Foot, Philippa
Nietzsches Immoralism
S. 3-
Clark, Maudemarie
Nietzsches Immoralism and the Concept of Morality
S. 15-
Danto, Arthur C.
Some Remarks on The Genealogy of Morals
S. 35-
Higgins, Kathleen Marie
On the Genealogy of MoralsNietzsches Gift
S. 49-
White, Richard
The Return of the Master: An Interpretation of Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals
S. 63-
Bergmann, Frithjof
Nietzsche and Analytic Ethics
S. 76-
Solomon, Robert C.
One Hundred Years of Ressentiment: Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals
S. 95-
Bittner, Rüdiger
S. 127-
Nussbaum, Martha C.
Pity and Mercy: Nietzsches Stoicism
S. 139-
Soll, Ivan
Nietzsche on Cruelty, Asceticism, and the Failure of Hedonism
S. 168-
Kofman, Sarah
Wagners Ascetic Ideal According to Nietzsche
S. 193-
Yovel, Yirmiyahu
Nietzsche, the Jews, and Ressentiment
S. 214-
Williams, Bernard
Nietzsches Minimalist Moral Psychology
S. 237-
Hoy, David Couzens
Nietzsche, Hume, and the Genealogical Method
S. 251-
Nehamas, Alexander
The Genealogy of Genealogy: Interpretation in Nietzsches Second Untimely Meditation and in On the Genealogy of Morals
S. 269-
MacIntyre, Alasdair
Genealogies and Subversions
S. 284-
Blondel, Eric
The Question of Genealogy
S. 306-
Conway, Daniel W.
Genealogy and Critical Method
S. 318-
Leiter, Brian
Perspectivism in Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals
S. 334-
Shapiro, Gary
Debts Due and Overdue: Beginnings of Philosophy in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Anaximander
S. 358-
Magnus, Bernd / Mileur, Jean-Pierre / Stewart, Stanley
Reading Ascetic Reading: Toward the Genealogy of Morals and the Path Back to the World
S. 376-
Schacht, Richard
Of Morals and Menschen
S. 427-
Scheier, Claus-Artur
The Rationale of Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals
S. 449-
Allison, David B.
Have I Been Understood?
S. 460-