The 4th edition of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference took place on 18-19 June 2019 in Winterthur.

Based on very positive feedback and experience, SwissText 2019 was held again as a two-day event.

As in previous years, one main goal of the conference was to bring together practitioners and researchers based in Switzerland, to give an overview of existing solutions and applications in the domain of text analytics, and to come up with ideas for new and innovative projects. The two days allow for more networking opportunities, and we had again a Swiss Track, where all presentations had a certain “Swissness”-factor.

In addition, we also invited the international scientific community to participate in the conference. In the “classic” Scientific Track, state-of-the-art technical papers could be presented.

Scientific papers are published in the conference proceedings, together with abstracts of the Swiss Track presentations (see Call for Presentations for details).

Text Analytics is used in many commercial and industrial sectors, for instance, for process optimization, decision support, and development of new products and services. Our goal is to bring together practitioners and researchers, to give an overview of existing solutions and technologies, and to come up with ideas for new and innovative projects using automatic text understanding.

In order to achieve these goals, we invited practitioners, analysts, end users, software vendors, researchers, and data scientists to join SwissText 2019, the fourth edition of the conference for text analytics.

The 4th edition of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference took place on 18-19 June 2019 in Winterthur.

Important Dates

3.3.2019  10.3.2019  Submission Deadline (extended

28.1.2019 Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline (Extended)

14.4.2019 Author Notification

30.4.2019 Early Bird Registration End

10.6.2019 Regular Registration End

18-19.6.2019 Conference Days


2.10.2019: Proceedings is online. The proceedings of the conference are available at SwissText 2019 Proceedings.

14.4.2019: The list of accepted presentations is online. Check it out here.

28.2.2019: Submission deadline extended: Submission deadline for presentations and papers was extended by one week, until 10.3.2019 (AOE – anywhere on Earth)

18.2.2019: Submitted Workshops:Information about the workshops that will take place in the conference is already available.

22.1.2019: Workshop Submission deadline extended to 28.1.2019

7.1.2019: Hinrich Schütze will give a keynote. He is Chair of Computational Linguistics at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

2.1.2019: Lisa Gibbs will give a keynote.She is Director of News Partnerships at Associated Press (AP), and responsible for automated content generation.

21.12.2018: Call for Presentations and Workshops is online. Submissions can be made here.

5.12.2018: Mona Diab will give a keynote. She is a professor at George Washington University and Principle Applied Scientist at Amazon.

12.11.2018 Organization of SwissText 2018 starts. The conference will take place at June 18-19, 2019 in Winterthur. Conference Chair is Mark Cieliebak.

Based on by the very positive feedback and experience from last years, SwissText 2019 was held again as a two-day event.

As in previous years, one main goal of the conference was to bring together practitioners and researchers based in Switzerland, to give an overview of existing solutions and applications in the domain of text analytics, and to come up with ideas for new and innovative projects. The two days allow for more networking opportunities, and we had again a Swiss Track, where all presentations had a certain “Swissness”-factor.

In addition, we also invited the international scientific community to participate in the conference. In the “classic” Scientific Track, state-of-the-art technical papers could be presented.

Scientific papers are published in the conference proceedings, together with abstracts of the Swiss Track presentations (see Call for Presentations for details).

Text Analytics is used in many commercial and industrial sectors, for instance, for process optimization, decision support, and development of new products and services. Our goal is to bring together practitioners and researchers, to give an overview of existing solutions and technologies, and to come up with ideas for new and innovative projects using automatic text understanding.

In order to achieve these goals, we invite practitioners, analysts, end users, software vendors, researchers, and data scientists to join SwissText 2019, the fourth edition of the conference for text analytics.

This is the Archive Website of SwissText

The website of this year's SwissText is available at

Important Dates

  • 3.3.201910.3.2019 Submission Deadline (extended)
  • 28.1.2019 Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline
  • 14.4.2019 Author Notification
  • 30.4.2019 Early Bird Registration End
  • 10.6.2019 Regular Registration End
  • 18-19.6.2019 Conference Days


  • 2.10.2019: Proceedings is online. The proceedings of the conference are available at SwissText 2019 Proceedings.
  • 14.4.2019: The list of accepted presentations is online. Check it out here.
  • 28.2.2019: Submission deadline extended: Submission deadline for presentations and papers was extended by one week, until 10.3.2019 (AOE – anywhere on Earth)
  • 18.2.2019: Submitted Workshops: Information about the workshops that will take place in the conference is already available.
  • 22.1.2019: Workshop Submission deadline extended to 28.1.2019
  • 7.1.2019: Hinrich Schütze will give a keynote. He is Chair of Computational Linguistics at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.
  • 2.1.2019: Lisa Gibbs will give a keynote. She is Director of News Partnerships at Associated Press (AP), and responsible for automated content generation.
  • 21.12.2018: Call for Presentations and Workshops is online. Submissions can be made here.
  • 5.12.2018: Mona Diab will give a keynote. She is a professor at George Washington University and Principle Applied Scientist at Amazon.
  • 12.11.2018 Organization of SwissText 2018 starts. The conference will take place at June 18-19, 2019 in Winterthur. Conference Chair is Mark Cieliebak.

Keynote Speakers

Lisa Gibbs, Director of News Partnerships at The Associated Press, AP’s Automation and Artificial Intelligence Strategy Group

Lisa Gibbs is Director of News Partnerships at The Associated Press and the newsroom’s point person on AP’s Automation and Artificial Intelligence Strategy Group. She oversaw AP’s first significant text automation initiative from 2014, which uses automation software to generate roughly 3700 corporate earnings stories every quarter. Current projects span a range of technologies, including image recognition, machine learning for verification of social media and event detection.

Hinrich Schütze, Professor of Computational Linguistics and Director of the Center for Information and Language Processing at LMU Munich

Hinrich Schütze is Professor of Computational Linguistics and Director of the Center for Information and Language Processing at LMU Munich in Germany. Before moving to Munich in 2013, he taught at the University of Stuttgart. He received his PhD in Computational Linguistics from Stanford University in 1995 and worked on natural language processing and information retrieval technology at Xerox PARC, at several Silicon Valley startups and at Google 1995-2004 and 2008/9. He is a coauthor of Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing (with Chris Manning) and Introduction to Information Retrieval (with Chris Manning and Prabhakar Raghavan).

Mona Diab, Full Professor of Computational Linguistics and NLP in the Department of Computer Science at George Washington University.

Mona Diab is Principal Scientist at Amazon AWS AI Deep Learning in Seattle, WA, USA. She is also Professor of Computational Linguistics and NLP in the Department of Computer Science, George Washington University (GW), and founder and Director of the NLP lab CARE4Lang at George Washington University. Her research interests include cross linguistic modelling and multilingual processing, computational lexical semantics, social media processing, information extraction & text analytics, machine translation, resource building, and computational socio-pragmatics. Mona has more than 200 scientific publications and she serves as acting editor for several of the community’s top scientific journals such as TACL and CSL.


SwissText 2019 is a two-­day conference on automatic text analytics. The conference saw keynotes and presentations by distinguished international experts from research and industry, a poster exhibition of recent research results as well as  a demo session with interesting and engaging applications. It was also enriched by tutorials and hands-on workshops targeting a broad audience. Furthermore, proceedings were planed for scientific submissions.

The program committee has decided on the submissions, here is the list of accepted papers.

Follow this link for the schedule for the two days.

You can download as well the whole print program (booklet) (schedule, abstracts of keynote and presentations, etc).


This year we also hosted a Shared Task German Text Summarization Challenge.




Welcome Message
Mark Cieliebak

NLP Activities at Tamedia
Didier Orel, Titus Plattner and Marcel Blattner

Empathic Response Generation in Chatbots
Timo Spring, Jacky Casas, Karl Daher, Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled
University of Bern and HES-SO, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

Neural Text Normalization with Adapted Decoding and POS Features
Tatyana Ruzsics, Massimo Lusetti, Anne Göhring, Tanja Samardzic and Elisabeth Stark
University of Zurich

Text-to-Speech (TTS) for Seven Swiss German Dialects
Christof Traber, Schamai Safra, Bleicke Holm, Dominic Schnyder and Philipp Lichtenberg
SlowSoft GmbH

Customer-driven architecture for a Chatbot
Laura Gander, Antonella Bolt and Ursula Stäuble

Neural Machine Translation for Increased Human Translation Efficiency at Migros Bank
Stephan Wick and Samuel Läubli
Migros Bank AG and TextShuttle AG

Welcome Message 2nd Day
Mark Cieliebak

Your Click Matters: Enhancing Click-based Image Retrieval performance through Collaborative Filtering
Deepanwita Datta, Manajit Chakraborty and Aveek Biswas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Università della Svizzera italiana, University of California San Diego

MedMon: social media analytics for an healthcare application
Fabio Rinaldi, Philipp Kuntschik, Gottowik Jürgen, Mathias Leddin, Raul Rodriguez Esteban, Albert Weichselbraun, Tilia Ellendorff, Nico Colic and Lenz Furrer
University of Zurich, HTW Chur, Roche

PLACAT: A user-friendly question answering system for smart speaker devices
Gabriel Luthier, Andrei Popescu-Belis

Shared Task on German Text Summarization
Dominik Fretel, Lukas Neukom, Manfred Vogel, FHNW

Nikola Nikolov

Pascal Fetch

Shantipriya Parida

Valentin Venzin

Low Resource Scenarios: Challenges and Opportunities
Mona Diab
Amazon / George Washington University

Closing Statement
Mark Cieliebak



SwissText was held on the 18th and 19th of June 2019 in the ZHAW Eulachpassage in Winterthur (same location as last year).
The venue is located in the historic heart of the city, a 5 minutes’ walk from Winterthur main railway station and has a directly attached parking deck.


Address: Building TN at ZHAW Campus Winterthur, Technikumstrasse 71

Directions: Google Maps


Conference Chair: Mark Cieliebak

Organizing Committee: Fernando Benites, Jan Deriu, Don Tuggener, Ada Wan, Andrea Aguilar Ibáñez, Pamela Hunziker, Cornelia Wichser, Manuela Hürlimann, Pius von Dänicken, Annette Zani, Amrita Prasad

The conference was organized by Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and co-organized by the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services. It was supported by the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) and industrial sponsors.

Program Committees

The detailed list can be found here.


Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency
Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services
Please check the Call for Sponsors to see how you could support the SwissText Conference.


Data Science Lab of ZHAW

Bern University of Applied Science
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
HE-Arc Ingénierie
Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Institute of Computational Linguistics

School of Management and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)

School of Engineering
Lucern University of Applied Science and Arts
Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences

Media Coverage

Lorenz Huber was the official videographer during the SwissText Conference.

Cloudia Chen was the official photographer during the SwissText Conference.

More Information

Join our mailing list in order to keep updated with the latest news.

Follow us on Twitter and check #SwissText2019 also to get latest news and to track what is going on during the conference.


You can give your feedback on the Swisstext 2019.