Caldwell, Peter
Identity, the Liberal Democracy, and Collective Moral Responsibility
S. 15-
Dodd, Julian
Between Two Conceptions of Objectivity
S. 24-
Stern-Gillet, Suzanne
Reason and Tradition: A Misleading Dichotomy
S. 41-
Unwin, Nicholas
Cultures and Total Frameworks
S. 54-
Briel, Holger
The Teratology of the Tetralogy or Günter Grass Walks the Line, Once Again
S. 67-
Knischewski, Gerd
Coming to Terms with the Past (Vergangenheitsbewältigung) and National Identity in Post-Unification Germany
S. 78-
Schmidt, Michael
The Survival of the Word
S. 91-
Wicher, Andrzej
In Pursuit of the Real Difference: A Study of the Medieval Roots of National Identity
S. 104-
Whitehouse, Roger
Recollections of Childhood in the Work of Czesaw Miosz
S. 119-
Kol�, Stanislav
Recollections of Europe in Jewish-American Fiction
S. 131-
Sutherland-Smith, James
Literary Irony and the Slovak Tradition
S. 139-
Hahlo, Ken
Community, Culture and Identity among Some South Asians in Britain
S. 149-
Gray, Breda / Ryan, Louise
Gendered Constructions of Irishness: Stagnation or Change in Irish Society Since Independence
S. 174-
Conboy, Martin
Communities and Constructs: National Identity in the British Press
S. 196-
Borri, Michele
National Identities and Attitudes Towards Europe: A Comparative Study
S. 212-
Borkowska, Ewa
Modernity and Inter-National Identity: Selfhood and Otherness
S. 225-
Kulisz, Marek
Nomadism as Identity
S. 233-
Poks, Magorzata
Some-Body, No-Body, Any-Body: Variations on Social Visibility
S. 241-
Sawek, Tadeusz
Our House Has Burnt: Beyond the Dialectics of Place and Space
S. 250-
Llewellyn-Jones, Margaret
Borders and Transgressions: Staging Body and Politics
S. 261-
Lewison, Janet S.
Overflowing the Frame of a Static Stuntedness: The Re-animating Crossings of Beloved
S. 277-
Mousley, Andrew
Language as Cultural Capital and Identity as Appropriation: Shakespeares Othello and Renaissance Commonplace Books
S. 287-
Sobieraj, Jerzy
Seriousness of Colors: The Southern Writer and Race
S. 303-
Tsimpouki, Theodora
Closure and the Choice of Racial Identity
S. 312-
Jarrett, David
Policing the Boundaries of Nationality: Constructions of Englishness in Detective Fiction
S. 319-
Garbowski, Christopher
Film and Axiology: The Protagonist as a Prolegomenon to Values
S. 328-
Okagbue, Osita
Language and Identity in West African and West Indian Theatre
S. 339-
Grant, Kathleen
Communion Rite: Communal Feast: The Social and the Spiritual in Wole Soyinkas, The Bacchae of Euripides
S. 352-
Majer-Bobetko, Sanja
The Question of National Identity in Music: The Croatian Example
S. 367-
Tapscott, Stephen
Mickiewicz, Walt Whitman, and the Performative Rhetoric of the Nation
S. 375-
Taylor, Lou
The Search for a Polish National Identity 194568: An Analysis of the Textile Design Work of Professor Wanda Telakowska, Director of the Institute of Industrial Design, Warsaw
S. 396-