SwissText 2016

1st Swiss Text Analytics Conference

Text Analytics is used in many companies and industrial sectors, for instance for process optimization, for decision support, or to develop new products and services. On the other hand, there are many research groups at Swiss universities who do excellent and successful research in this field. Our goal is to bring together practitioners and researchers, to give an overview of existing solutions and technologies, and to come up with ideas for new and innovative projects using automatic text understanding.

In order to achieve this goal, we invite practitioners, analysts, end users, software vendors, researchers and data scientists to join SwissText 2016 ­ the first national conference for text analytics.



SwissText 2016 is a one-­day conference on automatic text analytics. The conference will see presentations of various types: Surveys will give a broad overview of state­-of-­the-­art technologies and solutions in text understanding; Showcases will present successful projects; and Open Problem Presentations, where practitioners from the industry present “their” open problem.

Please see the Call for Presentations for details (submission are not possible anymore).

You can download the Program Leaflet (pdf),which contains details and abstracts of the talks and posters.


There has been tremendous progress in automatic text understanding in the last 3-­5 years. New technologies have been established (e.g. word embeddings), breakthroughs were achieved using deep learning, and new products and services were introduced. In the conference, distinguished experts will present the current state-­of-­the-art in the most relevant fields of automatic text understanding.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation of Social Media
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Applications of Word ­Embeddings
  • Machine Translation
  • Text Summarization
  • Text Generation

These presentations will give the audience sufficient information to find out if the field is relevant to their daily work. For this reason, surveys will not dive deep into single technologies, but rather give an overview of the entire field, current trends and solutions from “a bird eyes view”.


Many companies are using text analytics in their daily work, and various innovative products and services are already available. Showcase presentations will describe the most interesting and successful projects and applications.

Open Problem Presentations

One of the main goals of SwissText 2016 is to bridge the gap between research and industry. For this reason, we invite experts from industry to present and discuss “their” open problem. Each presentation will see a short introduction of the problem, followed by a brief discussion with the audience about potential solutions and approaches. At the end, interested experts can join a subgroup to further discuss the problem ­ and maybe initiate a joint project.


09:00 Registration + Coffee/Gipfeli
09:30 Welcome Message: Mark Cieliebak (ZHAW)
10:00 Keynote: Paolo Rosso (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
10:45 Survey Session 1:
11:10 Break
11:40 Keynote: Jürg Attinger (CTI)
12:10 Survey Session 2:
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Track 1: Track 2:
15:15 Afternoon Break
15:35 Poster Session
16:05 Keynote: Katja Filippova (Google)
16:50 Closing
17:10 Apero


  • Welcome Message
    Mark Cieliebak
    slides (pdf)
  • Author Profiling in Social Media: The Impact of Emotions on Age and Gender
    Paolo Rosso
    Universitat Politècnica of València
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Innovation is the Motor for your Success – CTI the Motor for your Innovation
    Jürg Attinger
    Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Not available

    Natural Language Understanding at Google: An Overview of Research Topics
    Katja Filippova
  • Feature-based sentiment analysis in social media
    Hatem Ghorbel
    University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland - Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie
    video (youtube)
  • Deep Learning for Text - From Word Embeddings to Convolutional Neural Networks
    Martin Jaggi
    ETH Zurich
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • IBM Watson and the languages of Switzerland
    Nora Hollenstein and Tania Stephan
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Automated Drug Safety Processing
    René Haltiner, Michel Plüss, Simon Felix, Jonas Schwammberger, Michael Kalt, Manfred Vogel
    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Conprocs GmbH
    video (youtube)
  • Information Extraction for Reinsurance of Pension Funds
    Jose Iria, Mirco Rossi, Torsten Butz, Gundula Heinatz
    Smart Analytics team, Die Mobiliar
    video (youtube)
  • Knowledge Discovery through Text Mining of the Biomedical Literature
    Fabio Rinaldi and Lenz Furrer
    University of Zurich
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Statistical machine translation has reached industrial maturity – Do’s and Don’ts for managers
    Roberto Nespeca
    finnova AG Bankware, Institute of Computational Linguistics - University of Zurich
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Linguistically Motivated Trend Identification
    Gerold Schneider and Michi Amsler
    University of Zurich
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)
  • Echo: Swisscom Customer Feedback Analyzer
    Fatemeh Borran
    video (youtube)
    slides (pdf)


  • A Game Theoretic Model for Word Sense Disambiguation
    Rocco Tripodi
    European Centre for Living Technology - Ca' Foscari University of Venice
    poster (pdf)
  • Annotated corpus for protest event mining
    Peter Makarov
    University of Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Deeper Insights into Social Media through IBM Watson Analytics
    Alexander Lang
    IBM Deutschland Research and Development
    poster (pdf)
  • Discovering and Disambiguating Concepts about Software
    Thomas Suter
    poster (pdf)
  • Energy discourses in Switzerland
    Maren Runte
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) - School of Applied Linguistics
  • Integrating a customized SMT system into traditional computeraided translation workflows
    Roberto Nespeca and Mathias Müller
    finnova AG Bankware and Institute of Computational Linguistics - University of Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Keeping an ear to the market with text analytics
    Christian Rohrdantz
    Vidatics GmbH
    poster (pdf)
  • Leveraging Data-Driven Methods in Word-Level Language Identification
    Ada Wan
    University of Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Linguistic text extraction and translation in libraries
    Gerald Peichl and Manfred Hauer
    Universitätsbibliothek St. Gallen, AGI – Information Management Consultants, Neustadt a.d.W.
  • Listening to employees: Using text analytics to change the employee survey
    Andrew Marritt
    poster (pdf)
  • Mining and Opening up the Biodiversity Library
    Donat Agosti
  • MODERN: Modeling Discourse Entities and Relations for Coherent Machine Translation
    Laura Mascarell
    University of Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Multilanguage sentiment-analysis of Twitter data on the example of Swiss politicians
    Lucas Brönnimann
    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
    poster (pdf)
  • Probabilistic Bag-of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking
    Octavian Ganea
    ETH Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Soda - Social Media Data Analysis
    Jérôme Treboux
    HES-SO // Valais
    poster (pdf)
  • Statements about the Future: Automatically extracting futurerelevant Knowledge from Documents
    Walter Kehl
    ForeKnowledge GmbH
    poster (pdf)
  • SWICICO: Social Media Analysis Based on Linked Data for New trends of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland
    Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet, Fabian Cretton, Maria Sokhn, Anne Le Calvé
    Data Semantics Lab - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
    poster (pdf)
  • Tel(s)-Telle(s) Signs
    Ada Wan
    University of Zurich
    poster (pdf)
  • Text Categorization Survey - From the Vector Space Model to Deep Learning
    Tim vor der Brück
    Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)
    poster (pdf)
  • Understanding Medical Data: Text Analysis and Coding with Semfinder Expert System
    Hans Rudolf Straub
    Semfinder AG
    poster (pdf)
  • Using Apache Stanbol to automatically extract concepts from posts exchanged in Wordpress
    Salvatore Vanini
    Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI)
    poster (pdf)
  • Using Network Analysis to Uncloak Thematic Pathways and Extract Stuff from Unstructured Texts
    Kimmo Elo
    Åbo Akademi University
    poster (pdf)
  • Using semantic analytics and AI to map knowledge extracted from experts and documents
    ONDO Constant
    Exelop SA
    poster (pdf)
  • Why D. Trump will win the presidential election
    Jacques Savoy and Jean-Michel Stampfli
    University of Neuchatel, Institute for Applied Argumentation Research Bern
    poster (pdf)


SwissText will be held on the 8th of June 2016 in the ZHAW Eulachpassage in Winterthur (building TN at ZHAW Campus Winterthur, Technikumstrasse 71) The venue is located in the historic heart of the city, a 5 minutes’ walk from Winterthur main railway station and has a directly attached parking deck.

Directions: Google Maps, ZHAW Location map



Registration deadline May 15, 2016
May 31, 2016
Participation Fee CHF 80.–

Conference Registration includes:

  • Admission to all sessions
  • Coffee and refreshment breaks
  • Lunch
  • Conference apero


Conference Chair: Mark Cieliebak

Organizers: Bettina Bhend, Dominic Egger, Simon Müller, Daniel Schutzbach

Programm Committee:

  • Ivo Blohm, University of St. Gallen
  • Mark Cieliebak, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
  • Dominique Genoud, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
  • Martin Jaggi, ETH Zurich
  • Roberto Mastropietro, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
  • Fabio Rinaldi, University of Zurich
  • Jürgen Spielberger, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
  • Manfred Vogel, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
  • Jürgen Vogel, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)
  • Tim vor der Brück, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)

The conference is funded by CTI - the Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation, and organized by Datalab, the Data Science Laboratory of ZHAW.

Sponsoring and Exhibition

We offer several attractive sponsoring packages. Please consult the following Call for Sponsors for details.


Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)

Data Science Lab of ZHAW

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

ETH Zürich Data Analytics Lab

Universität Zürich Institute of Computational Linguistics

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Engineering

University of St. Gallen

Bern University of Applied Sciences

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland

Haute école Arc Ingénierie (HE Arc)

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Swiss Association for Analytics (SAA)

Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (SGAICO)

Expert System



Additional partners and sponsors are welcome. Please contact us at [email protected]
