type-check is a library which allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a Haskell like type syntax. It is great for checking external input, for testing, or even for adding a bit of safety to your internal code.
For more information, including documentation and more examples, please check out the README on GitHub. MIT License. Version 0.4.0
For updates on type-check, follow me on twitter.
npm install type-check
Types on the left for values on the right. For more examples check out the readme.
Number 1 Maybe String 'str' Maybe String null Number | String 2 Number | String 'str' [Number] [1, 2, 3] (String, Number) ['str', 2] {x: Number, y: Boolean} {x: 2, y: false} {x: Number, y: Maybe Boolean} {x: 2} {x: Number, y: Boolean, ...} {x: 2, y: false, z: 'str'}