A gold rush

After the matter happened, a lot of websites reported it. I have been interviewed by part of them.

Indie Games

Nintendo Life

The market of WiiWare may not be active. But it doesn’t concern people who was waiting LA-MULANA.

We decided that we will release remaked LA-MULANA for PC. However, we also hope WiiWare version is releasd overseas.
Our intention may have gotten across. Some publishers have offered just after the interview was posted on the websites.

We have not been interviewed by Japsnese websites. Needless to say, we have not been offered from Japanese companies!
This is the present situation of the Japanese game world. In Japan, people may not expect the development of indie games.
We have to establish a foothold in overseas as I guessed.

We want to release LA-MULANA overseas. However, to tell the truth, Our primary reason for it is to set a example that Japanese indie game can be released.
When we release the game overseas, which publisher will have working with us?
Following LA-MULANA’s example, are there publishers dig Japanese unknown good indie games?

Japanese indie games world is untouched vein of gold.
Japanese may not be going to dig it. Now, please dig for gold as you like!



  2. Stoneth says

    Please release the game on Desura. That’s all I ask.

  3. Poiasdope says

    Remaked PC Version!? Holy mother of god! Yes, please!
    I will buy it.

  4. Karnimarc says

    I spammed Nintendo of Europe already with several mails! They shall release your great game for WiiWare finally! (>.=.<)

  5. Why don’t you self-publish?

    Seriously, why do you need a publisher for releasing a game on PC? Many indie developers bypass a publisher altogether, cutting out the middleman. If you sell the game directly from your website, you keep 100% of your profits. If you choose to sell via a popular digital distribution platform like Steam, you’ll still keep a larger portion of the purchase price than if you had to share with a publisher, but that is offset against the added visibility of the game and the cost of developing and hosting your own e-commerce solution.

  6. Armored Chocobo says

    “dig for gold as you like”

    May wanna rephrase that, Naramura.

    Just get Steam on the horn, they’ll most likely love to release the game!

  7. Barrylocke says

    I also think it would be great if Carpe Fulgur were to publish this game.

    Either way, I trust that you guys will do your best to find a good solution that will help you share your excellent game to the rest of the world.

  8. Arucard says

    I think my heart would explode if I saw a La-Mulana box with the ATLUS logo on it. Thanks you guys for continuing the effort, it would be easy to give up and I hope the struggle proves to be worth it in the end.


    We discussed the possibility of setting the game files and selling it on our website.
    However if you have trouble downloading the files, troubleshooting will be beyond our abilities.
    And, if servers are down because La-mulana sells too much, I will be at a loss what to do!

  10. Krendall says

    Pardon my ignorance, but why would you need a publisher for the PC version? Why not just set up a website and charge to download an installer file? Will the game really be so big that it wouldn’t work that way?

  11. The Wii was dead market anyway

    I highly expect a Steam release, even XBLA or PSN would be a better market than WiiWare

  12. patrickmanx says

    This reminds me of Kamui from [SITER SKAIN], what a wonderful game. RefleX also comes to my mind.
    Also i am replaying the original La Mulana.

  13. I know of a developer that digs rather unknown Japanese indie games.


    These guys translated and released two Japanese indie games to Steam, and they plan to do more in the future.

    I don’t know if these guys will help you out or not for WiiWare. Still, good to know that there are people willing to help Japanese indie games get into a bigger market.

  14. This is awesome news. I’d watched a certain Let’s Play of La Mulana, and it got me really interested in the game. When I heard it was coming to WiiWare, I was ecstatic. When I heard it was cancelled, it was incredibly disappointing. I hope that one of these new publishers does pick up the project and release it so that we can in fact play it. I want to see if I can get through Hell Temple 😉

  15. pidgeo5 says

    “Following LA-MULANA’s example, are there publishers dig Japanese unknown good indie games?”

    ATLUS seems to be the most prevalent publisher of Japanese games here in the western market. They have been responsible for bringing over many Japanese games that other publishers may have passed on because they were just “too Japanese for the western market”. In fact, if not for ATLUS, we may never had gotten Catherine!

    Granted, I don’t think they have published an Japanese indie title before, but they seem to be a publisher who is very passionate about Japanese games, so they’re worth a try.

  16. Parnash says

    Wait, other publishers are going to try now? That’s great news! Perhaps there is hope yet!

  17. Cyrus says


  18. Linkshot says

    After reading the interview, I’d also like to add that a 3DS version would be amazing. The 3DS has a lot of functionality that a gamepad can’t pull off, and you can make some of the more “PC unique” controls interactive. Typing the spells out on the MSX Keyboard on the touch screen, for one, or having to shout them into the microphone. The dancing under the tree of life can be a stylus motion, too.

  19. That’s great to hear.
    I hope you find a publisher soon. There are many people who want to play WiiWare LA-MULANA in Europe and North America.

    There’s many other good and interesting games on Japan WiiWare. Discipline, POISOFT’s RPG series, Pole’s Big Adventure, Snowpack Park. A shame most of us won’t be able to buy and play them.

    I look forward to LA-MULANA.
    Keep up the good work!
    And show ’em all what you’re made of!
    Set the example and keep doing so in the future.

    There is a market for independent Japanese games, and there must be people out there who can translate and publish them.

    I just hope Nintendo’s next download platform (Wii U Shop) has the marketing (and better block of piracy) so publishing downloadable software on Nintendo hardware gets (more) profitable again and in turn a better platform for developers.


  20. Linkshot says

    Don’t understand why you haven’t had so many offers. La-Mulana is bigger than a lot of games of the time it represents, and it’s also cheaper than they were. Hopefully Japan isn’t simply abandoning the market of “old gaming”.

  21. Best of luck! I know you’ll get it over here somehow. For the time being I can use the free-ware version! (LA-MULANA is my top game on my gotta-get list!)

  22. Best of luck finding a new publisher! Hopefully we can see a US release soon!

    Otherwise I’ll be watching out for the PC version. ^^

  23. I have been waiting for the remake release since I knew the first game.

    Keep on with the good work.

  24. Yoshi says

    As many people have said, Steam is probably the best decision you could make for a publisher of La-Mulana on PC. 🙂


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  7. […] In its most recent blog post, Nigoro has confirmed that since conducting two interviews on the subject, one of which was our own, they’ve been approached by prospective publishers. We decided that we will release remaked LA-MULANA for PC. Howev […]