Results from the 2016 Iowa Caucus
Both parties kick off their presidential nomination battles in Iowa. On the Republican side, social conservatives have asserted their influence in recent years, with Rick Santorum narrowly beating the more centrist Mitt Romney in 2012. Democrat Hillary Clinton saw a strong lead evaporate in the final weeks of the 2008 contest and finished third behind Barack Obama and John Edwards.
Votes by Candidate
Live results from the Associated Press
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Votes by County
Shaded by vote leader
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of precincts reporting ()
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Votes by County Shaded by vote leader
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Votes by County
Shading indicates the candidate with the most votes
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The Iowa Electorate
In 2012, Mr. Santorum found success in the northwest corner of the state where voters are more likely to be older and evangelical. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Edwards won parts of the rural south in 2008, which is a mix of Democratic and Republican-leaning counties. Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama won counties in the urban centers in 2012 and 2008 respectively, where voters tend to be higher-earning, more educated and more racially diverse.
Entrance Polls
Where candidates found support among Iowa Caucus voters
Last updated Feb. 1, 2016 at 9:58 p.m. ET | View full entrance poll results »
![]() Clinton
![]() Sanders
![]() O'Malley
![]() Trump
![]() Cruz
![]() Rubio
![]() Carson
*The Iowa Democratic Party doesn't report vote totals. Figures are state delegate equivalents, which are the estimated number of state convention delegates the candidates would receive based on caucus results. National convention delegates for Democratic candidates are estimates and may change at later stages of the selection process.
Note: Entrance polls conducted at 40 caucus locations among 1,660 Democratic and 1,794 Republican caucus participants. Democratic results are based on caucusgoers' initial preference. Results reflect preliminary weightings.
Sources: Associated Press; National Election Pool entrance polls conducted by Edison Research
Delegates Delegates | Votes |
Trump | Cruz | Rubio | Bush |
Clinton | Sanders | O'Malley |
Candidate | Votes | Pct. |