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bang | Pure Data

by IOhannes m zmoelnig last modified 2009-09-14 06:19 PM

A book release by the pd~ label and Wolke Verlag.

cover of bang | Pure Data

About this book

"I think that in the last couple of decades many artists and composers have become quite fluent at mixing audio and image production and passing controls and information between media. I think it is really the artistic community which is driving development more than Pd itself, which just happens to be a good way to realize these sort of things."
Miller Puckette

Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphcal programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. Pd is free software. It is subject to a constant process of change, revealing new characteristics with each application.

Is it a tool/media/instrument? Is this a question that can be answered? Is it a decision that needs to be made at all?

This publication is a compilation of texts describing different approaches to pd, a profile of its usage and development. It is contradictory, and at the end, one finds oneself with a lot of open questions, on a technical level as well as on a philosophical one.

The 1st International Pd~Convention in Graz in fall 2004 was the motivation for this book. The authors participated at this meeting, and the enclosed DVD shows some of the works that were presented at this occasion


This book is published and distributed by the Wolke Verlag. You can retrieve it from the following sources:

Included with the book is the bonus DVD pd~ release 0.1, a DVD with audiovisual artworks from participants of the 1st International Pd~Convention.


Alternatively, you can download the book in PDF format:

Full text



Technical Data

 175 pages, 19 x 26 cm, pb., illus. (partly 4c), DVD

Language: English

ISBN-10: 3-936000-37-9

ISBN-13: 978-3-936000-37-5


This publication has been supported by

  • Bundeskanzleramt - Sektion Kunst
  • Land Steiermark
  • Stadt Graz

The "Pd~convention 04" has been made possible by

  • IEM Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, Kunstuniversität Graz Kunstuniversität Graz
  • ESC
  • MKL
  • mur.AT

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