Shue, Vivienne
Legitimacy crisis in China?
S. 24-
Solinger, Dorothy J.
The new crowd of the dispossessed: the shift of the urban proletariat from master to mendicant
S. 50-
Weston, Timothy B.
The Iron Man weeps: joblessness and political legitimacy in the Chinese rust belt
S. 67-
Thornton, Patricia
Comrades and collectives in arms: tax resistance, evasion, and avoidance strategies in post-Mao China
S. 87-
OBrien, Kevin J.
Neither transgressive nor contained: boundary-spanning contention in China
S. 105-
Wright, Teresa
Contesting state legitimacy in the 1990s: the China Democracy Party and the China Labor Bulletin
S. 123-
Dickson, Bruce J.
Dilemmas of Party adaptation: the CCPs strategies for survival
S. 141-
Rosen, Stanley
The state of youth/youth and the state in early 21st-century China: the triumph of the urban rich?
S. 159-
Gries, Peter Hays
Popular nationalism and state legitimation in China
S. 180-
Kraus, Richard
When legitimacy resides in beautiful objects: repatriating Beijings looted Zodiac animal heads
S. 195-
Mackerras, Colin
What is China? Who is Chinese? Hanminority relations, legitimacy, and the state
S. 216-
Balzer, Harley
State and society in transitions from communism: China in comparative perspective
S. 235-

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