Alexandre Demeure

Computer scientist specialized in the engineering of Human Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous computing, more specifically in User Interfaces Plasticity Informaticien sp�cialis� en Interaction Homme Machine pour l'informatique ubiquitaire, plus particuli�rement en plasticit� des interfaces
alexandre POINT demeure CHEZ imag POINT fr
October 7th, 1979 7 octobre 1979
French Fran�ais


My research area is about Human Computer Interaction. I did my PhD in Grenoble, IIHM team, advised by Gaelle Calvary and Joelle Coutaz. Mon th�me de recherche porte sur l'Interaction Homme Machine. J'ai fait ma th�se � Grenoble, dans l'�quipe IIHM, encadr� par Ga�lle Calvary et Joelle Coutaz.
I propose methods and tools for supporting User Interfaces plasticity both at design time and run time. Mon objectif est de fournir aux concepteurs des m�thodes et outils pour prendre en charge la plasticit� � la fois lors de la conception et pendant l'ex�cution.
I am currently assistant professor at Universit� de Grenoble, doing research at INRIA Montbonnot, PRIMA team. Je suis ma�tre de conf�rence � l'Universit� de Grenoble, j'effectue mes recherches � l'INRIA Montbonnot, �quipe PRIMA.

Publications (by years) : Publications (par ann�es) :


L. Terrier, A. Demeure, S. Caffiau
CCBL: A Language for Better Supporting Context Centered Programming in the Smart Home
EICS 2017
L. Terrier, A. Demeure, S. Caffiau
CCBL: A new language for End User Development in the Smart Homes
IS-EUD 2017


A. Demeure, S. Caffiau, E. Elias and C. Roux
Building and using home automation systems: a field study
IS-EUD 2015


A. Demeure, S. Caffiau and J. Coutaz
Activity based End-User-Development for Smart Homes: Relevance and Challenges
Cloud of Things 2014


R. Dautriche, C. Lenoir, A. Demeure and J. Coutaz
End-User-Development for Smart Homes: Relevance and Challenges


E. Fontaine, A. Demeure, J. Coutaz, N. Mandran
Retour d'exp�rience sur KISS, un outil de d�veloppement d'habitat intelligent par l'utilisateur final
IHM 2012


D. Masson, A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Inspirer, Explorer : Magellan, un Environnement Interactif Evolutionnaire pour la G�n�ration d'Exemples.
IHM 2011
D. Masson, A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Example Galleries Generated by Interactive Genetic Algorithms.
Desire 2011
A. Demeure, D. Masson, G. Calvary
Graphs of models for exploring design spaces in the engineering of Human Computer Interaction.


J. Coutaz, E. Fontaine, N. Mandran, A. Demeure
DisQo : A user needs analysis method for smart home.
NordiCHI 2010
J. Coutaz, E. Fontaine, N. Mandran, A. Demeure
About Composing Our Own Smart Home.
EUD for Services, workshop at AVI 2010
D. Masson, A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Magellan: an evolutionary system to foster user interface design creativity.
EICS 2010


G. Bailly, A. Demeure, E. Lecolinet, L. Nigay
Multi-Touch Menu (MTM)
IHM 2008
D. Vanacken, A. Demeure, K. Luyten, K. Coninx
Ghosts in the Interface: Meta-user Interface Visualizations as Guides for Multi-touch Interaction
TableTop 2008
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, K. Coninx
COMET(s), a software architecture style and an interactors toolkit for plastic user interfaces
In Proc. DSV-IS 2008, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 16-18, 2008
A. Demeure, J. Meskens, K. Luyten, K. Coninx
Design by example of plastic user interfaces
In Proc. CADUI 2008, Albacete, Spain, June 11-13, 2008
A. Demeure, J.S. Sottet, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, V. Ganneau, J. Vanderdonckt
The 4C Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces
In Proc. ICAS 2008, Gosier, Guadeloupe, March 2008
A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Requirements and models for next generation UI languages
WorkShop "User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces", CHI 2008
G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, L. Balme, A. Demeure, JS. Sottet
The Many Faces of Plastic User Interfaces
WorkShop "User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces", CHI 2008


J. Coutaz, L. Balme, X. Alvaro, G. Calvary, A. Demeure, J.S. Sottet
An MDE-SOA Approach to Support Plastic User Interfaces in Ambient Spaces
In Proc. HCI International 2007, ERCIM SESAMI, Beijing, July 2007
J.S. Sottet, V. Ganneau, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, A. Demeure, J.M. Favre, R. Demumieux
Model Driven Adaptation for Plastic User Interfaces
In Proc. HCI International 2007, ERCIM SESAMI, Beijing, July 2007


G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, O. Daassi, V. Ganneau, L. Balme, A. Demeure, JS. Sottet
M�tamorphose des IHM et Plasticit� : Article de synth�se
Ergo'IA 2006, 11-13 Octobre 2006.
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, J. Vanderdonckt
The COMETs Inspector: Towards Run Time Plasticity Control Based on a Semantic Network
TAMODIA'2006. Hasselt, Belgium, 23-24 october, 2006
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, J. Vanderdonckt
The Comet Inspector: Manipulating Multiple User Interface Representations Simultaneously
Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI�06 (Bucharest, 6-8 June 2006), Chapter 13, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006, pp. 167-174
L. Balme, A. Demeure, JS. Sottet, J. Coutaz, G. Calvary, JM. Favre
A principled MDE Framework for Plastic User Interfaces
1rst Workshop onMulti-channel Adaptive Context-sensitive (MAC) Systems: Building Links between Research Communities, Glasgow, 15 mai 2006.
JS. Sottet, G. Calvary, JM. Favre, J. Coutaz, A. Demeure
Towards Mapping and Model Transformation for Consistency of Plastic User Interfaces
Workshop on The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-platform Design, ACM conf. on Computer Human Interaction, CHI 2006, Montr�al., 22-23 Avril 2006.


G. Calvary, O. Daassi, J. Coutaz, A. Demeure
Des widgets aux comets pour la Plasticit� des Syst�mes Interactifs
Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM), Europia, Paris.Volume 6, n�1, ISSN 1289-2963. pp 33-53.
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, JS. Sottet, J. Vanderdonkt
A Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces
TAsk MOdels and DIAgrams for user interface design TAMODIA'05, 8 p.
A. Demeure, L. Balme, G. Calvary
CamNote: A Plastic Slides Viewer
Plastic Services for Mobile Devices (PSMD), Workshop hel in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.
L. Balme, A. Demeure, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz
Sedan-Bouillon: A Plastic Web Site
Plastic Services for Mobile Devices (PSMD), Workshop hel in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, JS. Sottet
A Model-Driven Home Heating Control System
Plastic Services for Mobile Devices (PSMD), Workshop held in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.


G. Calvary, A. Demeure, J. Coutaz, O. Daassi
Adaptation des interfaces homme-machine � leur contexte d'usage Plasticit� des IHM
La pr�sentation d'information sur mesure, Numero Special de RIA; Paris, C. et Colineau, N. (editeurs invites). Vol 18 (4) 2004. Date de parution: Septembre 2004. , septembre. pp.577-606
Alexandre Demeure, Sylvie Rouillard, Fran�ois B�rard, Gaelle Calvary
Requis et pistes pour les futures bo�tes � outils d�interaction graphiques.
G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, O. Daassi, L. Balme, A. Demeure
Towards a new generation of widgets for supporting software plasticity: the 'comet'
EHCI-DSVIS'04, The 9th IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, Jointly with The 11th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, Bastide, R., Palanque, P., Roth, J. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3425, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743.Hamburg, Germany.11-13 Juin 2004. pp 306-323.
L. Balme, A. Demeure, N. Barralon, J. Coutaz, G. Calvary
CAMELEON-RT: a Software Architecture Reference Model for Distributed, Migratable, and Plastic User Interfaces
EUSAI 2004, LNCS 3295, Markopoulos et al.novembre 2004. pp. 291-302.


O. Daassi, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, A. Demeure
Comet : Une nouvelle g�n�ration de "widget" pour la Plasticit� des Interfaces.
IHM 2003, ACM Press. Novembre 2003. pp. 64-71.
A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Le Mod�le d'�volution en Plasticit� des Interfaces : Apport des Graphes Conceptuels.
IHM 2003, ACM Press.Novembre 2003. pp. 80-87.
A. Demeure, G. Calvary, N. Barralon
Towards an Evolution Model for Supporting Plasticity of User Interfaces.
Adjunct Proceedings of HCI International 03, pp. 117-118.


A. Demeure, G. Calvary
Jeu et r�alit� mixte : retour d'exp�rience.
IHM 2002, pp. 80-87


Comets, interactors for plastic UIs (Full video)
Design by Example of Plastic User Interfaces (Full video)
COMETS distributed on a table and a laptop
Rasende Roboter, an augmented reality game.
COMET : a Plastic Interactors Toolkit. Download some movies: [1], [2]. COMET : une bo�te � outils d'interacteurs plastiques. T�l�chargez quelques films : [1], [2].
A COntext Mouldable widgET is an introspective widget that is able to self-adapt to some context of use, or that can be adapted by a tier-component to the context of use, or that can be dynamically discarded (versus recruited) when it is unable (versus able) to cover the current context of use. To do so, a comet publishes the quality in use it guarantees, the user tasks and the domain concepts that it is able to support, as well as the extent to which it supports adaptation.
Instead of programming UIs with radiobuttons, checkboxes, textareas etc. the designer defines UIs at the task level, using comets defined in terms of tasks (Choose, Specify, Log etc.) and task operators (Interleaving, Sequence, OR, etc.).
Comets are multi-technological spaces. That means they can rendered themselves using several toolkits at the same time. The current implementation (TCL) supports renderings in TK, HTML/Javascript, OpenGL and text/speech. This enables a multi-channels interaction.
For more information, please have a look to the CADUI'06 or DSVIS'08 papers.
A tutorial can be found there
COntext Mouldable widgETs fournit un ensemble d'interacteurs de niveaux t�ches. Au lieu de programmer les interfaces directement � l'aide de radio-boutons, checkbox, textarea etc. Le concepteur utilisant des COMETs d�finit son interface au niveau t�ches, � l'aide de COMET t�ches (Choisir, Sp�cifier, se logger etc.) et de COMET op�rateurs entre t�ches (Entrelacer, S�quencer, OU, etc.).
GDD : a semantic network for capitalizing and retrieving UIs GDD : un r�seau s�mantique pour capitaliser les interfaces
The GDD semantic network collects descriptions of UIs and makes explicit the relationships between them. Relationships and semantic network structure are based on the CAMELEON reference framework (i.e. 4 main levels of abstraction: task, abstract UI, concrete UI, final UI). The GDD can be used both at design time and run-time to retrieve UIs given a description and constraints.
Not only descriptions of final UIs are classifyed in the GDD. Also abstract descriptions are capitalized. (e.g a description of a remote controller in terms of the user tasks it supports).
I propose a query language to retrieve descriptions from in the GDD given a "logical path".
Le GDD est un r�seau s�mantique regroupant des descriptions d'interfaces et explicitant les relations entre ces descriptions. La structure de ce r�seau (noeuds et relations) est bas� sur les concepts du cadre de r�f�rence du projet europ�en CAMELEON. Le GDD peut �tre utilis� lors de la conception ou pendant l'ex�cution d'interfaces pour retrouver des interfaces en fonction de contraintes donn�es.
CSS++ : a style sheet language for adapting UIs
CSS++ has been designed to clearly separate functional and presentational concerns. Coupled with the GDD, it supports the selection of comets presentations (e.g. a pie-menu or a tabbed structure for an interleaving).
CSS++ is derivated from CSS2. It aims at being applied (but is not limited to) on a COMETs graph.
With regard to CSS2 selector mechanism, CSS++ adds the notions of "negation", "such as", "nesting", "intersection" and "parenthesis". It functionally enhances CSS2 with the possibilities to query the GDD, define ECA rules and trigger COMETs methods.
CSS++ est un langage de style d�riv� de CSS2. A l'origine, il a pour but d'�tre appliqu� sur des graphes de COMETs mais il pourrait �tre utilis� sur n'importe quelle structure de graphe hi�rarchique.
CSS++ enrichie le m�canisme de s�lecteur propos� dans CSS2, notamment pour prendre en compte les notions de "n�gation", "tel que", "intersection" et le parenth�sage.
Il ajoute � CSS2 des fonctions permettant d'�mettre des requ�tes vers le GDD, de d�finir des r�gles ECA et d'appeler des fonctions quelconques.
TCL stuff
All the above projects have been developped using TCL and C/C++ languages.
You can download a TCL extension for playing movies, it is based on a wrapping of FFMPEG. In order for it to be smooth, you should download sources or binaries of the latest img::raw library (SVN revision 315 at least).
Les projets mentionn�s ci dessus ont tous �t� programm�s en langages TCL et C/C++.
Vous pouvez t�l�charger une extension TCL pour lire des films, celle ci est bas�e sur FFMPEG. Pour que le film se joue � une vitesse correcte, t�l�chargez aussi les sources ou les binaires de la derni�re version de img::raw library (revision SVN 315 au moins).

Thesis (October 11th 2007) Th�se (11 Octobre 2007)

Mod�les et outils pour la conception et l�ex�cution d�Interfaces Homme-Machine Plastiques

Ma th�se se situe dans le domaine de l'Ing�nierie de l'Interaction Homme Machine. Le sujet traite de l'adaptation des syst�mes interactifs � un contexte d'usage vari�, variable et impr�visible. Par contexte d'usage, on entend le triplet <utilisateur, plate-forme, environnement>. J'identifie trois gammes d'approches : l'Ing�nierie Dirig�e par les Mod�les (IDM), les approches par bo�tes � outils (B�O) d'interacteurs plastiques et enfin les approches agissant au niveau du syst�me d�exploitation (OS). L'IDM et les approches OS se rejoignent autour des B�O. Je contribue par la proposition d�une B�O d�interacteurs plastiques : les COMET. Les COMET sont un style d�architecture logicielle. Ce style permet de consid�rer un interacteur selon les quatre niveaux d�abstraction couramment admis en IHM : t�che, interfaces abstraite, concr�te et finale. Les COMET peuvent �tre rendues simultan�ment dans plusieurs technologies : TK, AJAX, B207 (post-WIMP) et S207 (vocal). Elles sont extensibles dynamiquement, mettant � profit un graphe de descriptions (GDD) jouant le r�le d�annuaire d�IHM. Les COMET sont transformables � l�aide d�un langage de style CSS++. Tous ces travaux (COMET, GDD et CSS++) s�assemblent dans la vision d�Ecosyst�me que je propose.

Projects Projets

European Europ�ens
CAMELEON Context Aware Modelling for Enabling and Leveraging Effective interaction (IST R&D 2001-2004).
My conceptual contributions: the GDD and the Comets.
My implementational contributions: two demonstrators
Sedan-Bouillon: a plastic website including a meta-UI. CamNote: a plastic slides viewer with a migratable and remouldable remote controller.
SIMILAR IST NoE 2003-2008. My contributions feed in WP8 (context aware adaptation).
EMODE Enabling Model Transformation-Based Cost Efficient Adaptive Multi-modal User Interfaces (ITEA 2005-2008). My contributions: The notion of EcoSystem, i.e. a graph of models describing interactive systems from different perspectives.
Local (France) Locaux (France)
MAPPING This project combines multi-agent systems, artificial perception and model driven engineering for plasticity. My contribution: the notion of COMET.

Formation (288h) Formation (288h)

2006-2007 : ATER (96h)
Teacher at Universit� Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France).
  • 64h: Initiation to algorithmic (C language).
  • 16h: Tutoring of HCI Projects in master2 GI (Design and implementation of a plastic photos viewer).
  • 16h: HCI courses in master2 CCI (design of ergonomic Websites).
  • Enseignement � l'universit� Jospeh Fourrier (Grenoble, France).
  • 64h : Initiation � l'algorithmique � premi�re ann�e (langage C).
  • 16h : Encadrement de projet d�IHM en master 2 G�nie Logiciel (Conception et d�veloppement d�un visualisateur plastique de photo)
  • 16h : Cours sur la conception ergonomique de sites Web en master 2 CCI.
  • 2003-2006: Monitorat
    Teacher at the Universit� Joseph Fourier (192h).
  • 64h: Initiation to algorithmic (C language).
  • 48h: Databases in master1 (Relational Algebra and SQL).
  • 32h: Databases in licence (Relational Algebra and SQL).
  • 48h: Software Engineering in master1 (UML and Z languages).
  • Enseignement � l'universit� Jospeh Fourrier, Grenoble 1 (192h).
  • 64h : Initiation � l'algorithmique � premi�re ann�e (langage C).
  • 48h : Bases de donn�es en master 1 / RICM2 (TD et TP, alg�bre relationnel et SQL).
  • 32h : Bases de donn�es en licence 3 / TIS1 (TD et TP, alg�bre relationnel et SQL).
  • 48h : G�nie Logiciel en master 1 (UML et Z).
  • 2002-2003: DEA ISC (Master Research)
    Subject: The evolution model for plasticity. Travaux sur le mod�le d'�volution pour les IHMs plastiques.
    2000-2002: Magist�re d'informatique
    Subject: Games and mixed reality, videos of my implementation contribution (a mixed reality version of Rasende Roboter) are available on this web site ( Travaux sur les jeux et la r�alit� mixte, voir ce site, section vid�os pour ma version du jeu Rasende Roboter.
    Last update : 2007 05 24 Derni�re mise � jour : 2007 05 24