Date and Time of the Query: 2024-08-31 T17:22:56 PDT
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Velocity(km/s): Unconstrained
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Parameters for Distances and Cosmology: Ho= 73.0; Ωmatter = 0.27; Ωvacuum = 0.73;
Derived Quantities use a Redshift corrected to a Reference Frame defined by the 3K CMB

NED results for object(s) in publication "2004ApJ...603...42A"

6 objects found in NED.    


Object list is sorted on RA or Longitude

 Row          Object Name                 EquJ2000.0       Object  Velocity/Redshift    Mag./  Separ.               Number of                                 Row 
 No.     (* => Essential Note)       RA               DEC  Type     km/s       z   Qual Filter arcmin Refs Notes Phot Posn Vel/z Diam Assoc Images   Spectra  No. 
1    NGC 3147                       10h16m53.6s +73d24m03s G        2802  0.009346 UUN  11.43    ...   477    17  165   51    25   12     1 Retrieve Retrieve 1   
2   *NGC 4168                       12h12m17.3s +13d12m19s G        2273  0.007582 SLS  12.4g    ...   398    13  193   47    36   11     1 Retrieve Retrieve 2   
3    NGC 4203                       12h15m05.0s +33d11m50s G        1086  0.003623 SUN  11.8     ...   461    20  201   61    31    9     0 Retrieve Retrieve 3   
4    NGC 4235                       12h17m09.9s +07d11m30s G        2263  0.007548 SLS  12.5g    ...   424    16  198   62    46   16     0 Retrieve Retrieve 4   
5    NGC 4450                       12h28m29.6s +17d05m06s G        1956  0.006525 SUN  10.90    ...   567    17  245   72    33   11     0 Retrieve Retrieve 5   
6    MESSIER 058                    12h37m43.5s +11d49m05s G        1517  0.005060 S1L  10.48    ...  1054    26  433  102    52   15     0 Retrieve Retrieve 6   

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