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Diversity Order Analysis of Dual-Hop Relaying with Partial Relay Selection
Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Hyung Yun KONG
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications
pp.3942-3946 Publication Date: 2009/12/01 Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E92.B.3942 Print ISSN: 0916-8516 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Wireless Communication Technologies Keyword: dual hop relaying, amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward, cooperative communication, partial relay selection, Rayleigh channel,
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In this paper, we study the performance of dual hop relaying in which the best relay selected by partial relay selection will help the source-destination link to overcome the channel impairment. Specifically, closed-form expressions for outage probability, symbol error probability and achievable diversity gain are derived using the statistical characteristic of the signal-to-noise ratio. Numerical investigation shows that the system achieves diversity of two regardless of relay number and also confirms the correctness of the analytical results. Furthermore, the performance loss due to partial relay selection is investigated.