Irene Celino

Head of Knowledge Technologies Group · Cefriel · Milano, Italy

Hi! My name is Irene and I am a Computer Scientist with a passion for Research and Innovation.
I am an expert in Web and Data technologies, with a specialization in Semantic Web, Semantic Interoperability, Knowledge Graphs, Data Space and Data Fabric, Human acceptance of AI, Human Computation, Citizen Science, Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and Data Analytics.

I am the Head of the Knowledge Technologies group, one of the 8 competence centers in Cefriel, the research, innovation and technology transfer center of Politecnico di Milano, where I lead a group of talented professionals specialized in Knowledge Graphs and Human Computation with a focus on Smart Cities, Mobility/Transport and Industry 5.0.
I have ~20 years of experience in 40+ cooperative research projects, at regional, national and European level; I started as junior researcher and I have gained increasing responsibilities over time, and now I also cover the roles of Project Manager, Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator. I have been involved in numerous competitive project proposals' submission, with successful grant acquisition for around 8M euro funding for my organization.
I am the author of 100+ publications and I had the pleasure of winning different awards for my scientific and applied research work. Among other research roles, I am member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK).

Besides the research activities, during my work at Cefriel I have been involved in a large number of digital innovation and consultancy projects as well as educational and training courses for Cefriel's customers, in a wide range of different markets: public administration, banking and insurance, manufacturing, utilities and infrastructures, retail and GDO, information technology. My role has varied from offer preparation to solution design, from project management to direct contributor as subject matter expert.

I believe that I am a multipotentialite, therefore, in my free time, I like to explore all my other passions: I love to read both fantasy novels and psychology/leadership books and I unleash my creativity and artistic side, as an amateur hand-lettering artist.


Head of the Knowledge Technologies Group


Main responsibilities: People Manager, Program Manager, Research Manager

I lead one of the competence centers of Cefriel, focused on Knowledge Technologies, reporting directly to the COO. I coordinate a group of 9 people and I am responsible for their professional growth, in terms of both their technical and managerial competences and their soft skills. I design the long term strategy of the group, in accordance to the evolution of technologies and the needs of the company. I supervise and coordinate the acquisition and execution of research, innovation and education projects, both in cooperative settings and in customer consultancy, sometimes also directly with a Project Manager role. I actively participate to the research community and contribute to its advancement.

May 2018 - Present

Senior Specialist


Main responsibilities: Project Manager, Scientific and Technical Leader, Fund Acquisition

Thanks to the gained experience, I took over more responsibilities, reporting to the Head of Division. As Project Manager, I successfully coordinated and led the project teams in a high number of occasions, and ensured the operational excellence, in terms of satisfaction of requirements, temporal organization and budget constraints. In some of those projects, I also played the role of Project Coordinator and Scientific/Technical Leader, designing and setting up the solution, by challenging the state of the art and by integrating the best scientific expertise and technical elements to achieve the project objectives. I also actively participated to the networking and proposal preparation activities for EU, national and regional research and innovation co-funding programmes, with different activities including consortium building, activity planning, proposal writing, budget and funding preparation.

May 2013 - April 2018

Researcher and Consultant


Main responsibilities: Solution Designer and Developer, Project Manager

I joined Cefriel thanks to my expertise in Semantic Web technologies and, with those skills, I contributed to several research and innovation projects, by designing and developing technological solutions and by directly supporting research advancement. I also had my first experiences as Project Manager, under the supervision of senior professionals of Cefriel, by leading both the company team contributing to cooperative research projects and by coordinating innovation projects in the area of knowledge management for both public and private customers. I started to contribute to project proposals writing, understanding the mechanisms of cooperative research and customer engagement.

July 2004 - April 2013

Independent Expert

European Commission

Main responsibilities: Proposal Evaluator, Project Monitor

I have been registered as Independent Expert for the European Commission in the context of the 7th Framework Programme, the Horizon 2020 Programme and the Horizon Europe Programme. In this role, I contributed to the monitoring of EU co-funded R&D projects and to the evaluation of project proposals for different European Commission agencies (Research Executive Agency, DG CNECT).

May 2014 - Present

Lecturer, Supervisor and Tutor

Cefriel, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Milano Bicocca, Summer Schools and Scientific Events

Main responsibilities: Professional-, Master- and PhD-level education (course and lesson preparation and delivery, thesis supervision, student/intern tutoring)

I have been responsible for the design, preparation and delivery for several educational courses and individual lectures, both in professional training context for Cefriel customers and in a more academic context for different research institutions (including Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca) and tutorial at scientific events. The main topics of my educational activities have spanned from basic Java programming to Web technologies, Semantic Web, Human Computation, Crowdsourcing and Gamification, as well as Project Management and Requirements Engineering. I have also supervised 10+ Bachelor and Master Thesis, coordinated students groups for the Alta Scuola Politecnica and the International Semantic Web research Summer School. I have also selected and oversaw different interns for temporary employment in Cefriel.

July 2004 - Present



Post-Master Degree Specialization
Information and Communication Technologies, with focus on Semantic Web technologies
Thesis entitled "Multiple views in a framework for Semantic Organizational Information Portal".
Supervisor: prof. Emanuele Della Valle
September 2003 - July 2004

Politecnico di Milano

Master Degree
Biomedical Engineering
Thesis entitled "Organization and innovative technologies in neonatal care: the Department of Neonatology at I.C.P. in Milano".
Supervisor: prof. Marcello Crivellini.
September 1996 - April 2003


PERKS - Eliciting and Exploiting Procedural Knowledge in Industry 5.0

The PERKS project supports the holistic governance of industrial Procedural Knowledge in its entire life cycle, from elicitation to management and from access to exploitation. PERKS bases its solutions on AI (both symbolic and subsymbolic) and data technologies, by advancing and integrating existing methodologies and tools in terms of readiness, flexibility and user acceptance. The results are applied and tested in three industrial scenarios (white goods production plant, computer numerical control machines, microgrid testbed) providing different use cases in terms of Procedural Knowledge complexity and industrial requirements.
My role in PERKS: Project Coordinator of the entire consortium, coordination of the Cefriel team for the achievement of the project objectives, with special reference to data harmonization/standardization and knowledge graph management.
October 2023 - September 2026

DIPPS - Digital Intervention in Psychiatric and Psychologist Services

MISE (Italian Ministry of Economic Development)
DIPPS has the mission to the design and prototyping of a digital platform to provide support services for Psychology and Psychiatry therapists. These services will allow, for the first time in the healthcare domain, 24/7 monitoring of patients with the possibility of interacting with the medical team at any time and in any place, reducing the risk of exacerbation of the clinical status. A series of tools will also allow the optimization of the treatment path, by proposing a series of evidence-based habilitation and rehabilitation tasks, with a view to personalized medicine. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence techniques, prediction and decision support models will be developed, thus increasing the effectiveness of the work of the clinical team and enriching the knowledge about complex psychopathologies and sub-threshold clinical conditions.
My role in DIPPS: Project Manager for Cefriel, coordination of the Cefriel team team for the achievement of the project objectives, with special reference to conversational interactions and AI acceptance.
March 2023 - February 2026

deploy EMDS - Data space for mobility (deployment)

The project will contribute to the further development of the common European mobility data space announced in the Data Strategy and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, built and operated in full compliance with existing EU legislation in the mobility and transport sectors. By means of real-life implementation projects of use cases in 9 cities and regions using common technical infrastructure combined with governance mechanisms, the project will support the creation and deployment of an operational data space allowing participants to make data available and accessible in machine-readable format, and to share data in a controlled, simple and secure way.
My role in deployEMDS: external support and advisory to the Cefriel team working on Data Space building blocks and Milano pilot use case.
November 2023 - October 2026

KEYSTONE - Knowledgeable comprehensive and fully integrated smart solution for resilient, sustainable and optimized transport operations

The overreaching goal of KEYSTONE is to support the development of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system, allowing enforcement authorities to access data for the purpose of checking compliance with rules applied in the transport of goods and passengers. The aim is to tailor standardised digital solutions that can be used from several realities to standardize the transport system. To demonstrate the validity of the solutions proposed, an app will be developed so that two highly diverse pilots can prove the efficiency of the KEYSTONE’s innovation.
My role in KEYSTONE: external support and advisory to the Cefriel team working on stakeholder engagement.
June 2023 - May 2026

SMARTEDGE - Semantic Low-code Programming Tools for Edge Intelligence

The objective of the SMARTEDGE project is to enable the dynamic integration of decentralised edge intelligence at runtime while ensuring reliability, security, privacy and scalability. We will achieve this by enabling a semantic-based interplay of the edge devices of such systems via a cross-layer toolchain that facilitates the seamless and real-time discoverability and composability of autonomous intelligence swarm. Hence, an application can be freely built by distributing the processing, data fusion and control across heterogeneous sensors, devices and edges with ubiquitous low-latency connectivity.
My role in SMARTEDGE: external support and advisory to the Cefriel team working on data harmonization.
January 2023 - December 2025

TEADAL - Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum

TEADAL research focuses on providing key cornerstone technologies to create stretched data lakes spanning the cloud-edge continuum and multi-cloud, providing privacy, confidentiality, and energy-efficient data management. The goal is to enable trusted, verifiable and energy efficient data flows, both in a stretched data lake and across a trustworthy mediatorless federation of them, based on a shared approach for defining, enforcing, and tracking privacy/confidentiality requirements balanced with the need for energy reduction.
My role in TEADAL: support to Cefriel team in the coordination of requirements gathering activities with participatory approaches.
September 2022 - August 2025

K-HUB - Manufacturing Knowledge Hub

EIT Manufacturing, 22330
K-HUB aims at launching on the market an innovative voice-powered product to allow shopfloor operators to seamlessly retrieve relevant documents to support them in the task at hand. Specifically, K-HUB will couple two innovative technologies to ease the access to documental information, at any working level: semantic technologies for document indexing and retrieval, together with a voice assistance to help the frontline worker access.
My role in K-HUB: Project Manager for Cefriel; responsible to support the technological architecture definition, the coordination of the MVP - with specific reference to a manufacturing ontology engineering (the resulting ontology will be used to index and annotate documents) and the backend of the voice assistant for document retrieval - and the assessment and user evaluation of the technological solution.
January 2022 - December 2022

InnoCap - Promoting Innovation Capacity in RIS countries

EIT Urban Mobility, Regional Innovation Scheme, 22203
InnoCap aims at promoting innovation and capacity in the area of sustainable mobility within the RIS countries, with a set of awareness, engagement, education and dissemination initiatives and interventions in Portugal, Malta, Greece and Bulgaria.
My role in InnoCap: Project Manager for Cefriel; responsible to support the diffusion and use of Cefriel's Coney Toolkit to design and implement awareness creation, market research and data collection campaigns.
January 2022 - December 2022

TANGENT - Enhanced Data Processing Techniques for Dynamic Management of Multimodal Traffic

TANGENT research focuses on advanced techniques for predictive modelling and simulation of future demand and supply of transport; optimisation techniques for balancing demand flows between different transport means; and users travel behaviour modelling. As result, a set of applications for decision-making support will be delivered and tested in four Eurpean cities: Rennes, Lisbon, Manchester and Athens.
My role in TANGENT: support to Cefriel team in the coordination of activities related to conversational surveys for travellers.
September 2021 - August 2024

DAYDREAMS - Development of prescriptive AnalYtics baseD on aRtificial intElligence for iAMS

Research and Innovation Action aimed to move forward the integration and use of data and artificial/human trustworthy intelligence together with context-driven HMI for prescriptive Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS) in railway.
My role in DAYDREAMS: support to the investigation on human-in-the-loop prescriptive analytics; support to the lightweight semantic integration of the IAMS prototype.
December 2020 - May 2023

IP4MaaS - Shift2Rail IP4 to support the deployment of Mobility as a Service

Innovation Action aimed to assist IP4 projects to demonstrate the technologies at an unprecedented level: 6 different locations in Europe including more than 10 transport operators (Public Transport and Mobility-as-a-Service), authorities and agencies.
My role in IP4MaaS: Project Manager for Cefriel; support to the definition of scenarios and use cases for the demonstration sites; support to the design, administration and analysis of conversational survey for travellers' preferences and need for MaaS functionalities.
December 2020 - May 2023

Ride2Rail - Travel Companion enhancements and RIDE-sharing services syncronised to RAIL and Public Transport

Research and Innovation Action aimed to develop an innovative framework for intelligent mobility, facilitating the efficient combination of flexible (ride-sharing) and scheduled transport services (rail, bus, and other public transport services), thus enhancing the performance of the overall mobility system.
My role in Ride2Rail: support to the investigation and modeling of travellers preferences and incentive schemes; support to the solution piloting in Italy.
December 2019 - May 2022

AIDE - Artificial Intelligence Damage Estimation

EIT Digital, Digital Finance Action Line, 20267
After having an accident, the last thing you need is trouble with your insurer. The Artificial Intelligence Damage Estimator, enhanced by a user engagement and human computation component, will enable the user to upload pictures, give feedback, and estimate the damage immediately.
My role in AIDE: Project Manager for Cefriel; support to the design of the end user application, including the interaction experience, based on user engagement and human-in-the-loop methodologies.
October 2019 - December 2021

ACTION - pArticipatory sCience ToolkIt against pOllutioN

Research and Innovation Action aimed to deliver methodologies, tools, guidance documents and methods in these four areas to fundamentally transform the way citizen science is understood and practiced today, to make it more participatory, inclusive, and impactful.
My role in ACTION: Project Manager for Cefriel; leader of the Sociotechnical citizen science toolkit work package; research in gamified citizen science, conversational survey, participation data analytics.
February 2019 – January 2022

SNAP - Seamless exchange of multi-modal transport data for transition to National Access Points

EIT Digital, Digital Cities Action Line, 19281
SNAP supports transport authorities, operators and infrastructure managers of cities and metropolitan areas in complying with the EU Regulation of National Access Points (NAP), by helping them with turning their data/services in the correct formats/standards, fostering the growth of digital cities.
My role in SNAP: support to the Activity leader; support to the design of the semantic-based interoperability solution for conversion of transport data from/to the standards defined in EU regulation.
January 2019 – December 2019

SPRINT - Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport

The Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport (SPRINT) project will improve key aspects of the Shift2Rail Interoperability Framework to bring the market uptake of the multimodal transport ecosystem envisioned by IP4 closer to reality.
My role in SPRINT: support to the Technical Manager of the project; support to design and development of the Asset Manager and the semantic conversion technology for transport standard interoperability.
December 2018 – December 2020

Shift2MaaS - Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience

Shift2MaaS aims to support the introduction of Shift2Rail IP4 technology within the MaaS context by analysing the needs in terms of technology enablers of the different stakeholders involved, and demonstrating the benefits of IP4 through pilot demonstrators of collective and shared mobility services and the seamless passenger experience.
My role in Shift2MaaS: support to the definition of scenarios and use cases for the Lisbon demonstration site.
December 2018 – December 2020

Bankable - Help retail banks deliver the best mobile services and customer experience

EIT Digital, Digital Finance Action Line, 18165
A technological solution to help retail bankers in identifying and co-creating with their customers the best mobile experience to access the bank services; the set of tools support the design and beta.launch phase with a mix of qualitative information collection and quantitative data analysis also through mobile device sensors.
My role in Bankable: Project Manager for Cefriel; design and coordination of development of conversational survey technology and dashboard data visualization; design of user stories and scenario to support customer co-creation campaigns.
January 2018 - December 2018

SPICA - Sharing Power Information for Citizen Awareness

Lombardy Region POR FESR 2014-2020
Regional cooperative project aimed at creating awareness about energy saving and building retrofitting, by means of IoT devices and gamification.
My role in SPICA: responsible for design and development of the user application to monitor home sensors and to create awareness and induce behavioural change on the topics of building renovation and energy saving, based on a human computation approach enhanced with gamification: users are instructed about building interventions through a game with a purpose and are solicited to reflect on their habits through a conversational agent.
December 2017 – June 2019

Ninja Riders - Young Drivers’ Behavioural Change for Road Safety

EIT Digital, 17091
Digital Cities Action Line activity aimed at building the Ninja Riders toolbox to create participative communities at city level, to model young drivers’ actual behaviour (including their perceptions and future visions) and, meanwhile, to train young people on road security through positive models and entertaining feedbacks.
My role in Ninja Riders: Activity Coordinator; Project Manager for Cefriel; leader of the design and development of the gamification of the Ninja Riders software toolbox.
January 2017 - December 2017

PIAZZA - The Digital Living Lab Platform for the Co-creation of Smart Cities

EIT Digital, 16391
Urban Life and Mobility Action Line activity aimed at a digital platform for the co-creation of Smart City infrastructures and services together with all key stakeholders, citizens, administrations and service providers to be used by cities to shape, design, test and implement their individual way towards the Smart City.
My role in PIAZZA: Project Manager for Cefriel; leader of the design and development of a software framework to build multi-purpose gamified apps to involve citizens in the city co-creation.
January 2016 - December 2017

STARS4ALL - A Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe

Research and Innovation Action aimed at helping to reduce light pollution so to let everybody enjoy stars at night. The STARS4ALL Light Pollution Initiative (LPI) incubation platform will allow generating (and maintaining) customizable on-demand domain-focused LPIs. The platform will be self-sustainable: it will integrate a crowdfunding tool to fund the LPIs; it will consider incentives that motivate citizens to participate in LPIs, as well as policies to handle those incentives; and it will provide innovations in data acquisition from sensors deployed by citizens and in games with a purpose.
My role in STARS4ALL: Project Manager for Cefriel; leader of the Citizen Sensing and Gamification activities; deputy leader of the Collective Awareness Platform activities.
January 2016 - December 2018

ST4RT - Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation

Research and Innovation Action aimed at researching semantic, ontology based automation of transformations between heterogeneous data formats, and its application to a complex rail “after-sales” process use case in an actual run-time demonstration scenario.
My role in ST4RT: Project Manager for Cefriel; member of the Technical Management Committee; coordinator of the semantic research activities.
November 2016 - October 2018

GoF4R - Governance of the Interoperability Framework for Rail and Intermodal Mobility

Coordination and Support Action aimed to define sustainable governance for the Interoperability Framework that will create the right conditions to introduce seamless mobility services and foster the development of multi-modal travel services.
My role in GoF4R: Project Manager for Cefriel; member of the Technical Management Committee; coordinator of the semantic research activities.
November 2016 - October 2018

IT2Rail - Information Technologies for SHIFT2RAIL

Research and Innovation Action aimed at providing a new seamless travel experience, giving access to a complete multimodal travel offer which connects the first and last mile to long distance journeys.
My role in IT2Rail: Project Manager for Cefriel; main contributor to ontology engineering and semantic web services’ management and discovery.
May 2015 - April 2018

3cixty - A platform for Apps and Services Offering Comprehensive Views for City Visitors

EIT Digital, 14523
Urban Life and Mobility Action Line activity aimed at a platform, well motivated in business terms, for developing apps for city visitors that makes it easy for application developers to access and process comprehensive heterogeneous information about a city. The expected outcome lies in new opportunities to enable city visitors to exploit the transportation, business, cultural, and touristic opportunities offered by a city more fully and in a more personally and environmentally appropriate way, thereby benefiting cities, their visitors, and application and service developers.
My role in 3cixty: Project Manager for Cefriel; leader of the standardization task, with the definition of the reference conceptual models for city related data; participant to the interoperability task, with contribution to the design and description of the Reference Architecture of ULM Data and Service Platform.
April 2014 – December 2015

Connecting Digital Cities

EIT Digital, 14465
Urban Life and Mobility Action Line activity aimed to build a citizen centric platform and services that are based on real-time location and destination data coming from mobile phones of travellers and sensors that integrated in public transportation system (taxi, bus, metro). The context is Smart Cities, with sensors and information systems in transportation, buildings, or energy systems that will be producing increasing amount of data in huge volumes.
My role in CDC: Project Manager for Cefriel; contribution to the design and development of a city service ecosystem for the cities of Helsinki and Lisbon that repeats the successful experience and best practices of the Milano E015 Digital Ecosystem.
April 2014 – December 2015

PROACTIVE - Territory Safety through Advanced ICT Infrastructures, Active Citizenship and Social Networks

Lombardy Region POR FESR 2007-2013
Regional cooperative project tackling four challenges: smart semantic data fusion to build predictive models for the dynamics of citizens’ movements; definition of an intervention strategy and a smart service platform for public bodies; exploitation of social networks for an effective bi-directional communication between citizens and public bodies; experimentation of smart sensors for adverse environments.
My role in PROACTIVE: Project Manager for Cefriel; Coordinator of the Social Innovation activities; Coordination of design, development and evaluation of semantic data fusion and analytics with heterogeneous and time-variant geo-spatial datasets.
March 2014 – November 2015

SPAC3 - Public Bodies’ Smart Services for Citizen-Centricity on the Cloud

Lombardy Region POR FESR 2007-2013
Regional cooperative project aimed at the process optimization for public bodies, through a cloud platform for access and delivery of services for citizens and the improvement of service adaptability and user acceptance, through an easier access to services via a smart cloud calendar and a semantic service discovery.
My role in SPAC3: Project Manager for Cefriel; Coordinator of semantic description of services and citizens for a better service tailoring; Coordinator of design and development of semantic service matchmaking for service recommendations to citizens.
January 2014 – November 2015

SIMULATOR - Decision Support System for Territory Security and Environmental Sustainability

Lombardy Region POR FESR 2007-2013
Regional cooperative project aimed at an integrated and modular system for the prevention, prediction, monitoring, and real-time management of risks due to natural causes (e.g. extreme events of meteorological or seismic nature) or to anthropogenic cause (e.g. accidents of technological, chemical or industrial nature).
My role in SIMULATOR: Coordinator of the Human Computation and Volunteered Geographic Information activities; Coordinator of design and development of citizen science-like applications to gather and validate information coming from “human sensors” during non-emergency situations.
April 2014 – November 2015

SmartCulture - Improving Cultural Heritage exploitation by maximizing Personal and Collective Experience

Lombardy Region POR FESR 2007-2013
Regional cooperative project aimed at building a new model for a new improvement and fruition of Cultural Heritage by maximizing the personal and collective experience of users and by involving all stakeholders of the tourism and cultural heritage supply chain.
My role in SmartCulture: Coordinator of the design and development of Human Computation applications and specifically Games with a Purpose for the engagement of the cultural heritage tourist.
November 2014 - November 2015

PlanetData - Large-scale Data Management

Network of Excellence Integrated Project aimed to establish an interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web.
My role in PlanetData: Project Manager for Cefriel; Coordinator of the UrbanGames sub-project (winner of the first call for proposals on the topic of “Consuming Linked Data”); realization of linked data-empowered location-based mobile interactive gaming applications that serve the double purpose of entertaining tourists and gathering high-quality data about the urban environment through Human Computation.
October 2011 – December 2014

ITSociety - Social Computing Platform

Lombardy Region – POR FESR 2007-2013
Innovation Project funded by Lombardy Region within its “Programma Operativo Regionale Competitività” aimed at building a Social Computing Platform to access and aggregate services with a new interaction paradigm based on “stories” and “venues” that replace the usual desktop/folders paradigm.
My role in ITSociety: Contributor as Semantic Web expert to the design and development of semantic-based advanced services within the platform.
September 2011 – October 2012

PANDORA - Advanced Training Environment for Crisis Scenarios

Specific targeted research project aimed at developing new innovative 3D training environments for professionals who deal with national emergencies.
My role in PANDORA: main contributor to the Crisis Knowledge Base ontological modelling, provenance tracking and training log analysis.
April 2010 – March 2012

LarKC - Large Knowledge Collider

Integrated Project aimed at building an extensible platform for large-scale reasoning.
My role in LarKC: Project Manager for Cefriel; vice-coordinator of the Urban Computing use case WP; realization of urban-related demonstrators built on the LarKC platform; contributor to project requirement analysis, technological development and project results dissemination.
April 2008 – October 2011

SOA4All - Service Oriented Architectures for All

Integrated Project aimed at providing a comprehensive framework and infrastructure to integrate SOA, Context management, Web principles, Web 2.0 and Semantic Web.
My role in SOA4All: leader of the conceptual foundations and technical realization of a Semantic Web-based Recommender System that leverages the Web of Linked Data.
March 2010 – April 2011


Specific targeted research project with a strong accent on Demonstration (STREP-D) aimed at the realization of a search engine for Web services.
My role in Service-Finder: leader of the Service-Finder Interface WP; coordination of the research group that developed the Service-Finder Portal on top of the STAR:chart framework, which conjugates Web 2.0 trends, Interaction Design principles and Semantic Web technologies; contributor to the project results dissemination.
January 2008 – December 2009

NeP4B - Networked Peers for e-Business

Cooperation project (co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Education) aimed at building a peer-to-peer network of semantic agents to foster coopetition between Italian SMEs.
My role in NeP4B: coordinator of the dissemination and exploitation WP; leader of the activities towards the realization of Semantic Web-based interfaces which give the final users access to the data collected and integrated in the peers network, by offering intelligent search and navigation capabilities; contributor to the project results dissemination.
July 2006 – December 2009

SUPER - Semantics Utilised for Process management within and between EnteRprises

Integrated Project in the domain of Business Process Management, aimed at the automation of the whole BPM lifecycle through the employment of Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services technologies.
My role in SUPER: Project Manager for Cefriel; contributor as Semantic Web expert to the activities aimed to introduce ontologies, axioms and light-weight rules to Business Process Analysis (both Process Mining and Reverse Business Engineering techniques); contributor to the video showcase realization and to the project results dissemination.
April 2006 – June 2008

SEEMP - Single European Employment Marketplace

Specific targeted research project in the domain of e-Employment (e-Government to support employment market) aimed at the realization of a technological infrastructure to interconnect Employment Agencies in Europe, overcoming current limitations on their services interoperability.
My role in SEEMP: contributor to the application of ontological engineering and ontological mediation to Semantic Web Services in the e-Employment field; contributor to the project results dissemination.
January 2006 - December 2007

COCOON - Building Knowledge Driven and Dynamically Adaptive Networked Communities within European Healthcare Systems

Integrated Project in the domain of e-Health aimed at building innovative tools for everyday medical practice.
My role in COCOON: building of a Knowledge Management platform for the intelligent search and navigation through medical literature, enhanced by the use of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies, both at conceptual level and at realization and integration level, with coordination of the involved partners; contributor to the project results dissemination.
July 2004 – June 2007


Hereafter, a list of publications, divided by year of publication. The code of each entry specifies the type of publication, as follows: [B] stands for Book, [BC] for Book Chapter, [J] for Journal Paper, [C] for Conference Paper, [T] for Tutorial, [W] for Workshop Paper, [P] for Poster, [E] for Editorial work and [O] for Others.


  • [J25] Sandra Geisler, Cinzia Cappiello, Irene Celino, David Chaves-Fraga, Anastasia Dimou, Ana Iglesias-Molina, Maurizio Lenzerini, Anisa Rula, Dylan van Assche, Sascha Welten and Maria-Esther Vidal: "From Genesis to Maturity: Managing Knowledge Graph Ecosystems Through Life Cycles", Vision Paper, In Proceedings of VLDB Endowment, Vol. 18 to appear, 2025.
  • [J24] Irene Celino, Valentina Anita Carriero, Antonia Azzini, Ilaria Baroni and Mario Scrocca: "Procedural knowledge management in Industry 5.0: Challenges and opportunities for knowledge graphs", In Journal of Web Semantics, vol 84, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.websem.2024.100850, 2025.
  • [BC11] Irene Celino, Mario Scrocca and Agnese Chiatti: "Mutual Understanding between People and Systems via Neurosymbolic AI and Knowledge Graphs", In P. Hitzler et al. ed. "Handbook of Neurosymbolic AI and Knowledge Graphs", Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 400, IOS Press, DOI: 10.3233/FAIA250241, 2025.
  • [C34] Valentina Anita Carriero, Mario Scrocca, Ilaria Baroni, Antonia Azzini, and Irene Celino: "Procedural Knowledge Ontology (PKO)", In Proceedings of the 22th Extended/European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2025), Resources Track, to appear, 2025.
  • [E6] Albert Meroño-Peñuela, Óscar Corcho, Paul Groth, Elena Simperl, Valentina Tamma, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, María Poveda-Villalón, Marta Sabou, Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Artem Revenko, Joe Raad, Bruno Sartini, Pasquale Lisena: "The Semantic Web: ESWC 2024 Satellite Events - Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 26-30, 2024, Proceedings", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 15344 (Part I, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-78952-6) and Vol. 15345 (Part II, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-78955-7), Springer, 2025.


  • [C33] Valentina Anita Carriero, Antonia Azzini, Ilaria Baroni, Mario Scrocca and Irene Celino: "Human Evaluation of Procedural Knowledge Graph Extraction from Text with Large Language Models", In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2024), LNCS vol 15370, Springer, Cham, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-77792-9_26, 2024.
  • [C32] Mario Scrocca, Marco Grassi, Marco Comerio, Valentina Anita Carriero, Tiago Delgado Dias, Ana Vieira Da Silva and Irene Celino: "Intelligent Urban Traffic Management via Semantic Interoperability across Multiple Heterogeneous Mobility Data Sources", In Proceedings of the 23th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024), Best Paper Award - In Use Track, LNCS vol 15233, Springer, Cham, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-77847-6_12, [preprint], 2024.
  • [W45] Valentina Anita Carriero, Mario Scrocca, Ilaria Baroni, Antonia Azzini and Irene Celino: "Towards an Ontology for Procedural Knowledge in Industry 5.0", In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling (SemIIM), co-located with ISWC 2024, to appear, 2024.
  • [W44] Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Grassi, Marco Comerio and Irene Celino: "Not Everybody Speaks RDF: Knowledge Conversion between Different Data Representations", in Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2024), co-located with ESWC 2024, CEUR Proceedings, Vol. 3718, [paper], 2024.


  • [J23] Mario Scrocca, Ilaria Baroni, Irene Celino: "Urban IoT ontologies for sharing and electric mobility", Semantic Web Journal, Vol. 14, Number 4, DOI: 10.3233/SW-210445, 2023.
  • [C31] Anisa Rula, Gloria Re Calegari, Antonia Azzini, Ilaria Baroni and Irene Celino: "Annotation and Extraction of Industrial Procedural Knowledge from Textual Documents", In Proceedings of the 12th Knowledge Capture Conference (K-CAP 2023), DOI: 10.1145/3587259.3627570, 2023.
  • [C30] Anisa Rula, Gloria Re Calegari, Antonia Azzini, Davide Bucci, Alessio Carenini, Ilaria Baroni and Irene Celino: "K-Hub: a modular ontology to support document retrieval and knowledge extraction in Industry 5.0", In Proceedings of the 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2023) - Resource Track, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9_27, 2023.
  • [W43] Marco Grassi, Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Comerio, Irene Celino: "Composable Semantic Data Transformation Pipelines with Chimera", In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2023), co-located with ESWC 2023, CEUR Proceedings, Vol. 3471, [paper], 2023.
  • [W42] Mario Scrocca, Ilaria Baroni, Alessio Carenini and Irene Celino: "Enhancing Reproducibility and Trustability in Intelligent Asset Management Systems for the Railway Domain", in Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS 2023), co-located with ESWC 2023, DOI: 10.4126/FRL01-006444996 2023.
  • [E5] Irene Celino and Heiko Paulheim (eds.): "Proceedings of the next 20 years track at ESWC 2023", Special Track at the 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2023), DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8124520, 2023.
  • [O11] Irene Celino and Heiko Paulheim: "The Time Traveler's Guide to Semantic Web Research: Analyzing Fictitious Research Themes in the ESWC "Next 20 Years" Track", CoRR abs/2309.13939 arXiv:2309.13939 [cs.AI], DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2309.13939, 2023.


  • [J22] Ilaria Baroni, Gloria Re Calegari, Damiano Scandolari, Irene Celino: "AI-TAM: a model to investigate user acceptance and collaborative intention in human-in-the-loop AI applications", Human Computation Journal, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 1-21, DOI: 10.15346/hc.v9i1.134, 2022.
  • [J21] Andrea Tocchetti, Lorenzo Corti, Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino: "EXP-Crowd: A Gamified Crowdsourcing Framework for Explainability", Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, DOI: 10.3389/frai.2022.826499, 2022.
  • [C29] Anisa Rula, Gloria Re Calegari, Antonia Azzini, Davide Bucci, Ilaria Baroni and Irene Celino: "Eliciting and Curating Procedural Knowledge in Industry: Challenges and Opportunities", In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Curation Technologies (Qurator 2022), CEUR Vol. 3234, link: paper, 2022.
  • [C28] Mario Scrocca, Marco Comerio, Alessio Carenini and Irene Celino: "Modelling Business Agreements in the Multimodal Transportation Domain Through Ontological Smart Contracts", In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2022), IOS Press, Volume 55: Towards a Knowledge-Aware AI, DOI: 10.3233/SSW220016, 2022.


  • [J20] Dumitru Roman, Neal Reeves, Esteban Gonzalez Guardia, Irene Celino, Shady Abd El Kader, Philip Turk, Ahmet Soylu, Oscar Corcho, Raquel Cedazo, Gloria Re Calegari, Damiano Scandolari, Elena Simperl: "An analysis of pollution citizen science projects from the perspective of data science and open science", Data Technologies and Applications, Vol. 55 No. 5, pp. 622-642, DOI: 10.1108/DTA-10-2020-0253, 2021.
  • [J19] Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari, Mario Scrocca, Jaime Zamorano and Esteban González Guardia: "Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network", Journal of Science Communication, Vol. 20, Issue 6, DOI: 10.22323/2.20060203, 2021.
  • [W41] Mario Scrocca, Damiano Scandolari, Gloria Re Calegari, Ilaria Baroni, Irene Celino: "The Survey Ontology: Packaging Survey Research as Research Objects", Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science, co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), DOI: 10.4126/FRL01-006429412, 2021.
  • [W40] Alessio Carenini, Andrea Fiano, Mario Scrocca, Marco Comerio, Irene Celino: "Enabling Cross-Border Travel Offers Through National Access Point Federation via Metadata Harmonisation", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop Semantics And The Web For Transport, co-located with Semantics Conference (SEMANTiCS 2021), CEUR Vol. 2939, link: paper, 2021.
  • [W39] Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Comerio, Irene Celino: "Semantic Conversion of Transport Data Adopting Declarative Mappings: An Evaluation of Performance and Scalability", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop Semantics And The Web For Transport, co-located with Semantics Conference (SEMANTiCS 2021), CEUR Vol. 2939, link: paper, 2021.
  • [W38] Mario Scrocca, Marco Comerio, Damiano Scandolari, Irene Celino: "Towards a More Informed Multimodal Travel Shopping", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop Semantics And The Web For Transport, co-located with Semantics Conference (SEMANTiCS 2021), CEUR Vol. 2939, link: paper, 2021.


  • [J18] Irene Celino and Gloria Re Calegari: "Submitting surveys via a conversational interface: an evaluation of user acceptance and approach effectiveness", International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Vol. 139, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102410, 2020.
  • [J17] Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari and Andrea Fiano: "Refining Linked Data with Games with a Purpose", Data Intelligence Journal Vol. 2, Issue 33, pp. 417-442, DOI: 10.1162/dint_a_00056, 2020.
  • [BC10] Irene Celino: "Who is this Explanation for? Human Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI", In: Ilaria Tiddi, Freddy Lecue, Pascal Hitzler (eds.), Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI -- Foundations, Applications and Challenges. Studies on the Semantic Web, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Vol. 47, pp. 276-285, DOI: 10.3233/SSW200024, 2020.
  • [C27] Mario Scrocca, Marco Comerio, Alessio Carenini and Irene Celino: "Turning Transport Data to Comply with EU Standards While Enabling a Multimodal Transport Knowledge Graph", In: Jeff Pan et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020), Springer, LNCS 12507, pp. 411-429, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62466-8_26, 2020.
  • [P9] Gloria Re Calegari, Irene Celino, Mario Scrocca, Jaime Zamorano and Esteban González Guardia: "Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network", E-poster at the European Citizen Science Association Conference (ECSA), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4068332, 2020.
  • [O10] Nacira Abbas, Kholoud Alghamdi, Mortaza Alinam, Francesca Alloatti, Glenda Amaral, Claudia d'Amato, Luigi Asprino, Martin Beno, Felix Bensmann, Russa Biswas, Ling Cai, Riley Capshaw, Valentina Anita Carriero, Irene Celino, Amine Dadoun, Stefano De Giorgis, Harm Delva, John Domingue, Michel Dumontier, Vincent Emonet, Marieke van Erp, Paola Espinoza Arias, Omaima Fallatah, Sebastián Ferrada, Marc Gallofré Ocaña, Michalis Georgiou, Genet Asefa Gesese, Frances Gillis-Webber, Francesca Giovannetti, Marìa Granados Buey, Ismail Harrando, Ivan Heibi, Vitor Horta, Laurine Huber, Federico Igne, Mohamad Yaser Jaradeh, Neha Keshan, Aneta Koleva, Bilal Koteich, Kabul Kurniawan, Mengya Liu, Chuangtao Ma, Lientje Maas, Martin Mansfield, Fabio Mariani, Eleonora Marzi, Sepideh Mesbah, Maheshkumar Mistry, Alba Catalina Morales Tirado, Anna Nguyen, Viet Bach Nguyen, Allard Oelen, Valentina Pasqual, Heiko Paulheim, Axel Polleres, Margherita Porena, Jan Portisch, Valentina Presutti, Kader Pustu-Iren, Ariam Rivas Mendez, Soheil Roshankish, Sebastian Rudolph, Harald Sack, Ahmad Sakor, Jaime Salas, Thomas Schleider, Meilin Shi, Gianmarco Spinaci, Chang Sun, Tabea Tietz, Molka Tounsi Dhouib, Alessandro Umbrico, Wouter van den Berg, Weiqin Xu: "Knowledge Graphs Evolution and Preservation - A Technical Report from ISWS 2019", arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.11936, 2020.


  • [W37] Marco Comerio, Alessio Carenini, Mario Scrocca and Irene Celino: "Turn Transportation Data into EU Compliance through Semantic Web-based Solutions", in proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantics for Transport, co-located with the SEMANTiCS Conference, CEUR Vol. 2447, link: paper, 2019.
  • [P8] Damiano Scandolari, Gloria Re Calegari, Mario Scrocca and Irene Celino: "CONEY: A CONversational survEY Toolkit", Proceedings of CHItaly (Poster), Padova, September 2019.
  • [P7] Damiano Scandolari, Mario Scrocca, Gloria Re Calegari and Irene Celino: "Coney: A Conversational Approach to Enhance Engagement in Surveys", Proceedings of the Open Science Fair 2019 (Demo), [link], Porto, September 2019.


  • [J16] Gloria Re Calegari, Gioele Nasi and Irene Celino: "Human Computation vs. Machine Learning: an Experimental Comparison for Image Classification", Human Computation Journal, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 13-30, DOI: 10.15346/hc.v5i1.2, 2018.
  • [BC9] Sibylle Schroer, Christopher Kyba, Roy van Grunsven, I. Celino, Oscar Corcho, Franz Hölker: "Citizen science to monitor light pollution – a useful tool for studying human impacts on the environment", In Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy (eds. A. Bonn, M. Haklay, S. Hecker, A. Bowser, Z. Makuch & J. Vogel), UCL Press, London, Open Access, 2018.
  • [BC8] M.A. Brovelli, P. Mooney, L. Biagi, M. Brambilla, I. Celino, E. Ciceri, N. Dorigatti, H. Huang, M. Minghini, and V. Venkatachalam: "Mapping Parties at FOSS4G Europe: Fun, Outcomes and Lessons Learned", In Mobile Information Systems Leveraging Volunteered Geographic Information for Earth Observation, pp. 3-34. Springer, Cham, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70878-2_1, 2018.
  • [C26] Gloria Re Calegari and Irene Celino: "Interplay of Game Incentives, Player Profiles and Task Difficulty in Games with a Purpose", in proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - EKAW 2018, LNAI Volume 11313, pp. 306-321, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03667-6_20, 2018.
  • [C25] Gloria Re Calegari, Andrea Fiano and Irene Celino: "A Framework to build Games with a Purpose for Linked Data Refinement", in proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference 2018, Best Paper Award - Resources Track, LNCS Volume 11137, pp. 154-169, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00668-6_10, [pre-print], 2018.
  • [W36] Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari and Andrea Fiano: "Involving people in Citizen Science through game incentives: the case of the STARS4ALL project on Light Pollution", HCOMP Project Networking Workshop, co-located with the sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018), 2018.
  • [E4] Denny Vrandečić, Kalina Bontcheva, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Marta Sabou, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Elena Simperl (eds.): "The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018, 17th International Semantic Web Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, October 8–12, 2018, Proceedings, Part I and Part II", Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 11136 and 11137), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00671-6 and 10.1007/978-3-030-00668-6, 2018.
  • [P6] Alessio Carenini, Marco Comerio and Irene Celino: "Semantic-Enhanced National Access Points to Multimodal Transportation Data", Proceedings of the ISWC 2018 Posters & Demonstrations, Industry and Blue Sky Ideas Tracks (co-located with ISWC 2018), CEUR Volume 2180, 2018.
  • [O9] Irene Celino and Gloria Re Calegari: "An Incremental Truth Inference Approach to Aggregate Crowdsourcing Contributions in Games with a Purpose", CoRR abs/1810.10771: arXiv:1810.10771 [cs.HC], 2018.
  • [O8] Irene Celino, Oscar Corcho, Franz Hölker and Elena Simperl: "Citizen Science: Design and Engagement (Dagstuhl Seminar 17272)", Dagstuhl Reports 4(7), pp. 22-43, DOI: 10.4230/DagRep.7.7.22, 2018.


  • [J15] Maria Antonia Brovelli, Irene Celino, Andrea Fiano, Monia Elisa Molinari, Vijaycharan Venkatachalam: "A crowdsourcing-based game for land cover validation", Applied Geomatics, DOI: 10.1007/s12518-017-0201-3, 2017.
  • [J14] R. Troncy, G. Rizzo, A. Jameson, O. Corcho, J. Plu, E. Palumbo, J.C. Ballesteros Hermida, A. Spirescu, K.D. Kuhn, C. Barbu, M. Rossi, I. Celino, R. Agarwal, C. Scanu, M. Valla, T. Haaker: "3cixty: Building Comprehensive Knowledge Bases For City Exploration", Journal of Web Semantics, DOI: 10.1016/j.websem.2017.07.002, 2017.
  • [J13] Alessio Carenini, Irene Celino, Marco Comerio, Flavio De Paoli, Andrea Maurino: "MuSe – a Semantic Solution for Personalized Recommendations of Municipality Services", International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol 9, No. 1/2, Inderscience, DOI: 10.1504/IJEG.2017.084649, 2017.
  • [W35] Paolo Cappello, Marco Comerio and Irene Celino: "BotDCAT-AP: An Extension of the DCAT Application Profile for Describing Datasets for Chatbot Systems", 4th International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling and fEderated Search for Web Data (PROFILES2017), co-located with the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1927, link: paper, urn:nbn:de:0074-1927-7, 2017.
  • [P5] A. Carenini, I. Celino, M. Comerio, M. M. Pourhashem Kallehbasti, M. Rossi, L. Tanca: "Interoperability and Governance of IT Solutions for Attractive Railway and Multimodal Transport Services: the point of view of EU Research", in UITP Global Public Transport Summit, Montreal, 2017.


  • [J12] Gloria Re Calegari, Emanuela Carlino, Diego Peroni and Irene Celino: "Filtering and Windowing Mobile Traffic Time Series for Territorial Land Use Classification", DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2016.04.016, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 2016.
  • [J11] Gloria Re Calegari, Irene Celino and Diego Peroni: "City data dating: Emerging affinities between diverse urban datasets", Information Systems, Volume 57, pp. 223-240, DOI: 10.1016/, Elsevier, 2016.
  • [C24] Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari, Andrea Fiano: "Towards Talkin'Piazza: Engaging citizens through playful interaction with urban objects", in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, p. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580809, IEEE, 2016.
  • [C23] Maria Antonia Brovelli, Irene Celino, Monia Molinari, Vijay Charan Venkatachalam: "A crowdsourcing-based game for land cover validation", in Proceedings of the 2016 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium, ESA, 2016.
  • [C22] Irene Celino, Andrea Fiano, and Riccardo Fino: "Analysis of a Cultural Heritage Game with a Purpose with an Educational Incentive", in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016), LNCS Volume 9671, pp. 422-430, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8_28, [presentation], 2016.
  • [C21] Gloria Re Calegari, Emanuela Carlino, Irene Celino and Diego Peroni: "Supporting Geo-Ontology Engineering through Spatial Data Analytics", in Proceedings of the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2016 (ESWC 2016), LNCS Volume 9678, pp. 556-571, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-34129-3_34, [presentation], 2016.


  • [J10] Gloria Re Calegari, Emanuela Carlino, Diego Peroni and Irene Celino: "Extracting Urban Land Use from Linked Open Geospatial Data", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Volume 4, Number 4, pp. 2109-2130, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi4042109, MDPI, 2015.
  • [J9] Irene Celino: "Geospatial dataset curation through a location-based game", Semantic Web Journal, Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 121-130, DOI: 10.3233/SW-130129, IOS Press, 2015. [preprint]
  • [C20] Janne Lahti, Jukka Ahola, Stefano Ceri, Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino, Maurilio Zuccalà: "Empowering digital cities through interconnected services", in Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress "Towards Intelligent Mobility - Better Use of Space", Bordeaux, France, 2015.
  • [C19] Maria Antonia Brovelli, Irene Celino, Monia Elisa Molinari, Vijaycharan Venkatachalan: "Land cover validation game", in Proceedings of the 2nd Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference (FOSS4G-Europe 2015), Academic Track, 2015.
  • [C18] Gloria Re Calegari, Irene Celino: "A Data Scientist Exploration in the World of Heterogeneous Open Geospatial Data", in Proceedings of the 2nd Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference (FOSS4G-Europe 2015), Open Data Track, 2015.
  • [C17] Maurilio Zuccalà and Irene Celino: "Fostering Innovation through Coopetition: The E015 Digital Ecosystem", Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015), Industrial Track, 2015.
  • [C16] Andrea Cerino, Maurilio Zuccalà, Irene Celino: "Seamless Integration of Urban Mobility Data: The Infoblu Traffic for Expo Mobile App", Proceeding of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MobileSoft 2015), 2015.
  • [W34] Gloria Re Calegari, Irene Celino: "Smart Urban Planning Support through Web Data Science on Open and Enterprise Data", in Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Data Science and Smart Cities, co-located with the 24th World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015), DOI: 10.1145/2740908.2742131, ACM Press, 2015.
  • [O7] Giuseppe Rizzo, Raphael Troncy, Oscar Corcho, Anthony Jameson, Julien Plu, Juan Carlos Ballesteros Hermida, Ahmad Assaf, Catalin Barbu, Adrian Spirescu, Kai-Dominik Kuhn, Irene Celino, Rachit Agarwal, Cong Kinh Nguyen, Animesh Pathak, Christian Scanu, Massimo Valla, Timber Haaker, Emiliano Sergio Verga, Matteo Rossi, Jose Luis Redondo Garcia: "3cixty@Expo Milano 2015: Enabling Visitors to Explore a Smart City", Proceedings of the 13th Semantic Web Challenge 2015, First Place Award Winner, October 2015.
  • [E3] Kostis Kyzirakos, Cory A. Henson, Matthew Perry, Dalia Varanka, Rolf Grütter, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Markus Krötzsch, Stefan Schlobach (eds.): "Joint Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks and Terra Cognita and the 4th International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning (OrdRing 2015)", co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1488, online at, urn:nbn:de:0074-1488-9, 2015.


  • [J8] Marco Balduini, Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Yi Huang, Tony Lee, Seon-Ho Kim and Volker Tresp: "Reality Mining on Micropost Streams. Deductive and Inductive Reasoning for Personalized and Location-based Recommendations", Semantic Web Journal, Volume 5, Number 5, p. 341-356, DOI: 10.3233/SW-130107, IOS Press, 2014.
  • [BC7] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino Dario Cerizza and Catalina Mancas: "ABC: A methodology for Semantic Web Application Development", in: Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering, p. 159-177, IGI Global, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-370-4-159, 2014.
  • [BC6] Irene Celino and Daniele Dell'Aglio: "Capturing the Semantics of Simulation Learning with Linked Data", in: Synergic Integration of Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments for Adult Lifelong Learners, p. 222-243, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4655-1.ch011, 2014.
  • [W33] Irene Celino and Alessio Carenini: "Towards a Semantic City Service Ecosystem", in: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities, co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1280, pp. 3-8, 2014. [pdf]
  • [W32] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle and Roberto Gualandris: "On the effectiveness of a Mobile Puzzle Game UI to Crowdsource Linked Data Management tasks", in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on User Interfaces for Crowdsourcing and Human Computation, co-located with the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2014), 2014. [pdf]
  • [O5] Irene Celino and Gloria Re Calegari: "Geo-statistical Exploration of Milano Datasets", Submission to the SemStats Challenge, at the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2014), co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), 2014.
  • [E2] Irene Celino, , Oscar Corcho, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Markus Krötzsch and Stefan Schlobach (eds.): “Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning”, Co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1303, online at, urn:nbn:de:0074-1303-0, 2014.


  • [J7] Irene Celino and Spyros Kotoulas: “Smart Cities”, Guest Editors’ Introduction, Special Issue on Smart Cities, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp.8-11, DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2013.117, 2013.
  • [J6] Irene Celino: "Human Computation VGI Provenance: Semantic Web-based Representation and Publishing", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 51, Issue 11, pp. 5137-5144, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2252015, 2013.
  • [BC5] Irene Celino: "Location Based Games for Citizen Computation", in: Handbook of Human Computation, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8806-4_25, Springer, 2013.
  • [BC4] Daniele Dell'Aglio, Irene Celino and Emanuele Della Valle: "Urban mashups", in: Semantic Mashups - Intelligent Reuse of Web Resources, pp. 287-319, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36403-7_10, Springer, 2013.
  • [C15] Tony Lee, Seon-Ho Kim, Marco Balduini, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Irene Celino, Yi Huang, Volker Tresp and Emanuele Della Valle: "Location-Based Mobile Recommendations by Hybrid Reasoning on Social Media Streams", Proceeding of the Third Joint International Conference (JIST), 2013, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 261--273, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06826-8_20, Springer, 2014.
  • [E1] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Markus Krötzsch and Stefan Schlobach (eds.): “Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning”, Co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1059, online at, urn:nbn:de:0074-1059-2, 2013.


  • [J5] Marco Balduini, Irene Celino, Daniele Dell’Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Yi Huang, Tony Lee, Seon-Ho Kim and Volker Tresp: "BOTTARI: An augmented reality mobile application to deliver personalized and location-based recommendations by continuous analysis of social media streams", Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web (JWS), DOI: 10.1016/j.websem.2012.06.004, Volume 16, pp. 33-41, November 2012.
  • [C14] Irene Celino, Simone Contessa, Marta Corubolo, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Fumeo and Thorsten Krüger: “Linking Smart Cities Datasets with Human Computation – the case of UrbanMatch”, Proceeding of the 11th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2012, Part II, Springer LNCS 7650, pp. 34–49, 2012.
  • [W32] Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Simone Contessa, Marta Corubolo, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle and Stefano Fumeo: "Urbanopoly – a Social and Location-based Game with a Purpose to Crowdsource your Urban Data", Proceedings of the the 4th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, Workshop on Social Media for Human Computation (SoHuman2012), pp. 910-913, DOI: 10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.138, 2012.
  • [W31] Irene Celino, Simone Contessa, Marta Corubolo, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Fumeo, Thorsten Krüger: "UrbanMatch – linking and improving Smart Cities Data", In Proceedings of the Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW2012), CEUR Volume 937, co-located with the World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), April 16th, Lyon, France. [pdf]
  • [W30] Guillermo Alvaro Rey, Irene Celino, Mariana Damova, Danica Damljanovic, Ning Li, Panos Alexopoulos and Vladan Devedzic: "Semi-Automatic Generation of Quizzes and Learning Artifacts from Linked Data", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data (LiLe2012), co-located with the World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol 840, April 17th, Lyon, France. [pdf]
  • [O4] Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Simone Contessa, Marta Corubolo, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Fumeo and Federico Piccinini: "Urbanopoly: Collection and Quality Assessment of Geo-spatial Linked Data via a Human Computation Game", Proceedings of the 10th Semantic Web Challenge 2012, Selected among finalists, November 2012 [pdf].


  • [J4] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Daniele Dell’Aglio, Florian Steinke, Ralph Grothmann, Volker Tresp: "Semantic Traffic-Aware Routing for the City of Milano using the LarKC Platform", IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on "Semantics in Location-Based Services", Volume 99, DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2011.107, IEEE Computer Society, August 2011.
  • [C13] Irene Celino and Daniele Dell’Aglio: "An Ontological Formulation and an OPM profile for Causality in Planning Applications", In Proceedings of the Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2011), Hangzhou, China, December 2011.
  • [C12] Alexey Cheptsov, Matthias Assel, Georgina Gallizo, Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Luka Bradesko, Michael Witbrock and Emanuele Della Valle: "Large Knowledge Collider. A Service-oriented Platform for Large-scale Semantic Reasoning", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS'11), ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Sogndal, Norway, May 2011. [ACM link]
  • [W29] Irene Celino and Daniele Dell’Aglio: "Linking Knowledge for Simulation Learning", In R. Garcia-Castro et al. Eds., ESWC 2011 Workshops, LNCS 7117, pp. 1-15, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
  • [W28] Irene Celino, Daniele Dell’Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Yi Huang, Tony Lee, Stanley Park and Volker Tresp: "Towards BOTTARI: Using Stream Reasoning to Make Sense of Location-based Micro-Posts", In R. Garcia-Castro et al. Eds., ESWC 2011 Workshops, LNCS 7117, pp. 80-87, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
  • [W27] Irene Celino and Daniele Dell'Aglio: "A Linked Knowledge Base for Simulation Learning", In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on eLearning Approaches for the Linked Data Age (Linked Learning 2011), co-located with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2011.
  • [W26] Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Ralph Grothmann, Florian Steinke and Volker Tresp: "Integrating Machine Learning in a Semantic Web Platform for Traffic Forecasting and Routing", In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web (IRMLES 2011), co-located with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2011.
  • [W25] Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Yi Huang, Tony Lee, Stanley Park and Volker Tresp: "Making Sense of Location-based Micro-posts Using Stream Reasoning", In Proceedings of the Making Sense of Microposts Workshop (#MSM2011), co-located with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2011.
  • [O3] Irene Celino, Daniele Dell’Aglio, Emanuele Della Valle, Marco Balduini, Yi Huang, Tony Lee, Seon-Ho Kim, and Volker Tresp: "BOTTARI: Location based Social Media Analysis with Semantic Web", Proceedings of the 9th Semantic Web Challenge 2011, First Place Award Winner, October 2011.
  • [O2] Daniele Dell’Aglio, Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Ralph Grothmann, Florian Steinke and Volker Tresp: "Traffic LarKC - a route planner for Milano", Proceedings of the AI Mashup Challenge 2011, First Place Award Winner, June 2011.
  • [O1] Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Riccardo De Benedictis, Sara Grilli and Amedeo Cesta: "Ontologies, rules and linked data to support Crisis Managers Training", IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, Special theme: Semantic Web Technologies for Technology Enhanced Learning, Volume 13, Issue no. 1, IEEE, January 2011.


  • [BC3] I. Celino, D. Cerizza, M. Cesarini, E. Della Valle, F. De Paoli, J. Estublier, M.G. Fugini, A. Gómez Pérez, M. Kerrigan, P. Guarrera, M. Mezzanzanica, J. Ramìrez, B. Villazon, and G. Zhao: "SEEMP: A Networked Marketplace for Employment Services", In "Semantic Technologies for E-Government", Vassilios Peristeras, Tomas Vitvar, and Konstantinos Tarabanis (eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-03506-7, Springer, 2010.
  • [J3] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino and Daniele Dell'Aglio: "The Experience of Realizing a Semantic Web Urban Computing Application", Special Issue of Transactions in GIS, Volume 14, Issue no. 2, pages 163–181, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9671.2010.01189.x, Wiley-Blackwell, April 2010.
  • [C11] Irene Celino and Francesco Corcoglioniti: "Towards the Formalization of Interaction Semantics", In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS 2010), ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Graz, Austria, September 2010. [ACM link]
  • [W24] Emanuele Della Valle, Hafiz Muhammad Qasim and Irene Celino: “Towards treating GIS as Virtual RDF Graphs”, In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and Services (WebMGS 2010), Como, Italy, August 2010.
  • [W23] Daniele Dell’Aglio, Irene Celino and Dario Cerizza: “Anatomy of a Semantic Web-enabled Recommender System”, In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMR2 2010), collocated with the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2010), Shangai, China, November 2010. [pdf]


  • [B2] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza: "Semantic Web -- Dai fondamenti alla realizzazione di un'applicazione" (in English: Semantic Web -- From fundamentals to realizing an application), Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori S.p.A., First Edition: May 2009, EAN: 9788871925783.
  • [C10] Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Francesco Corcoglioniti, Alberto Guarino, Andrea Turati and Emanuele Della Valle: "STAR:chart -- Preserving Data Semantics in Web-based Applications", In Proceedings of the 12th Business Information Systems Conference (BIS 2009), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer, volume 21, pages 97-108, Poznan, Poland, April 2009.
  • [W22] Axel  Tenschert,  Matthias  Assel,  Alexey  Cheptsov,  Georgina  Gallizo,  Emanuele  Della  Valle, Irene Celino: "Parallelization and Distribution Techniques for Ontology Matching in Urban Computing Environments", In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2009) collocated with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2009) Chantilly, USA, October 25, 2009.
  • [W21] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino and Daniele Dell'Aglio: "The Experience of Realizing a Semantic Web Urban Computing Application", In Proceedings of the Terra Cognita 2009 Workshop at the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), Washington, D.C., U.S.A., October 2009.
  • [W20] Andrea Turati, Dario Cerizza, Irene Celino and Emanuele Della Valle: "A Collaborative Filtering System for Recommending Web Services through the Analysis of User Actions within a Web 2.0 Portal", In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Web Personalization, Reputation and Recommender Systems (WPRRS 2009) at the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Milano, Italy, September 2009.
  • [W19] S. Brockmans, I. Celino, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, M. Erdmann, A. Funk, H. Lausen, W. Schoch, N. Steinmetz, and A. Turati: "Service-Finder: First Steps toward the realization of Web Service Discovery at Web Scale", In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interoperability through Semantic Data and Service Integration (ISDSI) at the 17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2009), Camogli (Genova), Italy, June 2009.
  • [W18] Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Ceri, Daniele Braga, Irene Celino, Dieter Frensel, Frank van Harmelen and Gulay Unel: "Research Chapters in the Area of Stream Reasoning", In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Stream Reasoning (SR2009), Heraklion - Crete, Greece, June 2009.
  • [W17] Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza and Emanuele Della Valle: "From research to business: the Web of linked data", In Proceedings of the Workshops at the 12th Business Information Systems Conference (BIS 2009), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer, volume 37, pages 141-152, Poznan, Poland, April 2009.
  • [P4] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino and Daniele Dell'Aglio: "The alpha Urban LarKC -- a Semantic Urban Computing application", In Proceedings of the Posters and Demo session at the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), Washington, D.C., U.S.A., October 2009.


  • [B1] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza: "Semantic Web, Modellare e condividere per innnovare" (in English: Semantic Web, modeling and sharing for innovation), First Italian Book about the Semantic Web, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori S.p.A., First Edition: May 2008, ISBN: 978-88-7192-456-4, 978-88-7192-530-1.
  • [BC2] E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, I. Celino, M.G. Fugini, J. Estublier, G. Vega, M. Kerrigan, A. Gomez Pérez, J. Ramirez, B. Villazon, G. Zhao, M. Cesarini, and F. De Paoli: "The SEEMP Approach to Semantic Interoperability for e-Employment", In "Semantic Web Methodologies for E-Business Applications: Ontologies, Processes and Management Practices", Roberto García (eds.) Idea Group Inc, May 2008.
  • [J2] Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico M. Facca, Andrea Turati and Christina Tziviskou: "Experiences in the Design of Semantic Services Using Web Engineering Methods and Tools", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Journal on Data Semantics XI, LNCS 5383, pages 1–31, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92148-6 1, December 2008.
  • [J1] M. Brambilla, I. Celino, S. Ceri, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. M. Facca: "Model-Driven Design and Development of Semantic Web Service Applications", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT), volume 8, number 1, February 2008. [ACM link]
  • [C9] Walter Corno, Francesco Corcoglioniti, Irene Celino, and Emanuele Della Valle: "Exposing heterogeneous data sources as SPARQL endpoints through an object-oriented abstraction", In Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2008.
  • [C8] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza, Irene Celino, Andrea Turati, Michael Erdmann, Wolfgang Schoch, Holger Lausen, Nathalie Steinmetz and Adam Funk: "Realizing Service-Finder, Web Service Discovery at Web Scale", In Proceedings of ESTC 2008, European Semantic Technology Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2008.
  • [C7] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, and Dario Cerizza: "Agreeing While Disagreeing, a Best Practice for Business Ontology Development", In Proceedings of BIS 2008 - 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, May 2008, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • [T3] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza and Irene Celino: "RSWA 2008 - Realizing a Semantic Web Application", at ISWC 2008 - the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2008.
  • [T2] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza and Irene Celino: "RSWA 2008 - Realizing a Semantic Web Application", at FIS 2008 - the Future Internet Symposium, Vienna, Austria, September 2008.
  • [T1] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza and Irene Celino: "RSWA 2008 - Realizing a Semantic Web Application", at BIS 2008 - the 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, May 2008, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • [W16] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Kono Kim, Zhisheng Huang, Volker Tresp, Werner Hauptmann, Yi Huang, and Ralph Grothmann: "Urban Computing: a challenging problem for Semantic Technologies", In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop New forms of reasoning for the Semantic Web: scalable, tolerant and dynamic, Co-located with the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2008.
  • [W15] Walter Corno, Francesco Corcoglioniti, Irene Celino, and Emanuele Della Valle: "Optimizing SPARQL querying over pre-existing non-RDF data sources via an object-oriented approach", In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2008), co-located with the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2008.
  • [W14] Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Kono Kim, Zhisheng Huang, Volker Tresp, Werner Hauptmann, and Yi Huang: "Challenging the Internet of the Future with Urban Computing", In Proceedings of the OneSpace 2008 Workshop, co-located with the Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008), Vienna, Austria, September 2008.
  • [W13] Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros, Alessio Carenini, Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico M. Facca, Michael Oppitz, Gernot Zeissler, and Stefan Zoeller: "Using semantics to aid scenario-based analysis". In M. Hepp, K. Hinkelmann, D. Karagiannis, R. Klein, and N. Stojanovic (editors), Proceedings of the 3rd international Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM 2008), in conjunction with the 5th European Semantic Web Conference, Tenerife, Spain, June 1 2008.


  • [BC1] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza, Irene Celino, Asuman Dogac, Gokce B. Laleci, Yildiray Kabak, Alper Okcan, Ozgur Gulderen, Tuncay Namli, Veli Bicer "eHealth Use Case - Semantic Web Services in eHealth", In: Rudi Studer, Stephan Grimm, Andreas Abecker (eds.), "Semantic Web Services: Concepts, Technology and Applications". Idea Group Publishers, 2007.
  • [C6] E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, and I. Celino, J. Estublier, G. Vega, M. Kerrigan, J. Ramirez, B. Villazon, P. Guarrera, G. Zhao and G. Monteleone: "SEEMP: an Semantic Interoperability Infrastructure for e-government services in the employment sector", In Proceedings of 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007, LNCS 4519, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • [C5] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza and Andrea Turati: "Squiggle: an experience in model-driven development of real-world Semantic Search Engines", In Proceedings of ICWE 2007, LNCS 4607, July 16-20, Como, Italy.
  • [C4] E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, and I. Celino, J. Estublier, G. Vega, M. Kerrigan, J. Ramirez, B. Villazon, P. Guarrera, G. Zhao and G. Monteleone: "SEEMP: Meaningful Service-based Collaboration Among Labour Market Actors", In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2007, LNCS 4439, Poznan, Poland.
  • [C3] E. Della Valle, M.G. Fugini, D. Cerizza, I. Celino, P. Guarrera, G. Zhao, G. Monteleone, A. Papageorgiou, J. Estublier, J. Ramìrez, B. Villazon, M. Kerrigan: "SEEMP: A marketplace for the Labour Market", In Proceedings of e-challenges 2007, 24 - 26 October 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • [W12] I. Celino, F. Corcoglioniti, E. Della Valle: "Towards a Semantic Contact Management". In Finding Experts on the Web with Semantics Workshop of 6th International Semantic Web Conference and the 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference. November 11-15, 2007, Busan, Korea.
  • [W11] M. Brambilla, I. Celino, S. Ceri, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. Facca, A. Turati, C. Tziviskou: "WebML and Glue: an integrated discovery approach for the SWS Challenge". In SerComp and SWS Challenge '07 Workshop in conjunction with the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2007) November 5, 2007, Silicon Valley, USA.
  • [W10] Irene Celino, Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros, Gernot Zeissler, Michael Oppitz, Federico Facca, and Stefan Zoeller: "Semantic Business Process Analysis". In M. Hepp,K. Hinkelmann, D. Karagiannis, R. Klein, and N. Stojanovic (editors), Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management (SBPM 2007), in conjunction with the 4th European Semantic Web Conference, volume 251 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Innsbruck, Austria, June 7 2007.
  • [W9] I. Celino, F. Corcoglioniti, E. Della Valle: "A Semantic Navigation Framework for automatic presentation of ExpertFinder information". In 1st International ExpertFinder Workshop, Berlin, January 16, 2007.
  • [W8] E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, I. Celino: "Who Shall I Ask? A Discovery Engine for Booking a Meeting with the Right Specialist". In 1st International ExpertFinder Workshop, Berlin, January 16, 2007.
  • [W7] M. Brambilla, I. Celino, S. Ceri, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. Facca, A. Turati, C. Tziviskou. "WebML and Glue: an integrated discovery approach for the SWS Challenge". In Semantic Web Service Challenge 2006 Phase IV, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2007.
  • [P3] I. Celino, A. Turati, E. Della Valle, and D. Cerizza: "Squiggle a Semantic Search Engine at work". In poster of 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007, Innsbruck, Austria.


  • [C2] Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca: "A Software Engineering Approach to Design and Development of Semantic Web Service Applications". In proceedings of 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2006, LNCS 4273.
  • [W6] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza, and Andrea Turati: "Squiggle: a Semantic Search Engine for indexing and retrieval of multimedia content", In Proceedings of First International Workshop on Semantic-enhanced Multimedia Presentation Systems (SEMPS 2006), co-located with the first international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT 2006), December 2006, Athens, Greece.
  • [W5] M. Brambilla, I. Celino, S. Ceri, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle and F. M. Facca: "Flexible Specification of Semantic Services using Web Engineering Methods and Tools". In proceeding of SWESE 2006 at ISWC 2006, Athens, GA, USA [BEST PAPER AWARD].
  • [W4] M. Brambilla, I. Celino, S. Ceri, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. Facca, C. Tziviskou. "Improvements and Future Perspectives on Web Engineering Methods for Automating Web Services Mediation, Choreography and Discovery". In Semantic Web Service Challenge 2006 Phase III, Athens, GA, USA.
  • [W3] I. Celino, A. Turati, E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza: "Squiggle Med: Semantic Search for Medical Digital Library". In proceedings of W3C HCLS Workshop at ISWC 2006, Athens, GA, USA.
  • [W2] D. Cerizza, I. Celino, E. Della Valle. "Semantic Discovery of Medical Advice Services with Glue". In proceedings of W3C HCLS Workshop at ISWC 2006, Athens, GA, USA.
  • [P2] I. Celino, A. Turati, E. Della Valle, and D. Cerizza: "Squiggle: a Semantic Search Engine at work". In poster of first international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT), Athens, Greece, 2006.


  • [C1] Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle "Multiple Vehicles for a Semantic Navigation across Hyper-environments", in: Asunción Gómez-Pérez and Jérôme Euzenat, "The Semantic Web: Research and Applications", Second European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 - June 1, 2005, Pages 423 - 438, eds. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  • [W1] Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza, Irene Celino "The mediator centric approach to Automatic Web Service Discovery of COCOON Glue", In: Martin Hepp, Axel Polleres, Frank van Harmelen, and Michael Genesereth (Eds.): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mediation in Semantic Web Services (MEDIATE 2005), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12, 2005. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 168.
  • [P1] E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, I. Celino, L. Gadda, A. Savoldelli, V. Perdoni, "The COCOON project" In Poster of Second European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29-June 1, 2005.
