Gibson, Shimon
From Wildscape to Landscape: Landscape Archaeology in the Southern Levant Methods and Practice
S. 1-
Greenberg, Raphael
Discontinuities in Rural Settlement in Early Bronze AgeMiddle Bronze Age I Palestine
S. 27-
Dever, William G.
The Rural Landscape of Palestine in the Early Bronze IV Period
S. 43-
Maeir, Aren M.
Does Size Count? Urban and Cultic Perspectives on the Rural Landscape during the Middle Bronze Age II
S. 61-
Haiman, Modechai
The 10th century B.C. Settlement of the Negev Highlands and Iron Age Rural Palestine
S. 71-
Faust, Avraham
The Farmstead in the Highlands of Iron Age II Israel
S. 91-
Safrai, Zeev
The Agrarian Structure in Palestine in the Time of the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud
S. 105-
Schwartz, Joshua
Dogs in Ancient Rural Jewish Society
S. 127-
Boas, Adrian J.
Street Villages and Rural Estate Centers: The Organization of Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
S. 137-
Amar, Zohar
Transformations in the Agriculture of al-Sham during the Mamluk period (1250-1517 CE)
S. 149-

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