Bakker, Egbert J.
The Making of History: Herodotus Historis Apodexis
S. 3-
Moles, John
Herodotus and Athens
S. 33-
Slings, Simon R.
Oral Strategies in the Language of Herodotus
S. 53-
R�sler, Wolfgang
The Histories and Writing
S. 79-
Boedeker, Deborah
Epic Heritage and Mythical Patterns in Herodotus
S. 97-
Sa�d, Suzanne
Herodotus and Tragedy
S. 117-
Raaflaub, Kurt A.
Philosophy, Science, Politics: Herodotus and the Intellectual Trends of his Time
S. 149-
Mikalson, Jon D.
Religion in Herodotus
S. 187-
Fisher, Nick
Popular Morality in Herodotus
S. 199-
Blok, Josine
Women in Herodotus Histories
S. 225-
Jong, Irene J. F. de
Narrative Unity and Units
S. 245-
Dewald, Carolyn
I didnt give my own genealogy: Herodotus and the authorial persona
S. 267-
Gray, Vivienne
Short Stories in Herodotus Histories
S. 291-
Wees, Hans van
Herodotus and the Past
S. 321-
Cartledge, Paul / Greenwood, Emily
Herodotus as a Critic: Truth, Fiction, Polarity
S. 351-
Hornblower, Simon
Herodotus and his Sources of Information
S. 373-
Cobet, Justus
The Organization of Time in the Histories
S. 387-
Lloyd, Alan B.
S. 415-
West, Stephanie
S. 437-
Karttunen, Klaus
The Ethnography of the Fringes
S. 457-
Kuhrt, Am�lie
S. 475-
Osborne, Robin
Archaic Greek History
S. 497-
Forsdyke, Sara
Greek History, c. 525480 BC
S. 521-
Harrison, Thomas
The Persian Invasions
S. 551-
Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen
The Personality of Xerxes, King of Kings
S. 579-

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