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Study of a Multiuser Resource Allocation Scheme for a 2-Hop OFDMA Virtual Cellular Network
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications
pp.2112-2118 Publication Date: 2013/08/01 Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E96.B.2112 Print ISSN: 0916-8516 Type of Manuscript: PAPER Category: Wireless Communication Technologies Keyword: virtual cellular network, VCN, resource allocation, channel capacity, OFDMA, frequency reuse, SINR, multihop network, parallel relaying scheme,
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In the next generation mobile network, the demand for high data rate transmission will require an increase in the transmission power if the current mobile cellular network architecture is used. Multihop networks are considered to be a key solution to this problem. However, a new resource allocation algorithm is also required for the new network architecture. In this paper, we propose a resource allocation scheme for a parallel relay 2-hop OFDMA virtual cellular network (VCN) which can be applied in a multiuser environment. We evaluate, by computer simulation, the ergodic channel capacity of the VCN using the proposed algorithm, and compare the results with those of the conventional single hop network (SHN). In addition, we analyze the effect of the location of the relay wireless ports on the ergodic channel capacity of the VCN. We also study the degree of fairness of the VCN, using the proposed scheme, compared with that of the SHN. For low transmission power, the simulation results show: a) the VCN can provide a better ergodic channel capacity and a better degree of fairness than the SHN, b) the distance ratio for which the ergodic channel capacity of the VCN is maximal can be found in the interval 0.20.3, c) the ergodic channel capacity of the VCN remains better than that of the SHN as the number of users increases, and d) as the distance between the relay WPs and the base station increases, the channel capacity of VCN approaches that of the SHN.