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drikin さんをゲストに迎えて、インテルCPU脆弱性、Android, ゲーミングPC、NVIDIA GeForce, Netflix などについて話しました。
- Koh Aoki - YouTube
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Application Cache
- Meltdown and Spectre
- Kernel-memory-leaking Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign
- Google Online Security Blog
- Impact of the patch for the Intel bug on my AWS EC2 instances #KPTI
- Apple has already partially implemented fix in macOS for 'KPTI' Intel CPU security flaw
- Mitigations landing for new class of timing attack | Mozilla Security Blog
- What is timing attack?
- Apple issues apology for slowing old iPhones down
- How to Get Your iPhone's Battery Replaced at Apple Store
- Razer Phone
- How to use notification channels on Android Oreo
- Razer Gaming Keyboards
- Kinesis Corporation » Ergonomic keyboards and accessories
- NVIDIAが規約変更によりGeForceのデータセンター利用を制限
- TensorFlow Framework & GPU Acceleration | NVIDIA Data Center
- EMV Liability Shift
- What we need from Apple to make standalone Apple Watch podcast apps
- 緊急特番:拉致覚悟で出かけていったドリキンを待っていたものは?! – backspace.fm
- 勝間和代が徹底的にマニアックな話をアップするブログ
- Black Mirror
- キン肉マン 61
- 「僕だけがいない街」Netflixで3度目の映像化