Establishment of EMC Research in Japan and its Future Prospects


IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E100-B    No.9    pp.1623-1632
Publication Date: 2017/09/01
Publicized: 2017/03/27
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2016PFI0001
Type of Manuscript: INVITED SURVEY PAPER
Category: Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)
electromagnetic compatibility,  technical committee on environmental electromagnetic engineering,  establishment,  research activities,  prospects,  

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Systematic research on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in Japan started in 1977 by the establishment of a technical committee on “environmental electromagnetic engineering” named EMCJ, which was founded both in the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers or the present IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) and in the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan or the IEEJ. The research activities have been continued as the basic field of interdisciplinary study to harmonize even in the electromagnetic (EM) environment where radio waves provide intolerable EM disturbances to electronic equipment and to that environment itself. The subjects and their outcomes which the EMCJ has dealt with during about 40 years from the EMCJ establishment include the evaluation of EM environment, EMC of electric and electronic equipment, and EMC of biological effects involving bioelectromagnetics and so on. In this paper, the establishment history and structure of the EMCJ are reviewed along with the change in activities, and topics of the technical reports presented at EMCJ meetings from 2006 to 2016 are surveyed. In addition, internationalization and its related campaign are presented in conjunction with the EMCJ research activities, and the status quo of the EMCJ under the IEICE is also discussed along with the prospects.