prof m.c. schraefel, phd,fbcs, ceng, cscs (lower case deliberate). Professor of Computer Science and Human Performance, Fellow, british computer society (FBCS), Research Chair Alumna, Royal Academy of Engineering, Chartered Engineer (CEng), director and founder of the wellthLab for human systems interaction , and current EPSRC Established Career Fellow (news story), in Health Resilience Interactive Technologies
RELATED CURRENT WORK: associate editor, Communications of the ACM and Interacting with Computers; director, Council of Professors and Heads of Computing, UK and UK Computer Research Committee; member, EPSRC Science Engineering and Technology Board.
local recent past roles: Head of Agents Interaction and Complexity Group REF Champion and Deputy Head of Department, Research.
About the wellthLab
Research FOCUS of the lab: #makeNormalBetter for all, @scale -
in particular: how an inbodied interaction framework can help us better align interactive technology design to support lifetime quality of life, from infrastructure to individual.
About inbodied Interaction
This Special Topic on Inbodied Interaction in ACM Interactions Magazine describes various aspects of the approach from Adaptation to Tuning to Discomfort Design.
an example of Tuning is with the in5 or the Inbodied 5 via some early work with Ogilvy, overviewed in the video, below:
Full Time Research Posts and Fully Funded PhD'ship in WELLTH:#makeNormalBetter If work in inbodied interaction design sounds interesting to you, we will be hiring Research Fellows and supporting PhD's. EMAIL [email protected] Please see the wellthLab page on these projects to #makeNormalBetter with us.
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If you'd like a three minute overview video of Human-Systems Interaction Research (and a quick tutorial on how to deadlift and swing a kettlebell):
mc's youtube channel on exploring performance and hci is begin2dig including: 5 tips to help you prepare better for exams