Motyl, Alexander J.
From Imperial Decay to Imperial Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Empire In Comparative Perspective
S. 15-
McCagg, William O.
The Soviet Union and the Habsburg Empire: Problems of Comparison
S. 45-
Hroch, Miroslav
Language and National Identity
S. 65-
Himka, John-Paul
Nationality Problems in the Habsburg Monarchy and the Soviet Union: The Perspective of History
S. 79-
Magocsi, Paul Robert
A Subordinate Or Submerged People: The Ukrainians of Galicia Under Habsburg and Soviet Rule
S. 95-
Romanenko, Sergei A.
National Autonomy in Russia and Austria-Hungary: A Comparative Analysis of Finland and Croatia-Slavonia
S. 109-
Szlajfer, Henryk
From Empire to Empire: Russia versus Asian Revolutionaries, 1917-1920
S. 133-
Islamov, Tofik M.
From Natio Hungarica to Hungarian Nation
S. 159-
Busek, Erhard
Concepts of Cooperation in Central Europe
S. 185-
Tishkov, Valery A.
The Soviet Empire Before and After Perestroika
S. 199-
De�k, Istv�n
Comparing Apples and Pears: Centralization, Decentralization, and Ethnic Policy in the Habsburg and Soviet Armies
S. 225-
Rusinow, Dennison
Ethnic Politics in the Habsburg Monarchy and Successor States: Three Answers to the National Question
S. 243-
Konrad, Helmut
Between Little International and Great Power Politics: Austro-Marxism and Stalinism on the National Question
S. 269-
Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa
Main ThemesA Commentary
S. 295-
Leitsch, Walter
Reflections on Great Power Ethnic Politics
S. 305-

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