
Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics

Yekaterinburg-Online, Russia

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 « March 2025 » 
Important Dates
from 7 Dec 2020 till 30 Dec 2025
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In Yekaterinburg 12:36
Tuesday, 25 March 2025
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0..2 °C
751 mmHg   S, 0-2 mps
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With the aim of safiety of all the participants we kindly ask to avoid any political discussions during our meetings. 
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Aims and Scope

This seminar continues 2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics. The seminar covers modern aspects of group theory (including questions of actions of groups on combinatorial objects), graph theory, some combinatorial aspects of topology and optimization theory, and related topics and aims to support communications between specialists on Group Theory and Combinatorics all over the World

The seminar will be held on Tuesdays, usually one time in 2 weeks, with possible some exceptions. The list of talks can be found below.

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The situation in the World in the recent times is very complicate. However, we are going to keep the working of the Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics as non-commercial and political-free meetings where people are able to share Math do not keeping in mind their nacionality, political positions, religion, gender, colour, and so on.

The official position of the Russian Academy of Sciences can be found in their official website. From our side, we declare that the participation in the Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics cannot be considered directly as a declaration of any political or social position, except commitment to regular Humanitarian values and involving to Mathematical research. And with the aim of safiety of all the participants we kindly ask to avoid any political discussions during our meetings. 

The only aim of the Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics is to support communications between specialists on Group Theory and Combinatorics all over the world. We started in the tricky pandemic time and are going to continue in the same frame. Any specialist can register for free on the seminar website and attend the lectures online or see the records of the lectures. All the activities of speakers are for free and are aimed at develop of Mathematical research only. 
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Scientific Committee

Chair: Natalia Maslova (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University)

Vladislav Kabanov (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS)

Anatoly Kondrat'ev (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS)

Alexander Makhnev (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University)

Danila Revin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia and N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Mikhail (Misha) Volkov (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
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Chair: Natalia Maslova (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University)

Ivan Belousov (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University)

Alla Dobroserdova (Ural Federal University)

Nikolai Minigulov (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS)

Mikhail Golubiatnikov  (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University)
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To attend the seminar please register for free via this website.  You do not need to register again if you was a participant of  2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, to login to the seminar website you can use we the same login and password as for the workshop website.  

In your registration form, you are welcome to give us some information on your mathematical interests.

We kindly ask invited speakers to register via this website to be available for mailings! 
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Contributed talks

The option of 20-minutes contributed talks is available for participants from all over the World. We can shedulle some such talks after the talk of the main speaker. If somebody wants to give a contributed talk, please contct Natalia Maslova via butterson[at]mail.ru.
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Records of the talks

Records of all the talks are available both on this website after log in and on the website of the 2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics for registered participants after log in.

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March 11, 2025

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Vladislav Kabanov (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: Construction of divisible design graphs using affine designs

Abstract. A k-regular graph on v vertices is a divisible design graph if there exist integers λ1, λ2, m, n such that the vertex set of the graph can be partitioned into m classes of size n, any two different vertices from the same class have λ1 common neighbours, and any two vertices from different classes have λ2 common neighbours. In this talk, a new construction that produces divisible design graphs is provided.
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February 25, 2025

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Vladimir Trofimov (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of locally finite graphs

Abstract. Abstract can be found here.
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February 18, 2025

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker:  Gunnar Traustason (University of Bath, Bath, UK)

Topic: Left 3-Engel elements in groups

Abstract can be found here.
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December 24, 2024

Unusual time!

Time: 1 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexey Klimenko (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS and HSE University, Moscow, Russia)

Topic: Convergence of Spherical Averages for Actions of Fuchsian Groups

The talk is based on the joint work with Alexander I. Bufetov and Caroline Series, arXiv:1805.11743

Abstract. We consider an action of a Fuchsian group G on a Lebesgue space (X,m) by measure-preserving transformations T_g. We assume that the so-called "even corners condition" holds for the group and its fundamental domain R, which holds in many cases. Let S be the set of group elements that maps R to its copies sharing an edge with R. Then S is a generating set of G and it produces a norm on G. For a function f on (X,m) we consider a spherical averages (i.e. the average of f(T_g x) for all g in n-sphere in G). Our main result states the pointwise convergence of this sequence for f in LlogL(X,m) (or in any L^p, p>1). The proof is based on a new variant of the Bowen--Series symbolic coding for Fuchsian groups that, developing a method introduced by M. Wroten, simultaneously encodes all possible shortest paths representing a given group element. The resulting coding is self-inverse, giving a reversible Markov chain to which methods previously introduced by A. Bufetov for the case of free groups may be applied.
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December 10, 2024

Unusual time!

Time: 6 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Thomas Keller (Texas State University, San Marcos, USA)

Topic: On Gruenberg-Kegel graphs of finite groups

Abstract.For a finite group G, the Gruenberg-Kegel graph (or the prime graph) Γ(G) is defined as follows: The vertices are the prime divisors of |G|, and there is an edge between primes p and q if and only iff there is an element of order pq in G. Gruenberg and Kegel introduced this notion in the 1970s to study certain cohomological questions of group rings, but it has been studied for its own sake ever since. In 2015 the prime graphs of solvable groups were characterized as follows. Theorem: An unlabeled simple graph is isomorphic to the prime graph of a solvable group if and only if its complement is 3-colorable and triangle-free. Since then, many extensions of this result have been obtained by "allowing in" one simple group at a time. In the talk we will discuss these extensions and look at some recent work that has been obtained in collaboration with undergraduate students.
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November 26, 2024

Unusual time!

Time: 6 p.m. by Yekaterinburg (=1 p.m. by St Andrews)

Speaker: Rosemary A. Bailey and Peter J. Cameron  (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Designs on strongly regular graphs

Abstract can be found here.
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November 19, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gareth Jones (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)

Topic: Counting conjugacy classes of subgroups

Abstract. In a recent UWGTC talk, Mark Lewis described research on the number $n(G)$ of conjugacy classes of non-identity proper subgroups $H$ of a finite group $G$ which are non-self-normalising ($H<N_G(H)$). A small value of $n(G)$ imposes strong restrictions on $G$; for example, if $n(G)\le 3$ then $G$ is solvable. Noting that $n({\rm A}_5)=4$, Mark asked at the end of his talk about other finite simple groups. Dickson's description of the subgroups of $G={\rm PSL}_2(q)$ allows one to calculate the numbers $i(G)$ and $c(G)$ of isomorphism types and conjugacy classes of non-identity proper subgroups $H$ of $G$, and the numbers $s(G)$ and $n(G)$ of those classes which are or are not self-normalising. For example, for all primes $q\ge 41$ we have $i(G)\ge 17$, $c(G)\ge 18$, $s(G)\ge 6$ and $n(G)\ge 12$. A computer search by Sasha Zvonkin shows that these bounds are attained by a set of over a million primes $q$; this set is infinite if certain very plausible conjectures in Number Theory are correct. There are similar results for proper prime powers $q$, with connections to Mersenne and Wagstaff primes.
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November 12, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker:  Mahmut Kuzucuoğlu (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)

Topic: κ-Existentially closed groups, centralizers and automorphisms

Abstract can be found here.

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October 29, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg (=11 a.m. by St Andrews)

Speaker: Rosemary A. Bailey and Peter J. Cameron  (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Permutation groups, lattices and orthogonal block structures

Joint work with Marina Anagnstopoulou-Merkouri (Bristol, UK).

Abstract. The story began when Marina was doing an undergraduate research internship with Peter. We were studying transitive but imprimitive permutation groups through their invariant equivalence relations, and were looking at the case where the equivalence relations commute; in our office, Rosemary overheard our conversation, and said, “Statisticians know about those things; we call them orthogonal block structures”.
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October 15, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Vladislav Kabanov (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: Link between strongly regular graphs and divisible design graphs

Abstract can be found here.

Professor Vladislav Kabanov is a chief researcher in Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS.
This is an honorary talk on the occasion of his 80the anniversary.
The organizers of USGTC warmly congratulate Vladislav on his anniversary and wish him strong health and new mathematical discoveries!
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October 1, 2024

Unusual time!

Time: 7 p.m. by Yekaterinburg  (= 10 a.m. by Kent)

Speaker: Mark Lewis  (Kent State University, Kent, USA)

Topic: On self-normalizing subgroups

This is joint work with Mariagrazia Bianchi, Rachel Camina, Emanuele Pacifici, and Lucia Sanus.

Abtsract.  Let $n$ be a non-negative integer, and define $D_n$ to be the family of all finite groups having precisely $n$ conjugacy classes of non-trivial subgroups that are not self-normalizing. We are interested in studying the behaviour of $D_n$ and its interplay with solvability and nilpotency. We first show that if $G$ belongs to $D_n$ with $n \le 3$, then G is solvable of derived length $3$. We also mention that $A_5$ lies in $D_4$. For a group $G$, we define $D(G)$ to be the number of conjugacy classes of subgroups that are not self-normalizing. We determine the relationship between $D(H \times K)$ and $D (H)$ and $D(K)$. We show that if $G$ is nilpotent and lies in $D_n$, then $G$ has nilpotence class at most $n/2$ and its derived length is as most $log_2 (n/2) + 1$. We consider $D_n$ for several classes of Frobenius groups, and we use this classification to classify the groups in $D_0$,> $D_1$, $D_2$, and $D_3$. Finally, we show that if $G$ is solvable and lies in $D_n$ with $n \ge 3$, then $G$ has derived length at most the> minimum of $n-1$ and $3 log_2 (n+1) + 9$.

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September 17, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg (= 2 p. m. by Moscow)

Speaker: Sergey Gorchinskiy (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)

Topic: Lambda-structure and power structure on Grothendieck rings of varietieswith finite group action

The talk is based on a common work with Danila Demin.

Abstract. The talk is based on a common work with Danila Demin.There are various natural structures on commutative rings that are givenby a collection of operations. A well-known example is alambda-structure: a collection of maps $\lambda_i:A\to A$, $i\geqslant1$, on a ring $A$ such that$\lambda_1=id$, $\lambda_n(a+b)=\sum_{i+j=n}\lambda_i(a)\lambda_j(b)$. Another example is given by a power structure introduced by S.M.Gusein-Zade, I. Luengo, and A. Melle-Hernández. Each lambda-structuresdefines a power structure. We provide a new formula for power structuresin terms of the combinatorics of rooted trees.In algebraic geometry, one studies the Grothendieck ring of varietiesand its various versions including the Grothendieck ring of varietieswith finite group actions. There are natural lambda-structures on thesering defined in terms of symmetric powers and there is a naturalhomomorphism between these two rings. It is easily seen that thehomomorphism does not commute with the lammbda-structures. The treeformula above allows one to prove that this homomorphism commutes withthe power structures defined by the lambda-structures on theGrothendieck rings. As an application, we find a stregthening (includinga new proof) of Galkin-Shinder conjecture on a relation between themotivic and categorical zeta-functions of varieties.
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September 3, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg (= 7 p. m. by Perth)

Speaker: Cheryl E. Praeger (The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)

Topic: Simple group orders and prime-power-covering subgroups

Abstract. In 1992 Laci Pyber showed that the order of a nonabelian simple group $T$ is bounded above by $c^{f(m)}$ where $c$ is a positive constant, $m$ is the number of $Aut(T)$-classes in $T$ and $f(m)=(\log m)^2\cdot \log\log m$. In 1994 I used this result to attack a conjecture about covering subgroups of a finite group $G$, that is a proper subgroup $U$ of $G$ containing a representative of each $Aut(G)$-class of elements of $G$. The conjecture is that $|G:U|$ is bounded above by a function of $|Out(G)|$, and has a number theoretic interpretation for Kronecker classes of algebraic number fields. Using Pyber’s result I was able to prove this in the case where $U$ is maximal in $G$. Michael Giudici, Luke Morgan and I have just succeeded to prove a stronger form of this conjecture (related to relative Brauer groups of algebraic number fields) for maximal subgroups $U$ of $G$: namely, if $U$ contains a representative of each $Aut(G)$-class of elements of $G$ of prime power order, then $|G:U|$ is bounded by a function of $|Out(G)|$. To do this we proved a 30 year old conjecture for nonabelian simple groups $T$ (a strong version of Pyber’s result): there is a function $f$ such that $ |T|\leq f(m)$ where, for all primes $p$, the number of $Aut(T)$-classes of $p$-elements contained in $T$ is at most $m$.This talk has been postponed from 2023 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics by a technical reason.
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June 4, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Saveliy Skresanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: A generalization of the Brauer-Fowler theorem

Abstract. The famous Brauer-Fowler theorem states that the order of a finite simple group can be bounded in terms of the order of the centralizer of an involution. Strunkov conjectured that the order of a finite simple group can be bounded in terms of the number of involutions in the centralizer of an involution. In this talk we will present a (short) proof of this conjecture in a more general case of locally finite simple groups, and will discuss some related questions about periodic groups.
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May 21, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)

Topic: Locally amorphic distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs

Abstract. We show that amorphic pseudocyclic association schemes of class 2^k on n vertices can be used to construct distance-regular antipodal 2^k-covers of the complete graph with n+1 vertices. The special case k=1 corresponds to the (particular instance of) construction of Taylor graphs from strongly regular graphs with Latin square parameters. The resulting graphs in general are in the class of certain antipodal distance-regular graphs of diameter 3 which are equivalent to some group divisible designs, and the graphs are also considered as divisible design graphs. The proof is done by giving symmetric arc functions taking values on the elementary abelian group of order 2^k. This talk is based on joint work with Jesse Lansdown.
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May 14, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gareth Jones (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)

Topic: p-complements, permutation groups and number theory conjectures

Abstract. This talk concerns joint work with Sezgin Sezer. Extending earlier work of Guralnick and of Cai and Zhang, we classify the almost simple groups which have transitive permutation representations of prime power degree $p^k$, and those which have $p$-complements (stabilisers of order coprime to $p$ in such representations). We deduce that every primitive permutation group of prime power degree has a regular subgroup, and that any two faithful primitive representations of a group, of the same prime power degree, are equivalent under automorphisms. In general, $p$-complements in a finite group can be inequivalent under automorphisms, or even non-isomorphic. We extend examples of such phenomena due to Buturlakin, Revin and Nesterov by showing that the number of inequivalent classes of complements can be arbitrarily large. Questions concerning the existence of prime power representations and $p$ complements in groups with socle ${\rm PSL}_d(q)$ are related to some difficult open problems in Number Theory. 
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April 23, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Long Miao  (Hohai University, Nanjing, China)

Topic: Some new progress on the second maximal subgroups of  finite groups

Abstract. In this talk, we will introduce some new properties of subgroups and use these properties to consider the influence of second maximal subgroups on the structure of finite groups. Particularly, we obtained a new characterization of some special class of nonsolvable groups.

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March 26, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Ilya Gorshkov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: The structure of finite groups with restrictions on conjugate graph

Abstract. Consider a finite group $G$. For $g\in G$, denote by $g^G$ the conjugacy class of $G$ containing $g$, and by $|g^G|$ the size of $g^G$. Let $N(G)$ be the set of conjugacy class sizes of $G$ excluding $1$. We can define a graph structure on the set $N(G)$ in many ways. In [I. Gorshkov, Towards Thompson's conjecture for alternating and symmetric groups. J. Group Theory 19:2 (2016), 331--336] the conjugate graph $\Gamma(G)$ of a finite group $G$ was introduced. The set of vertices of the graph $\Gamma(G)$ is $N(G)\setminus \{1\}$, the vertices $a$ and $b$ are connected by an oriented edge from $a$ to $b$ if $a$ divides $b$ and $N(G)$ does not contain a number $d\neq a,b$ such that $a$ divides $d$ and $d$ divides $b$. In the talk we will discuss results on groups with restrictions on the conjugate graph.
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March 12,2024

Time: 12:00 by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Marston Conder (University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)

Topic: Some observations about normal quotients of symmetric graphs

Abstract. In her abstract for a talk at the (online) Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics in August 2023, Cheryl Praeger mentioned a suggestion made by Caiheng Li in a 2001 paper (in the Bulletin of the London Math. Society) that `non-basic' $2$-arc-transitive graphs of prime-power order that occur as normal covers of smaller $2$-arc-transitive graphs might be rare and difficult to construct. This seemed suspicious to me, so I set myself the challenge of finding examples. That turned out to be remarkably easy. In this talk I'll briefly explain what is meant by $s$-arc-transitivity, normal quotients and normal covers, and then describe three infinite families of graphs that refute Caiheng's suggestion. One obvious family is that of the cycles of proper prime-power order $q>7$. Another is the (infinite) family of all $2$-arc-regular $3$-valent graphs of $2$-power-order that admit arc-reversing automorphisms of order $2$. The third is the family of all $n$-cube graphs $Q_n$ for even $n>2$. Also I'll explain how the family of $n$-cube graphs $Q_n$ for odd $n > 3$ contradicts one of the main theorems in Caiheng's 2001 paper.

Some of this is joint work with Primo{\v z} Poto{\v c}nik (Ljubljana)
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February 27, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Marta Morigi (Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy)

Topic: The commuting probability for the Sylow subgroups of finite and profinite groups

Abstract can be found here.
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February 13, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Tatsuro Ito (Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan and Anhui University, Hefei, China)

Topic: Modular T-algebras of trees

Abstract can be found here.
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January 30, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexander Makhnev (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: On $AT4$-graphs, Shilla graphs, and distance-regular graphs of degree 44

Abtsract. Intersection arrays of $AT4$-graphs with $q\le 4$ and Shilla graphs with $b=6$ were enumerated. We prove that some Shilla graphs with $b\le 6$ such that $c_2$ does not divide $b_2$ do not exist. There are 7 feasible intersection arrays of distance-regular graphs of degree 44. We prove distance-regular graphs with 5 of these arrays do not exist.

Time: 5 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Maxim Mornev (EPFL SB MATH TN, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Topic: Local monodromy of Drinfeld modules

Abtsract. Compared with algebraic varieties the local monodromy of Drinfeld modules appears to be hopelessly complex: The image of the wild inertia subgroup under Tate module representations is generally infinite. Nonetheless I have recently discovered that Tate modules of Drinfeld modules are ramified in a limited way: The image of a sufficiently deep ramification subgroup is trivial. I plan to discuss this theorem and related results including ones from a forthcoming article with Pink. The talk is aimed at a general audience.
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December 19, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Jack Koolen (School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China)

Topic: Distance-regular graphs whose $q$-distance matrix has exactly one positive eigenvalue

Abstract. The $q$ distance matrix $D_q$ of a connected graph is defined by $(D_q)_{xy} = 1 + \frac{1}{q} + \cdots + \frac{1}{q^{d-1}}$ when $d(x, y) = d \geq 1$ and 0 otherwise. 

In this talk we study this matrix for the class of distance-regular and show that if it has only one positive eigenvalue it must have certain nice properties. I also show that this happens for many infinite families of distance-regular graphs. 

This is based on joint work with Sakander Hayat, Mamonn Abdullah and Brhane Gebremichel. 

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December 5, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Elena V. Konstantinova (China Three Gorges Mathematical Research Center, CTGU, Yichang, China, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: Revisiting the sequence reconstruction problem

Abstract can be found here.

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June 6, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

A series of three contributed talks. 

4 p.m. Viachaslau Murashka (Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus), On the question of T. Hawkes and arithmetic graphs of finite groups

4:30 p.m. Ruslan Skuratovsky (...), Permutational wreath product of symmetric groups and its normal subgroups

5 p.m. Boris Durakov (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia), On infinite groups with involutions saturated with finite Frobenius groups

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May 23, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gülin Ercan (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey) 

Topic: Noncoprime fixed point free action of a nilpotent group 

Abstract can be found here.

The slides can be found  here. 
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April 25, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Long Miao  (Hohai University, Nanjing, China)

Topic: Finite groups with non-nilpotent maximal subgroups of even order

Abstract. Starting from the p-solvable groups, some new class of nonsolvable groups are given through commutator subgroups and Frattini subgroups of Sylow subgroups of the chief factors. And some new information about nonsolvable groups is obtained by characterizing them with second maximal subgroups from non-nilpotent maximal subgroups of even order.

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April 11, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Sergey Gorchinskiy (Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Topic: Height pairing for points on surfaces

Abstract. The famous Abel-Jacobi theorem describes an algebraic condition for the vanishing of integrals of holomorphic forms along paths on a Riemann surface, i.e., on a complex curve. We will recall this and describe what problems occur for complex surfaces. This leads to an invariant of a surface - a certain abelian group, which is one of key objects in algebraic geometry related to algebraic cycles. The main result of the talk consists in an explicit construction of non-zero elements in this group based on a new pairing between points on surfaces, which generalizes the height pairing for points on curves. This is a joined work with Dmitri Krekov.

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March 28, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Long Miao  (Hohai University, Nanjing, China)

Topic: Finite groups with non-nilpotent maximal subgroups of even order

Abstract. Starting from the p-solvable groups, some new class of nonsolvable groups are given through commutator subgroups and Frattini subgroups of Sylow subgroups of the chief factors. And some new information about nonsolvable groups is obtained by characterizing them with second maximal subgroups from non-nilpotent maximal subgroups of even order.

The talk is postponed to April 25 by a technical reason.

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March 14, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Cristina Acciarri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and University of Brasilia, Brazil)

Topic: On profinite groups with restricted centralizers of $\pi$-elements

Abstract. A group $G$ is said to have restricted centralizers if for each $g$ in $G$ the centralizer $C_G(g)$ either is finite or has finite index in $G$. This notion was introduced by A. Shalev, who proved that a profinite group in which all centralizers are restricted is virtually abelian, that is, has an abelian subgroup of finite index. In this talk we will consider a much more general situation, where the restrictedness condition is imposed only on $\pi$-elements of a profinite group $G$, for an arbitrary set of primes $\pi$.
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February 28, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Bernardo Rodrigues (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)

Topic: 2-modular representations of the Conway simple groups as binary codes

Abstract can be found here.

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Olga Dashkova (MSU Branch in Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russia) Ranks of a group

5:25 p.m. Irina Sokhor (Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus) Finite groups with formational subnormal subgroups of bounded exponent

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February 14, 2023

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexey Galt (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: On splitting of the normalizer of a maximal torus in groups of Lie type

Abstract can be found here.
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December 20, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Jin Guo (Hainan University, Hainan, China)

Topic: Nonsimple collections of cells whose polyomino ideals are prime

Abstract can be found here. 

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December 6, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Carmine Monetta (Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy)

Topic: Graphs encoding the structure of a finite group

Abstract can be found here

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Viktor Panshin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia) On characterization by Gruenberg-Kegel graph of finite simple exceptional groups of Lie type

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November 22, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Ilya Gorshkov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: The structure of finite groups with restrictions on the set of conjugacy classes

Abstract can be found here.

The slides can be found  here. 

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November 8, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexander Makhnev (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: Classification strongly regular graphs with \lambda=0 and \mu=2

This is joint work with Mikhail Golubyatnikov

Abtsract. There is a potentially infinite series of intersection arrays of distance-regular graphs \Gamma=\Gamma(a,\mu) of diameter 5: (b + \mu, b + \mu -1, b, \mu,1; 1, \mu, b, b+\mu-1, b+\mu), where b=b_2(\Gamma) = (a^2-1)\mu/4. Antipodal quotient of \Gamma is a strongly regular graph with parameters ((a^2\mu + 2a - \mu + 6)(a^2\mu - 2a - \mu + 6)\mu)/16, (a^2 - 1)\mu^2/4 + \mu, 0, \mu). Thus, only in the case \mu \in \{2, 4, 6\} we have an infinite series of intersection arrays of \Gamma. In this talk, we prove that a distance-regular graph with \mu=2 and intersection array (a^2+1, a^2, a^2-1, 2, 1; 1, 2, a^2-1, a^2, a^2+1) exists only if a \in \{2, 3\}. In particular, a strongly regular graph with parameters ((a^4+3a^2+4)/2, a^2+1, 0, 2) does not exist for a>3.

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October 25, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Mercede Maj (Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Salerno, Fisciano (Salerno), Italy)

Topic: Detecting properties of a finite group through the study of somefunctions on element orders

Abstract can be found here.

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October 11, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Michael Khachay (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: Towards a polynomial time approximation of a symmetric routing problems within fixed ratios

Abstract. In this talk, we will discuss the first fixed-ratio polynomial time approximation algorithms are proposed for a series of asymmetric routing combinatorial optimization problems including the Steiner Cycle Problem (SCP), Rural Postman Problem (RPP), Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Unsplittable Customer Demands (CVRP-UCD), and Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem (PCTSP). 
The presented results are shared the common property, all of them rely on polynomial-timel cost-preserving reduction to appropriate settings of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) and the seminal (22+ε)-approximation algorithm for this classical problem proposed by O. Svensson and V. Traub in 2019.
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June 7, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gang Chen (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)

Topic: Schur rings over some classes of groups

Abstract. An Schur ring A over a group G is called a traditional Schur ring if it is either a discrete Schur ring, a trivial Schur ring, a Schur ring of tensor product type, an orbit Schur ring, or a Schur ring of wedge product type. A group is called traditional if any Schur ring over it is traditional. Let $Z$ denote the infinite cyclic group of the set of integers with respect to addition of numbers. In this talk, it is proved that $Z \times Z_p$ is traditional, where $p$ is a prime with $p \le 13$; neither $Z \times Z$ nor $Z \times Z_2 \times Z_2$ is traditional. Finallly, Schur rings over alternating group on five letters which contain the set of 3-cycles as an S-set are classfied.

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Ivan Timofeenko (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia), Generation of the Chevalley groups $E_l$ over the ring of integers by three involutions two of which commute

5:25 p.m. Yinfeng Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China; Imperial College London, London, UK), Automata with an almost constant rank property on words
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May 24, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

A series of five contributed talks. The speakers are presented in the alphabet ordering.

4 p.m. Boris Durakov (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) On periodic groups of 2-rank one 

4:25 p.m. Andrei Kukharev (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Simple groups with Brauer trees of principal blocks in the shape of a star

4:50 p.m. Nikolai Minigulov (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia) On finite groups which Gruenberg-Kegel graphs are isomorphic to the paw

5:15 p.m. Dmitry Panasenko (Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia) Vertex connectivity of some classes of divisible design graphs

5:40 p.m. Ruslan Skuratovsky (...) Verbal width by set of squares in alternating group A_n and Mathieu groups, squareness criterions in the group in PSL_2(F_p) and SL_2(F_p)
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April 26, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Yaokun Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China)

Topic: Hurwitz primitivity and \v{C}ern\'{y} function

Abstract. For each positive integer $m$, we use $[m]$ for the set of first $m$ positive integers. Let $\mathcal{A} = (A_1, \ldots, A_m)$ be an $m$-tuple of nonnegative $n\times n$ matrices. For each word $\alpha$ over $[m]$, say $\alpha=\alpha_1\cdots \alpha_s$, we write $\mathcal{A}_{\alpha}$ for the product $A_{\alpha_1}\cdots A_{\alpha_s} $. We call $\mathcal{A}$ primitive if $\mathcal{A}_{\alpha} > 0$ for a nonempty word $\alpha$ over $[m]$. We call $\mathcal{A}$ Hurwitz primitive provided there exists a nonnegative  integer vector $\tau=(\tau(1),\ldots,\tau(m))$ such that  for each $x,y\in [n]$ there exists a nonempty word $\alpha^{x,y}$ over $[m]$ such that $\mathcal{A}_{\alpha^{x,y}}(x,y)>0$ and the number of occurrence of $i$ in $\alpha^{x,y}$ is $\tau(i)$ for each $i \in [m]$. The $m$-tuple $\tau$ satisfying the above property is named a Hurwitz primitive vector of $\mathcal{A}$.

Let $\mathsf{NZ}_1$ denote the set of nonnegative matrices without zero rows and let $\mathsf{NZ}_2$ denote the set of nonnegative matrices without zero rows/columns. We give a unified combinatorial proof for the Protasov-Vonyov characterization (2012) of primitive $\mathsf{NZ}_2$-matrix tuples and the Protasov characterization (2013) of Hurwitz primitive $\mathsf{NZ}_1$-matrix tuples. By establishing a connection with synchronizing automata, for any Hurwitz primitive $m$-tuple $\mathcal{A}$ of $n\times n$  $\mathsf{NZ}_1$-matrices we give an  $O(n^3m^2)$-time algorithm to find a Hurwitz primitive vector $\tau$ of $\mathcal{A}$ such that $\sum_{i\in [m]}\tau (i) = O(n^3)$. For any given $m$-tuple of $n\times n$ $\mathsf{NZ}_2$-matrices, we present an $O(n^2m)$-time algorithm to test whether or not it is primitive. We also report results on ergodic and Hurwitz ergodic matrix tuples.

This talk is based on a joint paper with Yinfeng Zhu, the current version of which can be found here.

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Viktor Panshin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia) On recognition of $A_6 \times A_6$ by the set of conjugacy class sizes 

5:25 p.m. Mikhail Golubiatnikov (Krasovskii Institute of Mathenatics and Mechanics UB RAS ans Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia) Deza graphs related to intersections of conjugate subgroups in groups SL2(q)s 

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April 12, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Fedor Dudkin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: Recent results on generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups

Abstract. A finitely generated group G acting on a tree with all vertex and edge stabilizers are infinite cyclic groups is called a generalized Baumslag–Solitar group (GBS-group). These groups turned out to be of interest because of their geometric, algorithmic, and group-theoretic properties. They have been actively studied during the last twenty years. Our goal is to tell about some recent results on GBS groups: outer automorphism group, description of the centralizer dimension, the problem of universal equivalence, K-residuality, connection with knot groups. Some open problems will be discussed at the end of the talk.

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Dmitry Churikov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) The minimal size of a generating set for primitive 3/2-transitive groups

5:25 p.m. Boris Durakov (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) On infinite groups saturated with finite Frobenius groups of even orders
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March 29, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Grigory Ryabov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: On Cayley representations of central Cayley graphs over almost simple groups

Joint work with J. Guo, W. Guo, and A. Vasil'ev
Abstract. A Cayley graph over a group $G$ is said to be central if its connection set is a normal subset of $G$. We prove that every central Cayley graph over a simple group $G$ has at most two pairwise nonequivalent Cayley representations over $G$ associated with the subgroups of $Sym(G)$ induced by left and right multiplications of $G$. We also provide an algorithm which, given a central Cayley graph $\Gamma$ over an almost simple group $G$ whose socle is of a bounded index, finds the full set of pairwise nonequivalent Cayley representations of $\Gamma$ over $G$ in time polynomial in size of $G$
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March 15, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Cheryl E. Praeger (The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)

Topic: Graphs with a symmetrical Euler cycle

Joint work with: Jiyong Chen, Cai Heng Li, and Shu-Jiao Song

Abstract. This work was motivated by our wish to understand arc-transitive embeddings of graphs in surfaces, where the graphs might have more than one edge between adjacent vertices. So the graphs should be undirected, of finite valency with no loops, and admitting a subgroup of automorphisms which is transitive on arcs (incident vertex-edge pairs). Apart from some degenerate cases, the boundary of a face in such an embedding is a sequence of pairwise distinct edges which form a cycle in the graph, and the stabiliser of this cycle admits a cyclic group of automorphisms which is either regular or bi-regular on edges. Such a cycle is called a symmetrical Euler cycle of its edge-induced subgraph. We were curious: what kinds of graphs (with multiple edges allowed) admit a sequencing of all their edges into a symmetrical Euler cycle? And secondly (but this is a bit beyond the lecture), what kinds of symmetrical Euler cycles arise in arc-transitive maps? Answering the first question involved developing a group theoretic model for edge-transitive graphs. It was the basic tool (though not sufficient) we used to classify all graphs with a symmetrical Euler cycle.

Contributed talks:

5 p.m. Alexey S. Vasil'ev (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) Relatively maximal odd-index subgroups of symmetric groups

5:25 p.m. Artem Kravchuk (Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia) Spectrum of the Transposition graph

5:50 p.m. Ruslan Skuratovsky (...) Normal subgroups of iterated wreath products of symmetric groups and alternating with symmetric groups
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February 15, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexander Makhnev (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: On distance-regular graphs $\Gamma$ of diameter 3 such that $\Gamma_3$ is strongly regular

Abstract. If $\Gamma$ is a simple graph, then define $\Gamma_3$ to be a graph with the same vertex set as $\Gamma$ in which two different vertices are adjacent if and only if they are at distance $3$ in $\Gamma$. 
If $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph with the second large eigenvalue $\theta_2=-1$, then the complement to $\Gamma_3$ is a pseudo-geometric graph for $pG_{c_3}(k,b_1/c_2)$ (Makhnev-Nirova).
We investigate distance-regular graphs $\Gamma$ for which the complement to $\Gamma_3$ are pseudo-geometric for:
1) a net $pG_{t}(s,t)$ (Makhnev-Guo-Golubyatnikov); 
2) a dual $2$-disign $pG_{t+1}(s,t)$ (Belousov-Makhnev); 
3) a generalized quadrangle (Makhnev-Nirova).
Moreover, we investigate distance-regular graphs $\Gamma$ with $\Gamma_3$ strongly regular without triangles (Belousov-Makhnev-Paduchikh).

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February 1, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Vladislav Kabanov (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Topic: New construction of strongly regular graphs with parameters of symplectic graphs 

Abstract. A. Abiad and W.H. Haemers in [1] used Godsil-McKay switching to obtain strongly regular graphs with the same parameters as Sp(2d,2) for all d at least 3.
F. Ihringer in [2] provided a general construction of strongly regular graphs from the collinearity graph of a finite classical polar spaces of rank at least 3 over a finite field of order q. Recently, A.E. Brouwer, F. Ihringer and W.M. Kantor in [3] described a switching operation on collinearity graphs of polar spaces to obtain graphs that satisfy the 4-vertex condition if the original graph belongs to a symplectic polar space.

In this talk we present new construction of strongly regular graphs with parameters of the complement of symplectic graphs. For our construction, we use new construction of divisible design graphs and  do not use any switching. 

[1] A. Abiad and W.H. Haemers, Switched symplectic graphs and their 2-ranks, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 81 (2016) 35-41.
[2] F. Ihringer, A switching for all strongly regular collinearity graphs from polar spaces, J. Algebr. Comb., 46 (2017) 263-274. 
[3] A. E. Brouwer, F. Ihringer, W. M. Kantor, Strongly regular graphs satisfying the 4-vertex condition,  arXiv:2107.00076v1 [math.CO]
[4] W. H. Haemers, H. Kharaghani, M. Meulenberg, Divisible design graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory A, 118 (2011) 978-992.
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January 25, 2022

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Rosemary A. Bailey (University of St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Diagonal structures and beyond

Abstract.  Diagonal structures have been used in group theory since the mid-twentieth century. Recent work uses them in various combinatorial contexts, including Latin squares, Hamming graphs, folded cubes, and other graphs. All of these depend on the theory of the partial order on partitions of the same set, so the first part of this talk describes this theory. The second part tells the story of some statisticians who developed part of this theory, not always using the words "partition" or "partial order", and not usually talking to pure mathematicians. The next two parts describe diagonal semi-lattices and diagonal graphs. The final section generalizes both of these in a way analogous to generalizing a Latin square to a set of mutually orthogonal Latin squares.
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December 21, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Long Miao  (Hohai University, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China)

Topic: Some new ideas on the class of nonsolvable groups

Abstract. Starting from the p-solvable groups, some new class of nonsolvable groups are given through the chief factors of Sylow subgroups, commutator subgroups and Frattini subgroups of some nonsolvable groups. And some new information about nonsolvable groups is obtained by characterizing them with second maximal subgroups.

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December 7, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Vladimir Trofimov (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, and Ural Federal University, Yeketerinburg, Russia)

Topic: Symmetrical extensions of graphs

Abstract. A connected graph $\Sigma$ is a symmetrical extention of a graph $\Gamma$ by a graph $\Delta$ if there are a vertex-transitive group $G$ of autumorphisms of $\Sigma$ and imprirmitivity system $\Sigma$ of $G$ on the vertex set of $\Sigma$ such that the quotient graph $\Sigma/\sigma$ is isomorphic to $\Gamma$ and blocks of $\sigma$ generate in $\Sigma$subgraphs isomorphic to $\Delta$. Symmetrical extensions of graphs are of interest for group theory, graph theory, topology, but also for crystallography and physics. In the talk the following question is discussed. Let $\Gamma$ be an infinite locally finite graph and $\Delta$ be a finite graph. Are there only finitely many (pairwise non-isomorphic) symmetrical extensions of $\Gamma$ by $\Delta$?Although in gene ral the question is answered in the negative, in some important cases of$\ Gamma$ and $\Delta$ the answer to the question is positive.
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November 23, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Peter J. Cameron  (University of St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Generalizing EPPO groups by means of graphs

Abstract. EPPO groups are finite groups in which all elements have prime power order. They were introduced by Higman in the 1950s, and the simple EPPO groups found by Suzuki in the 1960s, but the complete classification is more recent. There are two characterizations of EPPO groups in terms of graphs: they are the groups whose Gruenberg-Kegel graph has no edges, and also groups whose power graph and enhanced power graph coincide. Based on these and similar ideas, I propose several problems involving classes of groups widere than EPPO groups, and give a few preliminary results.

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November 9, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Anatoly Kondrat'ev (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Ural Federal University, and Ural Mathematical Center, Yeketerinburg, Russia)

Topic: On finite groups with given properties of Gruenberg-Kegel graphs.

Abstract. The Gruenberg-Kegel graph (or the prime graph) of a finite group G is a (labelled) graph in which the vertices are the prime divisors of the order of G, and two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent in this graph if and only if G contains an element of order pq. This graph is a fundamental arithmetical invariant of a finite group which have numerous applications. This talk is devoted to some problems and results on the study of finite groups with given properties of their Gruenberg-Kegel graphs.
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October 26, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Jinbao Li (Department of Mathematics, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, China)

Topic: On weaker quantitative characterization of finite nonabelian simple groups.

Abstract. In the past forty years, several kinds of quantitative characterizations of finite groups especially finite simple groups have been investigated by many mathematicians, such as quantitative characterizations by group order and element orders, by element orders alone, by the set of sizes of conjugacyclasses, by dimensions of irreducible characters, by the set of orders of maximal abelian subgroups. In this talk, we will introduce some weaker quantitative characterizations of finite nonabeliansimple groups by their orders together with some special quantitative properties such as the largestelement orders, the largest conjugacy class sizes and the number of prime-order elements.
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October 12, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Andrei Mamontov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: On periodic groups with a given spectrum.

Abstract. The spectrum of a periodic group is the set of its element order. A periodic group is called a group with a dense spectrum, or $OC_n$-group, if its spectrum consists of all integers from 1 to some fixed number $n$. In the talk we discuss periodic $OC_n$-groups ($n\leq 7$). 
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September 28, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Valeriy G. Bardakov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: Quandles: Algebraic theory and applications

Abstract. Quandle is a non-empty set with one binary algebraic operations which satisfies to three axioms. At first they arrive in Knot Theory, but now Quandle Theory is a part of Abstract algebra like Group Theory or Ring Theory.  On my talk I give a definition and examples of  quandles, explain their connection with groups, give a geometric interpretation of quandles, describe some interesting classes of quandles. We discuss connection of quandles with Knot Theory and with set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Further I introduce some properties of quandles: residually finiteness, orderability, and formulate  results on quandles which have these properties.
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September 14, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker:  Lev Kazarin (P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia)

Topic: Conjugacy class sizes and factorizations of finite groups 

Abstract. The aim of the talk is to give a short survey concerning recent progress in the study of groups with factorizations and its relation with the structure of groups with an information on the sizes of a conjugacy classes of groups.
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June 8, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexandre Zalesskii (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)

Topic: Recent results on the eigenvalue 1 problem for representations offinite groups of Lie type

Abstract. In this talk I shall discuss some aspects of the problem of determining unisingular iredicible representations of finite simple groups of Lie type over fields of describing characteristic. Some recent results will be exposed and commented. A representation $\phi$ of a group $G$ is called unisingular if 1 is an eigenvalue of $\phi(g)$ for every $g\in G$.
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May 25, 2021

Time: 2 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gareth Jones (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)

Topic: Paley, Carlitz and the Paley graphs

Abstract. Anyone who seriously studies algebraic graph theory or finite permutation groups will, sooner or later, come across the Paley graphs and their automorphism groups. The most frequently cited sources for these are respectively Paley's 1933 paper for their discovery, and Carlitz's 1960 paper for their automorphism groups. It is remarkable that neither of those papers uses the concepts of graphs, groups or automorphisms. Indeed, one cannot find these three terms, or any synonyms for them, in those papers: Paley's paper is entirely about the construction of what are now called Hadamard matrices, while Carlitz's is entirely about permutations of finite fields.

The aim of this talk is to explain how this strange situation came about, by describing the background to these two papers and how they became associated with the Paley graphs. This involves links with other branches of mathematics, such as matrices, number theory, block designs, coding theory, finite geometry, polytopes and group theory, reaching back to 1509, with important contributions from Coxeter and Todd, Sachs, and Erd\H os and R\'enyi. I will also briefly cover some recent developments concerning surface embeddings of Paley graphs. A preprint is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.00285.
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May 11, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Binzhou Xia (The University of Melbourne)

Topic: Constructing tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs

Abstract. Half-arc-transitive graphs are a fascinating topic, which connects graph theory, Riemann surfaces and group theory. Although fruitful results have been obtained over the last half a century, it is still challenging to construct half-arc-transitive graphs with prescribed vertex stabilizers. In this talk, I'll focus on the tetravalent case, giving new constructions of half-arc-transitive graphs with various vertex stabilizers. This sheds light on the larger problem of which groups can be the vertex stabilizer of a tetravalent half-arc-transitive graph.

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April 27, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Jack Koolen (The University Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China)

Topic: Improving Neumaier's Theorem on strongly regular graphs

Abstract. In this talk I will discuss a Theorem of Neumaier and some recent improvements.

This is based on joint work with Gary Greaves and Jongyook Park.

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April 13, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Stephen Glasby (The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)

Topic: Recognizing classical groups

Abstract. Dr Who has been captured by the evil Celestial Toymaker. In order
to be released, Dr Who must recognize a large (finite) classical group G
(known only to the Toymaker) in under 5 minutes. The elements of G are
encoded as strings of 0s and 1s, and so are not familiar dxd matrices
over GF(q) preserving a certain non-degenerate form. Dr Who is allowed to
1. choose random elements,
2. multiply elements,
3. invert elements, and
4. test the order of elements of G,
in order to (constructively and quickly) recognize G.

I shall first explain why the Toymaker's problem is central to computational
group theory, and why a quick solution is highly desirable.  In so
doing, we will briefly review some key ideas for matrix group recognition
before reducing the Toymaker's problem to the following geometric problem.
Given two (small-dimensional) non-degenerate subspaces U, U' of a
symplectic/unitary/orthogonal space V, what is the probability that
the subspace U + U' is non-degenerate and of dimension dim(U) + dim(U')?
(The sum U + U' is usually not perpendicular.)

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March 30, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Alexander Buturlakin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Topic: Structure of locally finite groups and some classes of subgroups

Abstract. We study the interplay between the structure of a locally finite group and some properties of its subgroups. Three classes of subgroups are considered: centralizers, cyclic subgroups, and Hall subgroups. We describe the structure of a locally finite group in which the lengths of chains of nested centralizers are finite and uniformly bounded. We finish a description of the spectra (the sets of orders of elements) of all finite simple groups and study the algorithmic aspect of the problem of recognition of finite simple groups by their spectra. Finally, we give a criteria for the existence of a solvable Hall subgroup in a finite group.
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March 16, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Pablo Spiga (Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Topic: A generalization of Sims conjecture for finite primitive groups and two point stabilizers

Abstract. In this talk we first discuss the classic Sims' conjecture on finite primitive groups. Then, we propose a refinement of Sims conjecture and we present some modest progress towards the proof of this refinement.

By analysing this refinement, when dealing with primitive groups of diagonal type, we construct a finite primitive group G on X and two distinct points x,y in X with G_x\cap G_y normal in G_x and G_x\cap G_y \ne 1, where G_x and G_y are the stabilizers of x and y in G. In particular, this example gives an answer to a question raised independently by Peter Cameron and by Anatily Fomin.
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March 9, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Ilia Ponomarenko (St.Petersburg Department of V.A.Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS, St.Petersburg, Russia)

Topic: The 3-closure of a solvable permutation group is solvable

Based on joint work with E.A. O'Brien, A.V. Vasil'ev, and E.P. Vdovin

Abstract. Let m be a positive integer and let V be a finite set. The m-closure of G<Sym(V)is the largest permutation group on V having the same orbits as G in itsinduced action on the Cartesian product V^m. The 1-closure and 2-closure of asolvable permutation group need not be solvable. We prove that the m-closureof a solvable permutation group is always solvable for m>2.
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February 16, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)

Topic: Maximality of Seidel matrices and switching roots of graphs

Abstract. In this talk, we discuss maximality of Seidel matrices with a fixed largest eigenvalue and fixed rank. We present a classification of maximal Seidel matrices of largest eigenvalue 3, which gives a classification of maximal equiangular lines in a Euclidean space with angle arccos(1/3). This may sound like a problem which has already been completed in 1970's by Seidel and others. However, maximality of equiangular lines with a fixed rank seems to be considered only recently. The use of a switching root, newly introduced in our work, facilitates the classification and puts the problem in the context of root systems in a canonical manner. Motivated by the maximality of the exceptional root system E_8, we define strong maximality of a Seidel matrix, and show that every Seidel matrix achieving the absolute bound is strongly maximal. Thus, the Seidel matrix of order 276 coming from the McLaughlin graph is strongly maximal. This is based on joint work with Meng-Yue Cao, Jack H. Koolen and Kiyoto Yoshino.
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February 2, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Gareth Jones (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)

Topic: Primitive permutation groups of prime degree

Abstract. The study of transitive permutation groups of prime degree can be traced back two and a half centuries, through Burnside and Galois, to the work of Lagrange on polynomials of prime degree. It is sometimes asserted that the groups of prime degree are now completely known, as a consequence of the classification of finite simple groups: apart from a few interesting but easily-understood exceptions, there are infinite families of affine, alternating and symmetric groups, together with various projective groups related to $PSL_n(q)$, all acting naturally in those cases when their natural degree is prime. Although true, this assertion ignores an apparently difficult number-theoretic problem, namely whether or not there exist infinitely many primes equal to the natural degree $(q^n-1)/(q-1)$ of $PSL_n(q)$. Such primes are also relevant to alternative versions of Waring's problem. In joint work with Sasha Zvonkin I shall present heuristic arguments and computational evidence to support a conjecture that for each prime $n\ge 3$ there are infinitely many primes of this form, even if one considers only prime values of $q$.
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January 19, 2021

Time: 4 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Cheryl E. Praeger (The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)

Topic: Finite edge-transitive Cayley graphs, quotient graphs and Frattini groups

Joint work with Behnam Khosravi, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

Abstract. The edge-transitivity of a Cayley graph is most easily recognisable if the subgroup of “affine maps” preserving the graph structure is itself edge-transitive. These are the so-called normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs.  Each of them determines a set of quotients which are themselves normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs and are built from a very restricted family of groups (direct products of simple groups). We address the questions: how much information about the original Cayley graph can we retrieve from this set of quotients? And can we ever reconstruct the original Cayley graph from them: if so, then how?

Our answers to these questions involve a type of “relative Frattini subgroup” determined by the Cayley graph, which has similar properties to the Frattini subgroup of a finite group – I’ll discuss this and give some examples. It raises many new questions about Cayley graphs.

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December 22, 2020

Time: 2 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Rosemary A. Bailey (University of St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Some applications of finite group theory in the design of experiments

Abstract. Group theory is used in (at least) two different ways in the design of experiments.

The first is in randomization, the process by which an initial design is turned into the actual layout for the experiment by applying a permutation of the experimental units, chosen at random from a certain group of permutations. Which group? What properties should it have?

The second is in design construction. The set of treatments is identified with a finite Abelian group, and the blocks are all translates of one or more initial blocks. The characters of this group form its dual group: they are the eigenvectors of the matrix that we need to consider to see how good the proposed design is.

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December 8, 2020

Date: December 8, 2020

Time: 2 p.m. by Yekaterinburg

Speaker: Peter J. Cameron  (University of St Andrews, UK)

Topic: Graphs on groups: old and new connections

Abstract. Several graphs defined on the vertex set of a group have been studied. Theseinclude the commuting graph, introduced by Brauer and Fowler in 1955, the powergraph (Kelarev and Quinn 1999) and the enhanced power graph (Aalipour et al.2017). It turns out that there are connections with other topics in grouptheory, including the Gruenberg--Kegel graph and Schur covers, as well asapplications in computational group theory. I will discuss some of thesethings, including the most recent, a graph which lies between the enhancedpower graph and the commuting graph.

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