MRC 2018 took place on Friday, 13.07.18. Please check out the list of accepted papers and workshop agenda. The papers are published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, ISSN 1613-0073) as Volume 2134.
MRC 2018 was a workshop at the Federated AI Meeting (FAIM). Within FAIM, several leading conferences in Artificial Intelligence were held together in July 2018, including:
MRC 2020 took place on Saturday, 29.08.2020, as a workshop at the (Digital) European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Please check the workshop website for details.
MRC aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from different communities, both in industry and academia, to study, understand, and explore issues surrounding context and to share their problems, techniques and success stories across different areas. By considering modelling and reasoning approaches for contextualised systems from a broad range of areas, the workshop will facilitate the sharing of problems, techniques, and solutions. The workshop covers different understandings of what context is, different approaches to automatically learn about context from data and to modelling context, mechanisms and techniques for (structured) storage of contextual information, effective ways to retrieve it, and methods for enabling integration of context and application knowledge.
MRC invites papers on different aspects of context, on theory as well as on applications. We particularly invite contributions on topics of autonomy and context. Although hosted at the most prestigious AI conference, we explicitly invite contributions from other fields of study in order to further trans- and interdisciplinary approaches.
Please check our call for papers and submission instructions for details.
MRC is an interdisciplinary workshop with a focus on applications within computer science. Because of this focus the workshop primarily attracts participants from within the computer science community and specifically within artificial intelligence. However, MRC has always had a strong interdisciplinary appeal and does draw from fields such as linguistics, semiotics, philosophy, mathematics, cognitive science, social sciences and psychology as well as various sub-fields within computer science. This is also reflected in the list of program committee members past and present.
MRC has traditionally been held on major AI-conferences such as ECAI, IJCAI and AAAI or conferences focusing on context from different perspectives such as the International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT). These workshops have been successful in raising awareness about the importance of context as a major issue for future intelligent systems, especially for the use of mobile devices and current research on autononomous computing. At the same time, advances in methodologies for modelling and retrieving context have been made and MRC continues to provide a venue for the discussion and furthering of research into issues surrounding context.
MRC 2017 took place at IJCAI 2017, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Melbourne, Australia. It was a full day workshop. For more information, please check the MRC 2017 schedule and paper download page.
MRC 2016 took place at The 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016) in The Hague, The Netherlands. It was jointly held with two other Workshops, the 2nd AI-IoT (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things) and 1st MMDA (Multimodal Data Analytics). The proceedings for all three workshops and the overall schedule can be found on our combined workshop website.
Last modified: Sunday, 2020-08-30 10:06 UTC.
Jörg Cassens
University of Hildesheim
DE-31141 Hildesheim
[email protected]