Hi, my name is Jelena and this is my homepage

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University of Belgrade
FOS - Faculty of Organizational Sciences (School of Business Administration)
Department of Software Engineering
Jove Ilica 154,
11000 Belgrade

Phone: +381-11-3950853
email: [email protected]

You can find me on the Social Web:
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Bio Sketch

Jelena Jovanovic is a Professor at the Department of Software Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) at University of Bergen, Norway, and an Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Learning Analytics at Monash (CoLAM), Monash University, Australia. 

Jelena is teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in programming and applied artificial intelligence. As a researcher, for years, she was primarily focused on semantic technologies, particularly, Semantic Web / Linked Data technologies, and their application in the educational domain. Her current research focus is on the use of computational approaches, including statistical and machine learning methods and techniques, network analysis, and text analytics, towards better understanding and supporting learning, primarily self-regulated learning in higher education settings. Her interests also include how the insights obtained from the data can be effectively communicated to teachers and/or learners, as a meaningful feedback.

She has published numerous papers in high-ranked international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Currently she serves as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies and Editorial Board member of Journal of Learning Analytics, Journal of Educational Data Mining, and Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence. She is a member of the GOOD OLD AI research network, Laboratory for Systems, Software and Semantics (LS3) research lab at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada, and Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) research centre at University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

Research Interests

Technology-Enhanced Learning; Applied Machine Intelligence, especially, Learning Analytics; Social Network Analysis, Semantic Technologies

Current Position

Professor at the Department of Software Engineering, FOS - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade.
Working on the following modules:
   — Programing 2 (undergraduate course)
   — Intelligent Systems (undergraduate course)
   — Applied Artificial Intelligence (masters course)
   — Social Network Analysis (masters course)
   — Text mining (masters course)
   — Requirements Engineering (masters course)
   — Artificial Intelligence (PhD course)

Recent Projects

Disciplinary Discourse Analytics for Deep Learning   
GRASS - Grading Soft Skills (LLP EU project)
Knowledge-Driven Information Extraction from the Web