Fögen, Marie Theres
Reanimation of Roman law in the ninth century: remarks on reasons and results
S. 11-
Ludwig, Claudia
The Paulicians and ninth-century Byzantine thought
S. 23-
Markopoulos, Athanasios
The rehabilitation of the Emperor Theophilos
S. 37-
Tougher, Shaun
The imperial thought-world of Leo VI: the non-campaigning emperor of the ninth century
S. 51-
Speck, Paul
Byzantium: cultural suicide?
S. 73-
Auz�py, Marie-France
Manifestations de la propagande en faveur de l'orthodoxie
S. 85-
evenko, Nancy Patterson
Canon and calendar: the role of a ninth-century hymnographer in shaping the celebration of saints
S. 101-
Ousterhout, Robert
Reconstructing ninth-century Constantinople
S. 115-
Ricci, Alessandra
The road from Baghdad to Byzantium and the case of the Bryas Palace in Istanbul
S. 131-
Cormack, Robin
Away from the centre: provincial art in the ninth century
S. 151-
Griffith, Sidney
What has Constantinople to do with Jerusalem? Palestine in the ninth century: Byzantine orthodoxy in the world of Islam
S. 181-
Magdalino, Paul
The road to Baghdad in the thought-world of ninth-century Byzantium
S. 195-
Moreno, Eduardo Manzano
Byzantium and al-Andalus in the ninth century
S. 215-
Noy�, Guislaine
Byzance et Italie m�ridionale
S. 229-
Wickham, Chris
Ninth-century Byzantium through western eyes
S. 245-