Cast & Crew
Arthur Gosport | Alec McCowen |
Dame Maud Gosport | Ellen Pollock |
Edna Selby | Geraldine McEwan |
Extra | Oliver Bradshaw |
Extra | Maitland Chandler |
Extra | Mary Chilton |
Extra | Linda Gillard |
Extra | Irene Hamilton |
Extra | Robin Langford |
Extra | Audrey Noble |
Extra | Gary Russell |
Extra | Philip Talbot |
First Halberdier | Chris Cregan |
Fred Ingram | Michael Shallard |
George Chudleigh | Leonard Maguire |
Jack Wakefield | Nicky Henson |
Johnny | Peter Bourke |
Joyce Langland | Karina Knight |
Miss Fishlock | Heather Tobias |
Mr Burton | Dallas Cavell |
Muriel Palmer | Kay Adshead |
Policeman | Antony Brown |
Second Halberdier | Graeme Henderson |
Tom Palmer | Anthony Falkingham |
Crew | |
Assistant Production Manager | Susan Usher |
Assistant Stage Manager | Catherine Bailey |
Assistant Stage Manager | Angela Fairclough |
Assistant to the Lighting Designer | Mamoun Hassan |
Deputy Stage Manager | Karen Stone |
Director | Michael Rudman |
Lighting | Brian Ridley |
Photographs | John Haynes |
Production Manager | Rodger Hulley |
Sets and Costumes | Carl Toms |
Sound | Gabby Haynes |
Staff Director | Lizzi Becker |
Stage Manager | Diana Boddington |
Swordplay | Henry Marshall |
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Between Sunderland and the National, the show also performed in Norwich. After finishing at the National, it transferred to The International Arts Festival in Baltimore, USA in 1981
If you have an interesting observation or anecdote about this production that you think others may be interested in, please sign in in order to record it here.