Wayne, Don E.
Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson: An Alternative View
S. 26-
Sweeney, John G.
Sejanus and the People's Beastly Rage
S. 50-
Goldberg, Jonathan
State Secrets
S. 70-
Fish, Stanley
Authors-Readers: Jonson's Community of the Same
S. 83-
Donaldson, Ian
Unknown Ends: Volpone
S. 118-
Rose, Mary Beth
The Expense of Spirit
S. 136-
Ross, Cheryl Lynn
The Plague of The Alchemist
S. 149-
Haynes, Jonathan
Festivity and the Dramatic Economy of Jonson's Bartholomew Fair
S. 167-
Butler, Martin
Late Jonson
S. 189-

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