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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 39 No. 5, pp. 1061-1077

An Efficient Autoscaling Cross-Browser Testing Cloud Platform based on Selenium Grid, Kubernetes and KEDA

1Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
2Computer and Network Center
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, 701 Taiwan
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Cross-browser testing not only is one of the most common non-functional testing methods in the field of software testing, but also the testing method that requires large amounts of resources, in terms of hardware and time. Basically, based on Selenium Grid, Kubernetes and KEDA auto-scaler, a cross-browser testing platform can be quickly built. However, through our empirical study of this style of platform, we observed three significant problems in terms of its reliability and efficiency: the Health-Check problem, the Session-Queue problem, and the Cooldown problem. This paper suggests solutions to these problems. The experimental result shows a 2.27 times improvement in reliability and a decrease in execution time for 61.5%. Moreover, the overall execution time is also 54.2% less comparing with Selenium’s Dynamic Grid.

Keywords: web application testing, cross-browser testing, testing cloud, autoscaling, software testing

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