Haupt, H. / Contopoulos, G.
Laudationes for Professor Heinrich Karl Eichhorn
S. 1-
Branham, R.L. / Contopoulos, G.
Total Least Squares: Fact and Fiction
S. 7-
Drimmel, R. / Smart, R. L. / Lattanzi, M. G.
Spatial distribution of OB stars based on the Hipparcos Catalogue
S. 15-
Firneis, M. G. / Firneis, F.
General Least Squares Estimation in the Non-Normal Distribution Case
S. 29-
Gatewood, G. / Jonge, J. Kiewiet de / Persinger, T. / Rieland, T.
On the Systems of the Hipparcos and Allegheny Observatory Parallax Catalogs
S. 37-
H�g, E. / Fabricius, C. / Makarov, V.V. / Bastian, U. / Schwekendiek, P. / Wicenec, A.
Progress on the Tycho-2 Catalogue from the Hipparcos Mission
S. 43-
Eichhorn, H.K. / Jefferys, W.H.
Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors
S. 53-
Kallrath, J.
Least Squares Methods for Models Including Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
S. 61-
Morrison, J.E. / Bucciarelli, B.
Astrometric Techniques for Schmidt Plates, with examples from the Guide Star Catalog
S. 77-
Owen, W.M. / Synnott, S.P. / Null, G.W.
High-Accuracy Asteroid Astrometry From Table Mountain Observatory
S. 89-
Pfleiderer, J. / K�b, G.
Edge Sharpening within a Smoothing Convolution
S. 103-
Pourbaix, D.
On the Right Representation and Use of Binary Star Observations in Least Squares Adjustments
S. 115-
Rapaport, M. / Ducourant, Ch.
Determination of Parallaxes using the Central Overlap Methods. Some Theoretical and Observational Results
S. 123-
Smart, R.L. / Drimmel, R. / Lattanzi, M.G.
Searching for the Galactic Warp in Hipparcos
S. 129-
Smith, H.C.
The Lutz-Kelker Effect in the Hipparcos Era and Beyond
S. 139-
Standish, E.M. / Nobili, A.M.
The Observations of Galileo
S. 151-
Vegt, C. de
Blockadjustment: A Global View (extended abstract)
S. 159-
Wielen, R. / Schwan, H. / Dettbarn, C. / Jahreiss, H. / Lenhardt, H.
The Combination of Hipparcos Data with Ground-Based Astrometric Measurement
S. 161-
Contopoulos, G. / Efthymiopoulos, C. / Voglis, N.
The Form and Significance of Dynamical Spectra
S. 171-
Dermott, S.F. / Grogan, K. / Holmes, E.K. / Wyatt, M.C.
Signatures of Planets in Circumstellar Disks
S. 189-
Pilat-Lohinger, E. / Dvorak, R. / Burger, Ch.
Analysis of Asteroids in Stable Chaotic Motion
S. 199-
Wilson, R.E.
A Fluorescence and Scattering Model for Binaries
S. 219-
Wodnar, K. / Hampejs, M. / Meletlidou, E. / Ichtiaroglou, S.
The Symplectic Eigenvalue Problem, Lyapunov Numbers and Related Questions, An Excursion into the Linear Algebra of Dynamics
S. 233-

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