Software Engineering & Information Systems Group @ University of Tartu
The Software Engineering & Information Systems Group at University of Tartu's Institute of Computer Science conducts research and teaching in the field of software and information systems engineering with an emphasis on data science methods for business process management and software process improvement.
In addition to implementing national and European research projects, the group is engaged in the Software Technology and Applications Competence Center - an industry-driven R&D that aims to develop next-generation solutions in the fields of data mining and software services.
The group is also responsible for the International Masters of Software Engineering and a number of software engineering courses at the undergraduate level.
We had two booths at the UniTartuCS Day 2023. The slides of the Software Analytics lab are here. We gave a presentation at the UT Alumni Day 2024 in Delta. The slides of the emerging Software Emgineering Analytics Group are here.
!!! PhD Positions -> scroll down!
There are too many things ongoing, so we stopped updating the "News" section beginning from 2021 ...
- 13.11.2020. Alexander Nolte and co-authors were named the runner-up for the 2019 Best Paper Award from the journal IEEE Software for their paper Designing Corporate Hackathons With a Purpose: The Future of Software Development.
- 17.09.2020. Our PhD student Volodymyr Leno and our Masters alumnus Stanislav Deviatykh won the best prototype demonstration award at the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'2020).
- 17.09.2020. Our PhD alumnus Adriano Augusto finished as runner-up for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Award at the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'2020).
- 07.02.2020. Our PhD student Volodymyr Leno won the best paper award at the AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation for his paper: Automated Discovery of Data Transformations for Robotic Process Automation
- 02.09.2019. Marlon Dumas and Dietmar Pfahl, with the active support of several colleagues from the Institute of Computer Science (namely: Alexander Nolte, Ezequiel Scott, Maria Gaiduk, and Anneli Vainum�e), as well as with the help of several PhD and Master's students from our Institute, successfully conducted the ESEC/FSE'19 conference in Tallinn. ESEC/FSE is one of the most prestigious conference series worldwide in the field of software engineering. More information on ESEC/FSE'19 can be found on the conference web-page.
- 21.05.2019. Dietmar Pfahl and co-authors received an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at the ICSSP'2019 conference for their paper What are hybrid development methods made of? An evidence-based characterization
- 12.04.2019. Alexander Nolte and co-authors received an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at the ICSE'2019 conference for their paper Going Farther Together: The Impact of Social Capital on Sustained Participation in Open Source
- 28.03.2019. Marlon Dumas was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to conduct research on automated discovery of business process improvement opportunities from execution data.
- 06.02.2019. Fredrik Milani's book on Digital Business Analysis has been published by Springer.
- 07.06.2018. The Institute of Computer Science has become a scientific partner ( of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria. The SCCH is an internationally recognized research facility that actively promotes innovation in the production and application of software. More information about the collaboration with SCCH can be obtained from Prof. Dietmar Pfahl ([email protected]).
- "28.11.2018". Dietmar Pfahl delivers a keynote at the International Workshop on Managing Quality in Agile and Rapid Software Development Processes (QuASD 2017, co-located with PROFES 2018) � Title of keynote: �Data Science for Software Quality Management � Examples and Challenges�
- 07.06.2018. Dietmar Pfahl, Professor of Software Engineering, attended the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Among other things, he participated in the ESEC/FSE Steering Committee meeting and chaired the ESEC/FSE 2019 Organization Committee meeting. These activities are part of the preparations for hosting the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2019). The ESEC/FSE conference series constitutes one of the three flagship conferences of the international software engineering research community. ESEC/FSE 2019 will be organized by the Institute of Computer Science and will take place on 26-30 August 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia.
- 02.05.2018. Three postdoc postions and two PhD positions are available in our group. Deadline: early June. Check here for details.
- 22.01.2018. Our research group will organize the ESEC/FSE'2019 conference in Tallinn, 26-30 August 2019.
- 14.06.2017. Our research group will organize the CAiSE'2018 conference in Tallinn, 11-15 June 2018.
- 13.09.2017. Ilya Verenich et al. won the best prototype demonstration award at the 15th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM) for their open-source predictive process monitoring engine Nirdizati.
- 13.07.2017. Marlon Dumas and Fabrizio Maggi (in cooperation with Marco Montali and Diego Calvanese from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) won the best paper award at the 2017 International Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR) for their paper on "Semantic DMN: Formalizing Decision Models with Domain Knowledge".
- 06.07.2017. Ilya Verenich et al won the best paper award at the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP�2017) for their paper "White-box prediction of process performance indicators via flow analysis".
- 27.07/2017. Oleg Shelajev (in cooperation with Allan Gregersen from ZeroTurnaround) won the best paper award at the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT) for his paper "Using Runtime State Analysis to Decide Applicability of Dynamic Software Updates"
- 24.02.2017. Marlon Dumas was awarded an Estonian National Research Award for his research on "Foundations of Process Mining".
- 23.11.2016. A special issue call for submission on the topic "Automation & Analytics for Greener Software Engineering" (link to call) has been issued by the top-ranked software engineering journal "Information and Software Technology" (link). The special issue editors are Dietmar Pfahl and Michael Federer (University of Innsbruck, Austria).
- 16.11.2016. Our PhD student Adriano Augusto won the best paper award at the ER'2016 conference for his paper: Automated Discovery of Structured Process Models (read details).
- 21.09.2016. Our students �lari Laurson and Irene Teinemaa won the best paper award at the BPM'2016 conference for the paper Semantics and Analysis of DMN Decision Tables, supported by Fabrizio Maggi and Marlon Dumas and in cooperation with Marco Montali and Diego Calvanese (University of Bozen-Bolzano).
- 16.06.2016. Marlon Dumas and Fabrizio Maggi won a distinguished paper award at the CAiSE'16 conference for a paper on predictive business process monitoring (cooperation with Chiara di Francescomarino et al. @ FBK).
- 05.04.2016. Four PhD positions available in the group for the academic year 2016/17 - PhD positions in Software Engineering
- 23.11.2015 - We have been awarded a grant to develop methods for privacy analysis of business processes within DARPA's BRANDEIS program, in cooperation with security firm Cybernetica. Check out our postdoc vacancy in this project.
- 12.10.2015 - MOOC on Fundamentals of Business Process Management featuring Marlon Dumas, starts today.
- 02.09.2015. Fabrizio Maggi won the best paper award at the BPM'2015 conference for his paper "Ensuring Model Consistency in Declarative Process Discovery" (paper co-authored with Claudio Di Ciccio and Jan Mendling from Vienna University of Business and Economics, and Marco Montali from University of Bozen-Bolzano).
- 02.09.2015. Marlon Dumas won the test-of-time award at the BPM'2015 conference for his paper on "Service Interaction Patterns" published at the same conference in 2005 (with Alistair Barros and Arthur ter Hofstede).
- 31.08.2015. Anna Leontyeva, Karl-Oskar Masing and Irene Teinemaa won the "Student Award" at the 2015 Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPIC).
- 24.06.2015. Marlon Dumas's keynote at the Petri Nets'2015 conference on Youtube: Process Mining Reloaded (check also the companion paper).
- 03.09.2014. Our PhD student Abel Armas-Cervantes won the best student paper award at the BPM'2014 conference for his paper "Behavioral Comparison of Process Models Based on Canonically Reduced Event Structures".
- 05.08.2014. The SE group will host the 2015 issue of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP 2015) in Tallinn, 24-26 August, 2015.
- 06.03.2014. The SE group is now member of the International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN). Contact: Dietmar Pfahl. Info on ISERN can be found here (link).
- 10.02.2014. Call for interest: PhD position in Software Engineering
- 02.12.2013. Two new vacancies: Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow in Software Engineering
- 01.11.2013. Dietmar Pfahl visited the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), in Beijing, China, and gave a lecture titled �The Role of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering�. (link)
- 17.10.2013. Venia legendi by Luciano Garc�a-Ba�uelos on the topic 'Structuring business process models: methods and applications'. (video]
- 15.10.2013. Venia legendi by Manuel Mazzara on the topic 'Polidoxa: a Trust-oriented Social Platform for Quality Information Retrieval'. (video)
- 28.08.2013. Our paper Slice, Mine and Dice: Complexity-Aware Automated Discovery of Business Process Models has won the best paper award at the 11th International Conference on Business Process Management (read details)
- 16.06.2013. The team is offering a free one-day introductory course on BPM on 10 October 2013 in Tallinn. Advance registration is required - places are limited. More info.
- 31.05.2013. Marlon Dumas delivers keynote on Discovering Business Rules from Event Logs at the Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems.
- 01.03.2013. Our book Fundamentals of Business Process Management is now available. Check also our online course on Business Process Management.
- 20.10.2011. The paper "UML Activity Diagrams as a Workflow Specification Language" by Marlon Dumas and Arthur ter Hofstede was awarded the Ten-Year Most Influential Paper Award at the MODELS'2011 Conference