Jeff Gray, Ph.D.
University of Alabama
Department of Computer Science
Box 870290
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290
Office: 382 Honors Hall
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 205-348-2847
Fax: 205-348-0219
Outreach Events
NCWIT Aspirations: Northern Alabama Awards Banquet - April 26, 2025
Alabama Summer Computer Camps - two camps for AP CSP students in Alabama for 2025
Alabama Robotics Competition - April 5, 2025 K5 Workshops (CS Fundametals Teacher Workshops)
Check out our Blockly Languages:
Spherly (Sphero robots), Pixly (Pixel/image transformation), Tunely (sound transformation), CodePlayGround (Adafruit CircuitPlayground), Dronely (drones)
OLD: MOOC on CS Principles, sponsored by Google CS4HS and NSF
Dr. Jeff Gray is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama (UA) and the Director of the Randall Research Scholars Program. He is a National Science Foundation CAREER award recipient and was named the Professor of the Year (Alabama, 2008) by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. At the University of Alabama, he recieved the Morris L. Mayer Premier Award for service and leadership. The University of Alabama System named Dr. Gray as the 2025 recipient of the McMahon-Pleiad Prize. Jeff is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and was selected into the inaugural class of the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contoributors. He currently serves as the chair of the Alabama IEEE Computer Society. Dr. Gray also serves as co-chair of the Development Commitee for the College Board's AP CS Principles course. Jeff is co-chair of Alabama Governor Kay Ivey's Computer Science Advisory Council. He was a past member of the Education Advisory Council of
Dr. Gray received a Ph.D. in Computer Science in May of 2002 from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. While at Vanderbilt, Jeff was a research assistant at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems, where he worked on the DARPA Program Composition for Embedded Systems (PCES) project. He also worked on a tool integration project at ISIS that was funded by Boeing. Jeff's thesis advisor was Dr. Steve Schach, and his dissertation committee members were Dr. Janos Sztipanovits, Dr. Gabor Karsai, Dr. Larry Dowdy, Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, and Dr. Fritz Barnes
In 1991, he graduated summa cum laude with a BS in Computer Science from West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. Jeff completed the undergraduate degree in three years and was a WVU Honors Student. As an undergraduate, he made the Dean's list every semester and was named a WVU Arts and Sciences Scholar in 1990 and 1991 (1 of 25 students from over 3,000). In 1993, he received an MS in Computer Science (also from WVU). His MS advisor was Dr. Murali Sitaraman and his thesis committee members were Dr. Frances Van Scoy and Dr. Doug Harms.
Jeff graduated high school in 1988 from the Linsly School (founded in 1814), in Wheeling, West Virginia. He was a member of the last all-male graduating class before the school went coed. His research mentors at Linsly were Dr. Garth Innocenti and Mr. Mike Chokel. At Union Junior High School, Mr. James Asplund and Mr. Emil Nardone gave Jeff his first opportunity to explore the joys of computing.
Other additional information about Jeff is available here.
Current/Previous Funding
Below is a summary of external awards over $5k on which I serve(d) as PI or co-PI (approximately $24M combined across all awards).
Active Awards:
Previous Awards:
Committees and Editorships
Below is a list of conferences in which I serve as organizer or program committee member in the upcoming year. A more detailed list of these events, as well as an archive of past events, is available here.
I currently serve as Editor-in-Chief of Software and Systems Modeling, a Springer journal.
Current Doctoral Students
Previous Doctoral Students
Dr. Yuehua Lin (Summer 2007) |
(Fall 2007) |
Dr. Suman Roychoudhury |
(Spring 2009) |
(Summer 2010) |
Dr. Yu Sun |
Dr. Hyun Cho |
Dr. Songqing Yue |
Dr. Amber Wagner |
Dr. Brian Eddy (Summer 2015) |
Dr. Jonathan Corley |
Dr. Huseyin Ergin |
Dr. Elizabeth Williams |
Dr. Saheed Popoola |
Dr. Xin Zhao |
Dr. Moumita Tabassum |
Previous Postdocs
Dr. Frédéric Jouault |
Dr. J. Eduardo Rivera |
Previous Fulbright Student
Dr. Tomaž Lukman |