jQuery Selectric Selectric ⚡

Fast, simple and light jQuery plugin
to customize HTML selects

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jquery.selectric.js jquery.selectric.min.js selectric.css

How to use

  • 1. Make sure to include jQuery in your page:

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  • 2. Include jQuery Selectric:

    <script src="jquery.selectric.min.js"></script>
  • 3. Include jQuery Selectric styles, and change it to your taste :D (please refer to our demo page for more themes and other customizations)

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="selectric.css">
  • 4. Initialize jQuery Selectric:

    $(function() {


You can pass an options object as the first parameter when you call the plugin. For example:

  maxHeight: 200
     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called before plugin initialize
    onBeforeInit: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called plugin has been fully initialized
    onInit: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called plugin has been fully initialized
    onBeforeOpen: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called after select options opens
    onOpen: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called before select options closes
    onBeforeClose: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called after select options closes
    onClose: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called before select options change
    onBeforeChange: function() {},

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called when select options change
    onChange: function(element) {

     * Type: Function
     * Description: Function called when the Selectric is refreshed
    onRefresh: function() {},

     * Type: Integer
     * Description: Maximum height options box can be
    maxHeight: 300,

     * Type: Integer
     * Description: After this time without pressing
     *              any key, the search string is reset
    keySearchTimeout: 500,

     * Type: String [HTML]
     * Description: Markup for open options button
    arrowButtonMarkup: '<b class="button">&#x25be;</b>',

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Initialize plugin on mobile browsers
    disableOnMobile: true,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Retain native dropdown behavior on mobile devices
     nativeOnMobile: true,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Open select box on hover, instead of click
    openOnHover: false,

     * Type: Integer
     * Description: Timeout to close options box after mouse leave plugin area
    hoverIntentTimeout: 500,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Expand options box past wrapper
    expandToItemText: false,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: The select element become responsive
    responsive: false,

     * Type: Object
     * Description: Customize classes.
    customClass: {
      prefix: 'selectric', // Type: String.  Description: Prefixed string of every class name.
      camelCase: false     // Type: Boolean. Description: Switch classes style between camelCase or dash-case.

     * Type: String or Function
     * Description: Define how each option should be rendered inside its <li> element.
     *              If it's a string, all keys wrapped in brackets will be replaced by
     *              the respective values in itemData. Available keys are:
     *              'value', 'text', 'slug', 'index'.
     *              If it's a function, it will be called with the following parameter:
     *              (itemData). The function must return a string. If available all keys
     *              will be replaced by the respective values in itemData.
     *              itemData<Object> {
     *                 className // Type: String.          Description: option class names.
     *                 disabled  // Type: Boolean.         Description: option is disabled true/false
     *                 selected  // Type: Boolean.         Description: option is selected true/false
     *                 element   // Type: HTMLDomElement.  Description: current select element
     *                 index     // Type: Number.          Description: current option index
     *                 slug      // Type: String.          Description: option slug
     *                 text      // Type: String.          Description: option text
     *                 value     // Type: String.          Description: option value
     *              }
     *              EXAMPLE:
     *              function(itemData) {
     *                  return '{text}';
     *              }
     *              // you're free to build and return your own strings
     *              function(itemData) {
     *                  return itemData.text + '(' + itemData.index + ')';
     *              }
    optionsItemBuilder: '{text}',

     * Type: String or Function
     * Description: Define how each select label should be rendered. Allows HTML.
     *              If it's a string, all keys wrapped in brackets will be replaced by
     *              the respective values in currItem. Available keys are:
     *              'value', 'text', 'slug', 'disabled'.
     *              If it's a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
     *              (currItem). The function must return a string, no keys will be
     *              replaced in this method.
    labelBuilder: '{text}',

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Prevent scroll on window when using mouse wheel inside options box
     *              to match common browsers behavior.
    preventWindowScroll: true,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Inherit width from original element
    inheritOriginalWidth: false,

     * Type: Boolean
     * Description: Determine if current selected option should jump to
     *              first (or last) once reach the end (or start) item of list upon
     *              keyboard arrow navigation.
    allowWrap: true,

     * Type: Object
     * Description: Customize select "multiple" behavior
    multiple: {
      separator: ', ',       // Type: String.             Description: Items separator.
      keepMenuOpen: true,    // Type: Boolean.            Description: Close after an item is selected.
      maxLabelEntries: false // Type: Boolean or Integer. Description: Max selected items do show.


All events are called on original element. Within the callback you have access to the event object, the original select element and to the current selectric instance. It can be bound like this:

 * @param {Object}          event - jQuery event object
 * @param {HTMLElement}   element - Original DOM element
 * @param {Object}      selectric - Current Selectric instance
 $('select').on('eventname', function(event, element, selectric) {
   // your code

eventname can be one of the following:

Event name Description
selectric-before-init Fired before plugin initialization
selectric-init Fired after plugin has been fully initialized
selectric-before-open Fired before dropdown opens
selectric-open Fired after dropdown has been opened
selectric-before-close Fired before the dropdown is closed
selectric-close Fired after dropdown has been closed
selectric-before-highlight Fired before a select option is highlighted
selectric-highlight Fired when a select option is highlighted
selectric-before-select Fired before a select option is selected
selectric-select Fired after a select option was selected
selectric-before-change Fired before a select option changed
selectric-change Fired when a select option changed
selectric-refresh Fired after Selectric was refreshed

Public methods

$('select').selectric('open');    // Open options
$('select').selectric('close');   // Close options
$('select').selectric('destroy'); // Destroy select and go back to normal
$('select').selectric('refresh'); // Reconstruct the plugin options box
$('select').selectric('init');    // Reinitialize the plugin

// Or...
var Selectric = $('select').data('selectric');

Selectric.open();    // Open options
Selectric.close();   // Close options
Selectric.destroy(); // Destroy select and go back to normal
Selectric.refresh(); // Reconstruct the plugin options box
Selectric.init();    // Reinitialize the plugin


Check jquery.selectric.placeholder.js source for a usage example

// Add a callback everytime 'callbackName' is called
$.fn.selectric.hooks.add('callbackName', 'hookName', function(element, data) {});

// Remove a callback
$.fn.selectric.hooks.remove('callbackName', 'hookName');

Browser support

Basic demos

view more advanced demos and customization →

Project maintained by Leonardo Santos

Hosted on GitHub Pages