nanoCoP-M is a compact automated theorem prover
for modal first-order logic. It is based on the non-clausal
connection calculus for modal logic and extends the
classical nanoCoP prover.
More details about the calculus can be found in the
Features of nanoCoP-M
Theorem prover for modal first-order logic.
Supports the modal logics D, T, S4, and S5.
Supports heterogeneous multimodal logics (v2.0).
Supports constant, cumulative, and varying domains.
Based on the modal non-clausal connection calculus.
Proof search on the original formula structure.
Implemented in Prolog.
Sound and complete.
Leading performance.
Simple input format (nanoCoP-M or QMLTP syntax).
Output of readable non-clausal connection proof (v2.0).
Available under the GNU general public license.
nanoCoP-M 2.0
contains several enhancements and optimizations of the basic
non-clausal connection calculus, such as improved restricted
backtracking and a strategy scheduling.
nanoCoP-M 2.0
can output a detailed non-clausal connection proof in different
formats, for example in a Prolog syntax or in a readable format.
nanoCoP-M 2.0 runs on
ECLiPSe Prolog
(5.x) and on
It should run on most other Prolog systems as well.
The ReadMe file
contains more information on installing and running nanoCoP-M.
nanoCoP-M 1.0 implements the basic non-clausal connection calculus
and a few optimizations. It runs on the open source Prolog system
The following package includes a
ReadMe file containing
more information.
nanoCoP-M-DS5 is a version of leanCoP-M 2.0 that is optimized
for the modal first-order logics D and S5.
nanoCoP-M-DS5 runs on
ECLiPSe Prolog
(5.x) and on
It should run on most other Prolog systems as well.
The ReadMe file
contains more information on installing and running nanoCoP-M-DS5.