducibility |
The WICUS Hardware Specs ontology is describes the hardware characteristics of a computational infrastructure and the hardware ... See more |
The WICUS Scientific Virtual Appliance ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | virtualmachine software hardware e-Science reproducibility |
The WICUS Scientific Virtual Appliance ontology describes the virtual computational resources used for executing scientific ... See more |
The WICUS Software Stack ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | software e-Science reproducibility |
The WICUS Software Stack ontology have been developed to describe the software elements of a computational resource. These ... See more |
The WICUS Workflow Execution Requirements ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | requirements execution software hardware e-Science reproducibility |
The WICUS Workflow Execution Requirements ontology relates a Scientific Workflow to the execution requirements and dependencies ... See more |
Linked Data Rights (LDR) | rdf+xml html | CC-BY | en | license |
The Linked Data Rights ontology provides the vocabulary for creating rights expressions for Linked Data resources by extending ... See more |
The OPMW ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | e-Science provenance scientific workflow | OPMW is an OPMV, PROV and P-plan extension to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows. |
The Research Object Ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | en | e-Science Research Object |
This ontology shows how AO and ORE ontologies can be used together to define a ResearchObject. This ontology is further customized ... See more |
Research Object Evolution Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY | en | e-Science Research Object | |
The Wfprov Ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | en | provenance scientific workflow e-Science Research Object |
The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using ... See more |
The Wfdesc ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | en | provenance scientific workflow e-Science Research Object |
This ontology ("wfdesc") describes an abstract workflow description structure, allowing the description of a scientific workflow ... See more |
The Aemet Ontology Network | rdf+xml html | Undefined | es en | meteorology | Ontology network for the AEMET project. This model describes meteorological information. |
El Viajero Ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | es en | news blogs | OPMO profile for a News and Blogs scenario. Extension for modeling travels and routes. |
Non-Ontological Resource Metadata Vocabulary | rdf+xml html turtle | Undefined | non-Ontological Resource |
This vocabulary allows (1) describing the non-ontological resource available, (2) including in the ontology generated the ... See more |
The Ccon Ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | en ru fr es pt | ecology e-Science |
The Ccon represents the main concepts about the Cerrado plant communities structure and dynamics. This ontology will be part ... See more |
The Fire Ontology | rdf+xml html | Undefined | en pt | ecology e-Science |
The Fire Ontology was developed to represent the scientific knowledge about fire behave focused to describe the characteristics, ... See more |
Lemon translations module | html turtle | CC-BY | es en | languages translation |
The translation module a straightforward extension of lemon, a model for representing ontology lexica. The module is aimed ... See more |
BNE ontology | html turtle | CC-BY-NC-SA | es en | libraries |
The ontology of National Library of Spain (BNE) is the core data model undelying the Linked Data solution of BNE: ... See more |
The Video Game Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | videogames | The Video Game Ontology is an ontology designed for describing video games and all the resources related to their game plays. |
Quality Model Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | quality evaluation | The Quality Model ontology is an ontology for describing quality models and related resources in any particular domain. | |
Evaluation Result Ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | quality evaluation |
The Evaluation Result ontology is an ontology for describing evaluation results and related resources in a quality evaluation ... See more |
Otalex ontology | rdf+xml html | CC-BY-NC-SA | es pt en | otalex alentejo geology hidrology | Geonames extension for encoding the terms of the Otalex project |
Coil Videogame Ontology | html turtle | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | videogame coil | Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Coil |
Asteroids Videogame Ontology | html turtle | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | videogame asteroids | Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Asteroids |
Browser Quest Videogame Ontology | html turtle | CC-BY-NC-SA | en | videogame browser-quest | Extension of the video game ontology to represent the main concepts of the game Browser Quest |
Lexicon Model for Ontologies - Vartrans | rdf+xml | CC0 | en sv fr es it pt de af ro nl | lexicon lemon | A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Variation and translation module. |
SAREF extension for environment | html turtle | CC-BY | en | environment light pollution photometer SAREF |
This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the environment domain, specifically for the light pollution domain, including ... See more |
SAREF extension for building devices | html turtle | CC-BY | en | building building device device IFC SAREF |
This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the building domain by defining building devices and how they are located in ... See more |
FAIR* Reviews ontology | html turtle rdf+xml | CC By 4.0 | en | open reviews open science peer review | The FAIR* Reviews ontology defines a set of classes, properties and axioms, for describing research reviews as semantic objects, reusing standard existing vocabularies using ontology engineering techniques. |