Berti, Silvia
LEsprit de Spinosa: ses origines et sa premi�re �dition dans leur contexte spinozien
S. 3-
Ben�tez, Miguel
Une Histoire interminable: origines et d�veloppement du Trait� des trois imposteurs
S. 53-
Schwarzbach, Bertram Eugene / Fairbairn, A. W.
History and structure of our Trait� des trois imposteurs
S. 75-
Charles-Daubert, Fran�oise
LEsprit de Spinosa et les Trait�s des trois imposteurs: rappel des diff�rentes familles et de leurs principales caract�ristiques
S. 131-
Mulsow, Martin
Freethinking in early-eighteenth-century Protestant Germany: Peter Friedrich Arpe and the Trait� des trois imposteurs
S. 193-
Vermij, Rienk H.
The English Deists and the Trait�
S. 241-
Anderson, Brom
Sallengre, La Monnoye, and the Trait� des trois imposteurs
S. 255-
Laursen, John Christian
The politics of a publishing event: the Marchand milieu and The life and spirit of Spinoza of 1719
S. 273-
Blair, Heather
Impostors and Revolution: on the Philadelphie 1796 edition of the Trait� des trois imposteurs
S. 297-
Festa, Roberto
An eighteenth-century interpretation of the Ethica: Henry de Boulainvillierss Essai de m�taphysique
S. 307-
Champion, Justin A. I.
Legislators, impostors, and the politic origins of religion: English theories of imposture from Stubbe to Toland
S. 333-
Wojcik, Jan W.
Behold the fear of the Lord: the Erastianism of Stillingfleet, Wolseley, and Tillotson
S. 357-
Iliffe, Rob
Jesus Nazarenus legislator: Adam Boreels defence of Christianity
S. 375-
�kerman, Susanna
Johan Adler Salvius Questions to Baruch de Castro concerning De tribus impostoribus
S. 397-
Neto, Jos� R. Maia
The struggle against unbelief in the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam after Spinozas excommunication
S. 425-
Shelford, April G.
Worse than the three impostors? towards an interpretation of Theodor Ludwig Laus Meditationes philosophicae de Deo, mundo, homine
S. 439-