The U.S. particle physics community is proud to host the 38th ICHEP conference in Chicago from the 3rd to the 10th August 2016. ICHEP is a focal point of the field of particle physics, brining together leading experimentalists and theorists of the world. It was first held in 1950, and is biennial since 1960. At ICHEP all areas of particle physics including neutrino, flavor, astro-particle and new physics beyond the Standard Model share the exciting results obtained in the field and exchange views among all experimental and theoretical scientists of the world including students and postodcs. The conference will consist of parallel and invited plenary sessions. A poster session will emphasize the work of young students. Please mark your calendar. We look forward to seeing you at the ICHEP 2016 in Chicago. |
Young-Kee Kim on behalf of the ICHEP 2016 Local Organizing Committee |