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Assessing Lightweight Virtualization for Security-as-a-Service at the Network Edge
Abderrahmane BOUDI Ivan FARRIS Miloud BAGAA Tarik TALEB
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications
pp.970-977 Publication Date: 2019/05/01 Publicized: 2018/11/22 Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2018EUI0001 Type of Manuscript: Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Section on European ICT R&D Project Activities on Broadband Access Technologies in Conjunction with Main Topics of 2016/2017 IEICE ICT Forum) Category: Keyword: NFV, security, cloud/edge computing, IoT,
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Accounting for the exponential increase in security threats, the development of new defense strategies for pervasive environments is acquiring an ever-growing importance. The expected avalanche of heterogeneous IoT devices which will populate our industrial factories and smart houses will increase the complexity of managing security requirements in a comprehensive way. To this aim, cloud-based security services are gaining notable impetus to provide security mechanisms according to Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) model. However, the deployment of security applications in remote cloud data-centers can introduce several drawbacks in terms of traffic overhead and latency increase. To cope with this, Edge Computing can provide remarkable advantages avoiding long routing detours. On the other hand, the limited capabilities of edge node introduce potential constraints in the overall management. This paper focuses on the provisioning of virtualized security services in resource-constrained edge nodes by leveraging lightweight virtualization technologies. Our analysis aims at shedding light on the feasibility of container-based security solutions, thus providing useful guidelines towards the orchestration of security at the edge. Our experiments show that the overhead introduced by the containerization is very light.