about me


My name is Krzysztof Janowicz. I am a (full) professor for Geographic Information Science and Geoinformatics at the Geography Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. I am the director of the Center for Spatial Studies, former program chair of the Cognitive Science Program, one of two Editors-in-Chief of the Semantic Web journal, a Faculty Research Affiliate of the Center for Information Technology and Society, and the community leader of the 52° North semantics community. Finally, I am running the STKO Lab which investigates the role of space and time for knowledge organization. Before, I was an Assistant Professor at the GeoVISTA Center, Department of Geography at the Pennsylvania State University, USA. Before moving to the US, I was working as postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster in Germany for the international research training group on Semantic Integration of Geospatial Information and the Münster Semantic Interoperability Lab (MUSIL). Methodologically, my niche is the combination of theory-driven (e.g., semantics) and data-driven (e.g., data mining) techniques. The information below is not up to date, please check my Google Scholar account for publications. Finally, I am not related to the person with the same name that has an interest in WWII planes.

research areas I like

+ Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Ontologies
+ Geographic Information Retrieval
+ Location-based Social Media
+ Spatial Data Science
+ Social Sensing
+ Web Science


Most of the publications are available for download in PDF format. Note that these versions may slightly differ from the published versions. This list is not always up-to-date.


1| Janowicz, K. (2007): Sicherheit im Internet (book about internet security). Köln, O’Reilly, 3rd Edition, ISBN 3897217155. (also available as OpenBook)

Janowicz, K. (2005): Sicherheit im Internet (book about internet security). Köln, O’Reilly, Second Edition, ISBN 3-89721-425-3. (Since 12/06 also as OpenBook)

Janowicz, K. (2001): Sicherheit im Internet (book about internet security). Köln, O’Reilly, ISBN 3-89721-273-0.

Sicherheit im Internet

articles in refereed journals

46| Yan, B., Janowicz, K., Mai, G., and Zhu, R. (2019): A Spatially-Explicit Reinforcement Learning Model for Geographic Knowledge Graph Summarization. Transactions in GIS. DOI:10.1111/tgis.12547

45| Mai, G., Janowicz, K., Yan, B., and Scheider, S. (2019): Deeply Integrating Linked Data with Geographic Information Systems. Transactions in GIS, 2019. DOI:10.1111/TGIS.12538

44| Zhu, R., Janowicz, K., and Mai. G. (2019): Making Direction a First-Class Citizen of Tobler's First Law of Geography. Transactions in GIS. DOI:10.1111/tgis.12550

43| Regalia, B., Janowicz, K., and McKenzie, G. (2019): Computing and Querying Strict, Approximate, and Metrically-Refined Topological Relations in Linked Geographic Data. Transactions in GIS, 2019.

42| Davis, A. W., McBride, E. C., Janowicz, K., Zhu, R., and Goulias, K. G. (2018). Tour-Based Path Analysis of Long-Distance Non-Commute Travel Behavior in California. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118778926. DOI: 10.1177/0361198118778926

41| Janowicz, K., Haller, A., Cox, S., Le Phuoc, D., and Lefrancois, M. (2018): SOSA: A Lightweight Ontology for Sensors, Observations, Samples, and Actuators. Journal of Web Semantics.

40| Haller, A., Janowicz, K., Cox, S., Lefrancois, M., Taylor, K., Le Phuoc, D., Lieberman, J., Garcia-Castro, R., Atkinson, R., and Stadler, C. (2018): The Modular SSN Ontology: A Joint W3C and OGC Standard Specifying the Semantics of Sensors, Observations, Sampling, and Actuation. Semantic Web Journal; IOS Press.

39| van den Brink, L., Barnaghi, P., Tandy, J., Atemezing, G., Atkinson, R., Cochrane, B., Fathy, Y., Castro, R.G., Haller, A., Harth, A., Janowicz, K., Kolozali, S., van Leeuwen, B., Lefrançois, M., Lieberman, J., Perego, A., Le Phuoc, D., Roberts, B., Taylor, K, and Troncy, R. (2018) Best Practices for Publishing, Retrieving, and Using Spatial Data on the Web. Semantic Web Journal; IOS Press.

38| Cheatham, M., Krisnadhi, A., Amini, R., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Shepherd, A., Narock, T., Jones, M. and Ji, P.(2018): The GeoLink Knowledge Graph.. Big Earth Data, pp.1-13.

37| Mai, G., Janowicz, K., Hu, Y., and Geo, S. (2017): ADCN: An Anisotropic Density-Based Clustering Algorithm for Discovering Spatial Point Patterns with Noise. Transactions in GIS.

36| McKenzie, G., and Janowicz, K. (2017; forthcoming): ISED: Constructing a high-resolution elevation road dataset from massive, low-quality in-situ observations derived from geosocial fitness tracking data. PLOS ONE.

35| Gao, S., Janowicz, K., and Couclelis, H. (2017; forthcoming) Extracting Urban Functional Regions from Points of Interest and Human Activities on Location-based Social Networks. Transactions in GIS.

34| Gao, S., Janowicz, K., Montello, D., Hu, Y., Yang, J.-A., McKenzie, G., Ju, Y., Gong, L. Adams, B., and Yan, B. (2017; forthcoming) A Data-Synthesis-Driven Method for Detecting and Extracting Vague Cognitive Regions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

33| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., and Couclelis, H. (2016) Prioritizing disaster mapping tasks for online volunteers based on information value theory. Geographical Analysis.

32| Kuczenski, B., Davis, C. B., Rivela, B., and Janowicz, K. (2016) Semantic catalogs for life cycle assessment data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, 1109-1117.

31| Zhu, R., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K. , and McKenzie, G. (2016) Spatial Signatures for Geographic Feature Types: Examining Gazetteer Ontologies using Spatial Statistics. Transactions in GIS; accepted.

30| Regalia, B., McKenzie, G., Gao, S., and Janowicz, K. (2016) Crowdsensing Smart Ambient Environments and Services. Transactions in GIS; accepted.

29| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K. , & Chen, Y. (2015; forthcoming) Task-oriented information value measurement based on space-time prisms. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

28| Vardeman II, C., Krisnadhi, A., Cheatham, M., Janowicz, K. , Ferguson, H., Hitzler, P., and Buccellato, A. (2016) An Ontology Design Pattern and Its Use Case for Modeling Material Transformation. Semantic Web Journal.

27| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K. , Gao, S., and Gong, L. (2015) How Where Is When? On the Regional Variability and Resolution of Geosocial Temporal Signatures for Points Of Interest. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

26| Hu, Y., Gao, S., Janowicz, K. , Yu, B., Li, W., and Prasad, S. (2015) Extracting and Understanding Urban Areas of Interest Using Geotagged Photos. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Volume 54, November 2015, pp. 240-254

25| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Prasad, S., and Gao, S. (2015) Metadata Topic Harmonization and Semantic Search for Linked-Data-Driven Geoportals: A Case Study Using ArcGIS Online. Transactions in GIS. 06/2015; 19(3):398-416. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12151.

24| McKenzie, G., and Janowicz, K. (2015) Where is also about time: A location-distortion model to improve reverse geocoding using behavior-driven temporal signatures. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Volume 54, November 2015, pp. 1-13.DOI:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.05.003

23| Adams, B. and Janowicz, K. (2015) Thematic Signatures for Cleansing and Enriching Place-Related Linked Data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Volume 29, Issue 4. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.989855.

22| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., Gao, S., Yang, J., and Hu, Y. (2015): POI Pulse: A Multi-Granular, Semantic Signatures-Based Information Observatory for the Interactive Visualization of Big Geosocial Data. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. Volume 50, Issue 2. DOI: 10.3138/cart.50.2.2662.

21| Janowicz, K., van Harmelen, F., Hendler, J., and Hitzler, P. (2015): Why the Data Train Needs Semantic Rails. AI Magazine, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

20| Leo Obrst, Michael Gruninger, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Dan Brickley, Gary Berg-Cross, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Christine Kapp, Oliver Kutz, Christoph Lange, Anatoly Levenchuk, Francesca Quattri, Alan Rector, Todd Schneider, Simon Spero, Anne Thessen, Marcela Vegetti, Amanda Vizedom, Andrea Westerinen, Matthew West and Peter Yim (2014): Semantic Web and Big Data meets Applied Ontology (Communique). Applied Ontology Journal 9 (2), IOS Press, pp. 155-170.

19| Scheider, S. and Janowicz, K. (2014): Place reference systems. A constructive activity model of reference to place. Applied Ontology Journal 9 (2), IOS Press, pp. 97-127.

18| Song Gao, Linna Li, Wenwen Li, Krzysztof Janowicz, Yue Zhang (2014): Constructing Gazetteers from Volunteered Big Geo-Data based on Hadoop. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Journal.

17| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., Adams, B. (2014): A Weighted Multi-Attribute Method for Matching User-Generated Points of Interest. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41:2, pp. 125-137.

16| Yingjie Hu, Zhenhua Lv, Jianping Wu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Xizhi Zhao, and Bailang Yu (accepted): A Multi-stage Collaborative 3D GIS to Support Public Participation. International Journal of Digital Earth.Volume 8 Issue 3. pp. 212-234.

15| Kalbasi, R., Janowicz, K., Reitsma, F., Boerboom, L., Alesheikh, A. (2104): Collaborative Ontology Development for the Geosciences. Transactions in GIS.Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 834-851

14| Malewski, C., Bröring, A., Maue, P., and Janowicz, K. (2014): Semantic Matchmaking & Mediation for Sensors on the Sensor Web. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE JSTARS).

13| Janowicz, K. and Scheider, S., Pehle, T., and Hart, G. (2012): Geospatial Semantics and Linked Spatiotemporal Data - Past, Present, and Future (editorial). Semantic Web 3(4), pp. 321-332.

12| Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2012): The Digital Earth as Knowledge Engine (editorial). Semantic Web Journal, 3(3), pp. 213-221.

11| Janowicz, K. (2012): Observation-Driven Geo-Ontology Engineering. Transactions in GIS, 16(3), pp. 351-374.

10| Li, N., Raskin, R., Goodchild, M., and Janowicz, K. (2012): An Ontology-Driven Framework and Web Portal for Spatial Decision Support. Transactions in GIS, 16(3), pp. 313-329.

9| Compton, M., Barnaghi, P., Bermudez, L., Garcia-Castro, R., Corcho, O., Cox, S., Graybeal, J., Hauswirth, M., Henson, C., Herzog, A., Huang, V., Janowicz, K., Kelsey, W. D., Le Phuoc, D., Lefort, L., Leggieri, M., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., Page, K., Passant, A., Sheth, A., and Taylor, K. (2012): The SSN Ontology of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group. Journal of Web Semantics. Volume 17, December 2012, pp 25-32.

8| Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2012): Open and transparent: the review process of the Semantic Web journal. Learned Publishing. Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 49-56.

7| Janowicz, K., Bröring, A., Stasch, C., Schade, S., Everding, T., and Llaves, A. (2011): A RESTful Proxy and Data Model for Linked Sensor Data. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2011.614698, pp. 1-22.

6| Bröring, A., Maue, P., Janowicz, K., Nüst, D., and Malewski, C. (2011): Semantically-Enabled Sensor Plug & Play for the Sensor Web. Sensors 2011, 11, 7568-7605.

5| Janowicz, K., Raubal, M., and Kuhn, W. (2011): The Semantics of Similarity in Geographic Information Retrieval. Journal of Spatial Information Science, Number 2, pp. 29-57.

4| Janowicz, K. (2010): The Role of Space and Time For Knowledge Organization on the Semantic Web. Semantic Web Journal. Volume 1, Number 1-2, pp. 25-32, IOS Press.

3| Janowicz, K., Schade, S., Bröring, A., Keßler, C., Maue, P. and Stasch, C. (2010): Semantic Enablement for Spatial Data Infrastructures. Transactions in GIS 14(2), Blackwell Publishing, pp. 111-129.

2| Janowicz, K., Raubal, M., Schwering, A., and Kuhn, W. (2008): Semantic Similarity Measurement and Geospatial Applications (editorial), Special Issue on Semantic Similarity Measurement and Geospatial Applications. Transactions in GIS 12(6), Blackwell Publishing, pp. 651-659.

1| Janowicz, K. and Keßler, C. (2008): The Role of Ontology in Improving Gazetteer Interaction. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) volume 22, issue 10, 2008, pp. 1129-1157.

articles in refereed conference and workshop proceedings (full papers only)

64| Mai, G. Yan, B. Janowicz, K. , and Zhu, R. (2019): Relaxing Unanswerable Geographic Questions Using A Spatially Explicit Knowledge Graph Embedding Model . In: Proceedings of AGILE 2019, June 17 - 20, 2019, Limassol, Cyprus.

64| Mai, G., Janowicz, K. , and Yan, B. (2018): Support and Centrality: Learning Weights for Translation-based Knowledge Graph Embedding Models. In: Proceedings of EKAW 2018, Nov. 12 - 16, 2018, Nancy, France.

63| Yan, B., Janowicz, K. , Mai, G., and Zhu, R. (2018): xNet+SC: Classifying Places Based on Images by Incorporating Spatial Contexts. GIScience 2018: 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science.

62| Hu, Y., and Janowicz, K. (2018): An empirical study on the names of points of interest and their changes with geographic distance. GIScience 2018: 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science.

61| Regalia, B., Janowicz, K. , and Mai, G. (2018): Serving and Visualizing the Geographic Names Information System Gazetteer As Linked Data. 15th ESWC Conference. 3-7 June, Heraklion, Crete.

60| Yan, B., Janowicz, K. , Mai, G., and Gao, S. (2017): From ITDL to Place2Vec -- Reasoning About Place Type Similarity and Relatedness by Learning Embeddings From Augmented Spatial Contexts. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017).

59| Regalia, B., Janowicz, K. and Mai, G. (2017): Phuzzy.link: A SPARQL-Powered Client-Sided Extensible Semantic Web Browser. VOILA 2017:Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data. 3rd International Workshop co-located with ISWC 2017, October 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

58| Hitzler, P., Gangemi, A., Janowicz, K. , Krisnadhi, A., and Presuttim V. (2017): Towards a simple but useful ontology design pattern representation language. 8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP2017) co-located with ISWC 2017, October 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria

57| Zhu, R., Kyriakidis, P., and Janowicz, K. (2017): Beyond Pairs: Generalizing the Geo-dipole for Quantifying Spatial Patterns in Geographic Fields. AGILE 2017 Conference on Geographic Information Science. *Best Paper Award

56| Regalia, B., Janowicz, K. , and McKenzie, G. (2017): Revisiting the representation of and need for raw geometries on the linked data web. Proceedings of the Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2017).

55| McKenzie, G. and Janowicz, K. (2017): The Effect of Regional Variation and Resolution on Geosocial Thematic Signatures for Points of Interest. AGILE 2017 Conference on Geographic Information Science.

54| Gao, S., Janowicz, K. , and Zhang, D. (2016): Designing a Map Legend Ontology For Searching Map Content.. In 7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 16) at ISWC 2016.

53| Ju, Y., Adams, B., Janowicz, K. , Hu, Y., Yan, B., and McKenzie, G. (2016): Things and Strings: Improving Place Name Disambiguation from Short Texts by Combining Entity Co-Occurrence with Topic Modeling. 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2016), Bologna, Italy, 19-23 November 2016

52| Mai, G., Janowicz, K. , Hu, Y., and McKenzie, G. (2016): A Linked Data Driven Visual Interface for the Multi-Perspective Exploration of Data Across Repositories. Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA 2016). 2nd International Workshop co-located with ISWC 2016, October 17 or 18, 2016, Kobe, Japan

51| Janowicz, K. , Hu, Y., McKenzie, G., Gao, S., Regalia, B., Mai, G., Zhu, R., Adams, B., and Taylor, K. (2016): Moon Landing or Safari? A Study of Systematic Errors and their Causes in Geographic Linked Data. GIScience 2016, the Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Montreal, Canada.

50| Regalia, B., Janowicz, K. and Gao, S.(2016): VOLT: A Provenance-Producing, Transparent SPARQL Proxy for the On-Demand Computation of Linked Data and its Application to Spatiotemporally Dependent Data. Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2016. Anissaras, Crete, Greece.

49| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., Seidl, D. (2016): Geo-privacy beyond coordinates. Proceedings of the 2016 AGILE Conference. (June 14-17, Helsinki, Finland)

48| Krisnadhi, A., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Arko, R., Carbotte, S., Chandler, C., Cheatham, M., Fils, D., and Finin, T., Ji, P., Jones, M., Karima, N., Lehnert, K., Mickle, A., Narock, T., O'Brien, M. Raymond, L., Shepherd, A., Schildhauer, M., and Wiebe, P. (2015): The GeoLink Modular Oceanography Ontology. Proceedings of the 14th International Semantic Web Conference.Springer, LNCS.

47| Krisnadhi, A., Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K. (2015): On capabilities and limitations of OWL regarding typecasting and ontology design pattern views. 12th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED) 9th - 10th October 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

46| Krisnadhi, A., Arko, R., Carbotte, S., Chandler, C., Cheatham, M., Hitzler, P., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Ji, P., Karima, N., Shepherd, A., and Wiebe, P. (2015): R2R+BCO-DMO - Linked Oceanographic Datasets. In: Diversity++ Workshop at ISWC 2015

45| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Prasad, S., and Geo, S. (2015): Enabling Semantic Search and Knowledge Discovery for ArcGIS Online: A Linked-Data-driven Approach. 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 2015, pp 107-124.

44| Sengupta, K., Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K. (2014): Revisiting Default Description Logics - And Their Role In Aligning Ontologies.. In: T. Supnithi, T. Yamaguchi, J.Z. Pan, V. Wuwongse, M. Buranarach (eds.), Semantic Technology, 4th Joint International Conference, JIST 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 9-11, 2014. Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8943, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 3-18.

43| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., and Prasad, S. (2014): Improving Wikipedia-based Place Name Disambiguation in Short Texts Using Structured Data from DBpedia. Geographic Information Retrieval Workshop (GIR 2014) at ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2014.

42| Kuhn, W., Kauppinen, T., and Janowicz, K.(2014): Linked Data - A Paradigm Shift for Geographic Information Science. GIScience 2014, Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Vienna - September, 23-26.

41| Gao, S., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., and McKenzie, G. (2013): A Spatiotemporal Scientometrics Framework for Exploring the Citation Impact of Publications and Scientists. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2013, November 05-08 2013, Orlando, FL, USA.

40| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., McKenzie, G., Sengupta, K., and Hitzler, P. (2013): A Linked Data-driven Semantically-enabled Journal Portal for Scientometrics. 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013). 21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia.

39| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Carral Martinez, D., Scheider, S., Kuhn, W., Berg-Cross, G., Hitzler, P., Dean, M., and Kolas, D. (2013): A Geo-Ontology Design Pattern for Semantic Trajectories. Conference On Spatial Information Theory COSIT 2013, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK.

38| Carral Martinez, D., Scheider, S., Janowicz, K., Vardeman, C., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P. (2013): An Ontology Design Pattern for Cartographic Map Scale. 10th ESWC 2013 Semantics and Big Data, 26-30 May 2013, Montpellier, France

37| McKenzie, G., Adams, B., and Janowicz, K. (2013; forthcoming): A Thematic Approach to User Similarity Built on Geosocial Check-ins. 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 14-17 May 2013, Leuven, Belgium

36| Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2013;): Key Ingredients For Your Next Semantics Elevator Talk.. P. Castano,S., Vassiliadis, P., Lakshmanan, L., and Lee, M. (Eds.): 6th International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS (SeCo-GIS 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7518 , Springer, pp. 213-220.

35| Carral Martinez, D., Janowicz, K., and Hitzler, P. (2012; forthcoming): A Logical Geo-Ontology Design Pattern for Quantifying over Types. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2012

34| Keßler, C., Janowicz, K., and Kauppinen, T. (2012; forthcoming): spatial@linkedscience -- Exploring the Research Field of GIScience with Linked Data. Seventh International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2012)

33| Ye, M., Janowicz, K., Lee, W.-C., and Mülligann, C. (2011): What you are is When you are: The Temporal Dimension of Feature Types in Location-based Social Networks. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2011, November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, Illinois. ACM Press, pp. 102-111.

32| Adams, B. and Janowicz, K. (2011): Constructing Geo-Ontologies by Reification of Observation Data. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2011, November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, Illinois. ACM Press, pp. 309-318.

31| Mülligann, C., Janowicz, K., Ye, M., and Lee, W.-C. (2011): Analyzing the Spatial-Semantic Interaction of Points of Interest in Volunteered Geographic Information. Max J. Egenhofer, Nicholas A. Giudice, Reinhard Moratz, and Michael F. Worboys, editors, Spatial Information Theory, 10th International Conference, COSIT 2011, Springer LNCS 6899, pages 350-370, 2011.

30| Ye, M., Shou, D., Lee, W.-C. , Yin, P., and Janowicz, K. (2011): On the Semantic Annotation of Places in Location-Based Social Networks. In C. Apte, J. Ghosh, and P. Smyth, editors, 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pages 520-528. ACM, 2011.

29| Mülligann, C., Trame, J., and Janowicz, K. (2011; forthcoming): Introducing the new SIM-DLA Semantic Similarity Measurement Plug-in for the Protege Ontology Editor. SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies in conjunction with the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2011, November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, Illinois

28| Savelyev, A., Janowicz, K., Thatcher, J., Xu, S., Mülligann, C., and Luo, W., (2011; forthcoming): Volunteered Geographic Services: Developing a Linked Data Driven Location-based Service. SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies in conjunction with the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2011, November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, Illinois

27| Stasch, C., Schade, S., Llaves, A., Janowicz, K., and Bröring, A. (2011; forthcoming): Aggregating Linked Sensor Data. In Kerry Taylor, Arun Ayyagari, David De Roure (Eds.): The 4th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2011 (SSN11) in conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), Bonn, Germany

26| Janowicz, K. and Compton, M. (2010): The Stimulus-Sensor-Observation Ontology Design Pattern and its Integration into the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology. In Kerry Taylor, Arun Ayyagari, David De Roure (Eds.): The 3rd International workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2010 (SSN10) in conjunction with the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), 7-11 November 2010, Shanghai,China. 2010.

25| Keßler, C and Janowicz, K. (2010) Linking Sensor Data - Why, to What, and How? In Kerry Taylor, Arun Ayyagari, David De Roure (Eds.): The 3rd International workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2010 (SSN10) in conjunction with the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), 7-11 November 2010, Shanghai,China. *Best Paper Award

24| Janowicz, K., Adams, B., and Raubal, M. (2010): Semantic Referencing - Determining Context Weights for Similarity Measurement. In S. I. Fabrikant, T. Reichenbacher, M. J. van Kreveld, and C. Schlieder, editors, 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), volume 6292 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 70-84. Springer, 2010.

23| Duce, S. and Janowicz, K. (2010): Microtheories for Spatial Data Infrastructures - Accounting for Diversity of Local Conceptualizations at a Global Level. In S. I. Fabrikant, T. Reichenbacher, M. J. van Kreveld, and C. Schlieder, editors, 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), volume 6292 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 27-41. Springer, 2010.

22| Scheider, S.; Probst, F.; Janowicz, K.: Constructing Bodies and their Qualities from Observations. In A. Galton and R. Mizoguchi editors, Formal Ontology in Information Systems. Proc. of the Sixth International Conference (FOIS 2010). pp. 69 - 87. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2010.

21| Bröring, A., Janowicz, K., Stasch, C., and Kuhn, W. (2009): Semantic Challenges for Sensor Plug and Play. Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, 9th International Symposium, W2GIS 2009, Maynooth, Ireland, December 7-8,2009. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5886), Springer, pp. 72-86.

20*| Keßler, C., Janowicz, K., and Bishr, M. (2009): An Agenda For The Next Generation Gazetteer: Geographic Information Contribution and Retrieval. 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM-GIS 2009, November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, Washington, USA, Proceedings, pp. 91-100. *Best Student Paper Award

19|Janowicz, K., Schade, S., Bröring, A., Keßler, C., and Stasch, C., Patrick Maue, Thorsten Diekhof (2009): A Transparent Semantic Enablement Layer for the Geospatial Web. Terra Cognita 2009 Workshop In conjunction with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), October 26, 2009.

18| Scheider, S., Janowicz, K., and Kuhn, W. (2009): Grounding Geographic Categories in the Meaningful Environment. In K. S. Hornsby, C. Claramunt, M.D., G. Ligozat (eds.): Spatial Information Theory, 9th International Conference, COSIT 2009, Aber Wrac'h, France, September 21-25, 2009. Lecture Notes of Computer Science (5756), Springer, pp. 69-87

17| Stasch, C., Janowicz, K., Bröring, A., Reis, I., and Kuhn,W. (2009): A Stimulus-Centric Algebraic Approach to Sensors and Observations. 3rd International Conference on Geosensor Networks, July 13-14, Oxford, United Kingdom. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 169-179.

16| Janowicz, K. and Wilkes, M. (2009): SIM-DL_A: A Novel Semantic Similarity Measure for Description Logics Reducing Inter-Concept to Inter-Instance Similarity. The 6th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5554, Springer. pp. 353-367, 2009.

15| Janowicz, K., Schwarz, M., and Wilkes, M. (2009): Implementation and Evaluation of a Semantics-based User Interface for Web Gazetteers. At the Visual Interfaces to the Social and the Semantic Web (VISSW 2009) Workshop in conjunction with the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2009). CEUR-WS Proceedings Vol. 443. Sanibel Island, Florida. February 2009.

14| Janowicz, K., Maue, P., Wilkes, M., Schade, S., Scherer, F., Braun M., Dupke, S., and Kuhn, (2008): Similarity as a Quality Indicator in Ontology Engineering. 5th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2008). Saarbrücken, Germany. C. Eschenbach and M. Grüninger (Eds.). IOS Press; pp.92-105.

13| Janowicz, K., Wilkes, M., and Lutz, M. (2008): Similarity-based Information Retrieval and its Role within Spatial Data Infrastructures. 5th International Conference on Geographic Information Science. T. J. Cova, H. J. Miller, K. Beard, A. U. Frank, and M. F. Goodchild (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5266, Springer. Park City, Utah, USA. pp. 151-167.

12*| Janowicz, K., Keßler, C., Panov, I., Wilkes, M., Espeter, M. and Schwarz, M. (2008): A Study on the Cognitive Plausibility of SIM-DL Similarity Rankings for Geographic Feature Types. Lars Bernard, Anders Friis-Christensen and Hardy Pundt (Eds.), The European Information Society - Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further (Proceedings of the 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 5.-8. May 2008, Girona, Spain). Springer Lecture Notes on Geo-Information. pp. 115-134.*2nd Best Paper Award

11| Janowicz, K. (2008): Kinds of Contexts and their Impact on Semantic Similarity Measurement. 5th IEEE Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning (CoMoRea 2008) at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom’08); Hong Kong, March 17-21, 2008. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 441-446.

10| Keßler, C.; Raubal, M.; Janowicz, K. (2007): The Effect of Context on Semantic Similarity Measurement. 3rd International IFIP Workshop On Semantic Web & Web Semantics (SWWS2007). R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero (Eds.). On The Move - OTM 2007 Workshops, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4806. Springer. pp. 1274-1284.

9| Janowicz, K., Keßler, C., Schwarz, M., Wilkes, M., Panov, I., Espeter, M. and Bäumer, B. (2007): Algorithm, Implementation and Application of the SIM-DL Similarity Server. Second International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics (GeoS 2007). Mexico City, Mexico, November 29-30, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. pp. 128-145.

8| Janowicz, K. and Raubal, M. (2007): Affordance-Based Similarity Measurement for Entity Types. S. Winter, M. Duckham, L. Kulik, and B. Kuipers (Eds.). Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT’07, Melbourne, Australia, September 19-23, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4736, Springer. pp. 133-151.

7| Janowicz, K. (2006): Similarity-Based Retrieval for Geospatial Semantic Web Services Specified using the Web Service Modeling Language (WSML-Core). International Semantic Web Conference ISWC’06 Workshop: Terra Cognita 2006 - Directions to the Geospatial Semantic Web. November 6, 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA.

6| Janowicz, K. (2006): Sim-DL: Towards a Semantic Similarity Measurement Theory for the Description Logic ALCNR in Geographic Information Retrieval. R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero (Eds.). SeBGIS 2006, OTM Workshops 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4278, Springer. pp. 1681-1692.

5| Janowicz, K. (2006): Towards a Similarity-Based Identity Assumption Service for Historical Places. In M. Raubal, H. Miller, A. Frank, and M. Goodchild (Eds.). Geographic Information Science - Fourth International Conference, GIScience 2006, Münster, Germany, September 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4197. Springer. pp. 199-216.

See also [PDF] for a short summary of the underlaying idea of using thematic information as additional kind of (spatial) reference. Maybe this is also interesting in terms of Gazetteer research?

4| Janowicz, K. (2005): Extending Semantic Similarity Measurement by Thematic Roles. In First International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics (GeoS 2005), Mexico City, Mexico. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3799, Springer. pp. 137-152.

3| Sen, S. and Janowicz, K. (2005): Semantics of motion verbs. Workshop on Spatial Language and Dialogue (WoSLaD 05). October 23-25, 2005, Delmenhorst, Germany

2| Brox, C. and Janowicz, K. (2004): Integration of Human Services into Technical GI Service Chains. 7th Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2004), Crete, Greece.

1| Janowicz, K., Kuhn, W., Riedemann, C. (2002): XMeta: Wie aus Geodaten Geodienste werden. Wichmann (Publisher), Strobl, Blaschke and Griesebner (Editor/s). Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XIV. Beiträge zum AGIT-Symposium Salzburg 2002. pp. 206-211.

fully reviewed book chapters

14| Janowicz, K., McKenzie, G., Hu, Y., Zhu, R., and Gao, So. (2018): Using Semantic Signatures for Social Sensing in Urban Environments. Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics.

13| Janowicz, K., Gangemi, A., Hitzler, P., Krisnadhi, A., and Presutti, V. (2016): Introduction: Ontology Design Patterns in a Nutshell. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 1-6.

12| Janowicz, K.(2016): Modeling Ontology Design Patterns with Domain Experts - A View From the Trenches. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 239-249.

11| Hu, Y. and Janowicz, K.(2016): The Semantic Trajectory Pattern. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 327-333.

10| Hammar, K., Blomqvist, E., Carral, D., van Erp, M., Fokkens, A., Gangemi, A., van Hage, W. R., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Karima, N., Krisnadhi, A., Narock, T., Segers, R., Solanki, and Svatek, V. (2016): Collected Research Questions Concerning Ontology Design Patterns. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 195-204.

9| Adila Krisnadhi, A., Karima, N., Hitzler, P., Amini, R., Rodriquez-Doncel, V., and Janowicz, K. (2016): Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 207-238.

8| Hu, Y. and Janowicz, K. (2016): Enriching top-down geo-ontologies using bottom-up knowledge mined from Linked Data. In H. Onsrud & W. Kuhn (Eds), Advancing Geographic Information Science: The Past and Next Twenty Years, GSDI Association Press, 183-198.

7| Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2015): Geospatial Semantic Web. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. SAGE Publications.

6| Grossner, K., Janowicz, K., and Kessler, C. (accepted) Place, Period, and Setting for Linked Data Gazetteers. In R. Mostern, H. Southall, M.L. Berman (Eds.) Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.

5| Janowicz, K., Scheider, S., and Adams, B. (2013; forthcoming): A Geo-Semantics Flyby.

4| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2012): Semantic Web. In: Computing Handbook Set - Computer Science (Volume I). CRC Press.

3| Janowicz, K. (2010): Semantic Interoperability. In: Encyclopedia of Geography. B. Warf (Ed.). SAGE Publications.

2| Janowicz, K. and Scheider, S. (2010): Semantic Reference Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Geography. B. Warf (Ed.). SAGE Publications.

1| Janowicz, K. (2007): Similarity-Based Retrieval for Geospatial Semantic Web Services Specified using the Web Service Modeling Language (WSML-Core) [extended version / book chapter]. Scharl, A. and Tochtermann, K. (eds.). The Geospatial Web - How Geo-Browsers, Social Software and the Web 2.0 are Shaping the Network Society. Edited Springer Book. pp. 235-245.

fully reviewed short papers and partially reviewed (or non-reviewed) publications

69| Janowicz, K., Gao, S., McKenzie, G., Hu, Y, and Bhaduri, B., (2020): GeoAI: Spatially Explicit Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Geographic Knowledge Discovery and Beyond. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, GeoAI Special Issue.

68| Mai, G., Janowicz, K., He, C., Liu, S., and Lao, N. (2018): POIReviewQA: A Semantically Enriched POI Retrieval and Question Answering Dataset. In: Proceedings of GIR'18 Workshop co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018, Nov. 6 - 9, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA.

67| Stella, S., Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K. (2018): On the Quality of Vocabularies for Linked Dataset Papers Published in the Semantic Web Journal. Semantic Web, Volume 9, Number 2 / 2018

66| Mai, G., Janowicz, K., Prasad, S. and Yan, B. (2018): Visualizing The Semantic Similarity of Geographic Features. Proceedings of 21st Conference on Geo-information science (AGILE 2018), June 12 - 15, 2018, Lund, Sweden.

65| Mai, G., Janowicz, K., Hu, Yingjie, Gao, S., Zhu, R., Yan, B.,McKenzie, G., Uppal, A., and Regalia, B.(2018): Collections of Points of Interest: How to Name Them and Why it Matters. Workshop on Spatial Big Data and Machine Learning in GIScience.

64| Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Regalia, B., Mai, G., Delbecque, S., Frohlich. M., Martinent, P., and Lazarus, T. (2018): On the Prospects of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies for Open Science and Academic Publishing. Semantic Web journal. Volume 9, Number 5 / 2018.

63| McKenzie, G and Janowicz, K. (2018): OpenPOI: An Open Place of Interest Platform. 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018)

62| Janowicz, K., Yan, B, Regalia, B., Zhu, R., and Mai, G. (2018): Debiasing Knowledge Graphs: Why Female Presidents are not like Female Popes. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2018

61| Mai, G., Janowicz, K. Prasad, S. and Yan, B. (2018): Visualizing The Semantic Similarity of Geographic Features. Proceedings of 21st Conference on Geo-information science (AGILE 2018), June 12 - 15, 2018, Lund, Sweden.

60| Janowicz, K. and McKenzie, G. (2017): How "Alternative" are Alternative Facts? Towards Measuring Statement Coherence via Spatial Analysis (Vision Paper).. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017).

59| Lehmann, J., Soeren A., Capadisli, S., Janowicz, K., Bizer, C., Heath, T., Hogan, A., and Berners-Lee, T. (2017): LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web.. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pp. 1679-1680. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017.

58| Mai., G., Janowicz, K., Hu, Y., and Geo, S. (2016): ADCN: An Anisotropic Density-Based Clustering Algorithm. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016), October 31 - November 3, 2016, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.

57| Krisnadhi, A., Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K.(2016): A spatiotemporal extent pattern based on semantic trajectories.. In 7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 16) at ISWC 2016.

56| Zhu, R., Janowicz, K., Yan, B., and Hu, Y.(2016): Which Kobani? A Case Study on the Role of Spatial Statistics and Semantics for Coreference Resolution Across Gazetteers. GIScience 2016 Short Paper Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Montreal, Canada.

55| Hu, Y. and Janowicz, K.(2016): Understanding the Mapping Sequence of Online Volunteers in Disaster Response. GIScience 2016 Short Paper Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Montreal, Canada.

54| Yan, B., Janowicz, K., and Hu, Y. (2016): A Data-Driven Approach for Detecting and Quantifying Modeling Biases in Geo-Ontologies Using a Discrepancy Index. GIScience 2016 Short Paper Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Montreal, Canada.

53| Hogan, A. , Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K. (2016): Linked Dataset description papers at the Semantic Web journal: A critical assessment. Semantic Web 7, 2016, 105-116.

52| Blomqvist, E., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Krisnadhi, A., Narock, T., and Solanki, M. (2015): Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns.. Semantic Web 7 (1), 2015, 1-7.

51| Hu, Y. and Janowicz, K. (2015): Prioritizing Road Network Connectivity Information for Disaster Response. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management (EM-GIS-2015).

50| Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., and Krisnadhi, A. (2015): Ontology modeling with domain experts: The GeoVoCamp experience. Proceedings Diversity++ workshop at ISWC 2015.

49| McKenzie, G., Adams, B., and Janowicz, K. (2015): Of Oxen and Birds: Is Yik Yak a useful new data source in the geosocial zoo or just another Twitter? 8th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) 2015.

48| Janowicz, K., Krisnadhi, A., Hu, Y., Suh, S., Weidema, B. P., Rivela, B., Tivander, J., Meyer, D., Berg-Cross, G., Hitzler, P., Ingwersen, W., Kuczenski, B., Vardeman, C., Ju, Y., and Cheatham, M. (2015): A Minimal Ontology Pattern for Life Cycle Assessment Data. 6th ISWC Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2015).

47| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K. (2015): Information Observatories: What Are They Good For? Proceedings of Workshop on Geographic Information Observatories. In conjunction with the Twelfth Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT '15); October 12, 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

46| Janowicz, K., Kauppinen, T., Schade, S., Ballatore, A., McKenzie, G. (2015): Contextual Information: Lenses for Observing the Data Universe. Proceedings of Workshop on Geographic Information Observatories In conjunction with the Twelfth Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT '15); October 12, 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

45| Hu, Y., McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., Gao, S. Mining Human-Place Interaction Patterns from Location-Based Social Networks to Enrich Place Categorization Systems. Proceedings of Workshop on Cognitive Engineering for Spatial Information Processes . In conjunction with the Twelfth Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT '15); October 12, 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

44| Krisnadhi, A., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K. , Hitzler, P., Arko, R., Carbotte, S., Chandler, C., Cheatham, M., Fils, D., Finin, T., Ji, P., Jones, M., Karima, M., Lehnert, K., Mickle, A., Narock, T., O'Brien, M., Raymond, L., Shepherd, A., Schildhauer, M., and Wiebe, P. (2015): The GeoLink Framework for Pattern-based Linked Data Integration. In: Proceedings of 2015 International Semantic Web Conference (demos and posters track), Oct. 11-15, 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

43| Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., & Sengupta, K. (2015): The Semantic Web Journal as Linked Data. In: Proceedings of 2015 International Semantic Web Conference (demos and posters track), Oct. 11-15, 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

42| Yan, B., Hu, Y., Kuczenski, B., Janowicz, K., Ballatore, A., Krisnadhi, A., Ju, Y., Hitzler, P., Suh, S., Ingwersen, W. (2015): An ontology for Specifying Spatiotemporal Scopes in Life Cycle Assessment. In: Diversity++ Workshop at International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2015.

41| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. The Semantic Web Journal Review Process: Transparent and Open (2015). In: Rene Kaiser, Elisabeth Lex and Peter Kraker (ed.), "Science 2.0", IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Social Networking E-Letter, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2015.

40| Gao, S., Yang, J., Yan B., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., and McKenzie, G.(2014): Detecting origin-destination mobility flows from geotagged Tweets in Greater Los Angeles Area. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Sep. 24-26, 2014, Vienna, Austria.

39| Gao, S., Yang, J., Janowicz, K., Hu, Y., Yan B., and McKenzie, G.(2014): TrajAnalyst: matching data to trajectory analysis modules via a conceptual framework. In Proceedings of the GIScience 2014 Workshop on Analysis of Movement Data, Sep. 23, 2014, Vienna, Austria.

38| Vardeman, C., Krisnadhi, A., Cheatham, M., Janowicz, K., Ferguson, H., Hitzler, P., Buccellato, A., Thirunarayan, K., and Berg-Cross, G. (2014): An Ontology Design Pattern for Material Transformation. 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2014).

37| Abdalla, A., Hu, Y., Carral, D., Li, N. and Janowicz, K. (2014): An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning. 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2014).

36| Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Adams, B., Kolas, D., and Vardeman, C. (2014): Five Stars of Linked Data Vocabulary Use (editorial). Semantic Web journal, IOS Press, Volume 5, Number 3 / 2014, pp. 173-176.

35| Hu, Y., McKenzie, G., Yang, J., Gao, S., Abdalla, A., and Janowicz, K. (2014): A Linked-Data-Driven Web Portal for Learning Analytics: Data Enrichment, Interactive Visualization, and Knowledge Discovery. LAK Data Challenge Workshop at The 4th International Conference on Learning Analyticsand Knowledge (LAK 2014) *2nd Prize

34| McKenzie, G. and Janowicz, K. (2014): Activities in a New City: Itinerary Recommendation Based on User Similarity. Spatial Knowledge and Information (SKI) - Canada (Feb 7-9, Banff, AB)

33| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., and Adams, B. (2013; forthcoming): Weighted Multi-Attribute Matching of User-Generated Points of Interest. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2013, November 05-08 2013, Orlando, FL, USA.

32| Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2013): Thoughts on the Complex Relation Between Linked Data, Semantic Annotations, and Ontologies. ESAIR'13: Sixth International Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval.

31| McKenzie, G., Janowicz, K., Hu, Y., Sengupta, K., and Hitzler, P. (2013; forthcoming): Linked Scientometrics: Designing Interactive Scientometrics with Linked Data and Semantic Web Reasoning (Demo Paper). 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013). 21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia.

30| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2013): Linked Data, Big Data, and the 4th Paradigm (editorial). Semantic Web Journal. Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 233-235, IOS Press.

29| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2013): The New Manuscript Review System for the Semantic Web Journal (editorial). Semantic Web Journal. Volume 4, Number 2, pp. 1-2, IOS Press.

28| Deutsch, K., McKenzie, G., Hu, Y., Janowicz, K., Li, W., and Goulias, K., (2012) Examining the Use of Smartphones and Data Quality in Data Collection for Travel Behavior Research. Proceedings of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research, Toronto, ON.

27| Yingjie, Hu and Janowicz, K. (2012): Improving Personal Information Management by Integrating Activities in the Physical World with the Semantic Desktop. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2012

26| Berg-Cross, G., Cruz, I., Dean, M., Finin, T., Gahegan, M., Hitzler, P., Hua, H., Janowicz, K., Li, N., Murphy, P., Nordgren, B., Obrst, L., Schildhauer, M., Sheth, A., Sinha, K., Thessen, A., Wiegand, N., and Zaslavsky, I. (2012; forthcoming): Semantics and Ontologies in EarthCube. Workshop on GIScience in the Big Data Age 2012. In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2012 (GIScience 2012).

25| Yingjie, Hu, Wenwenm Li, Janowicz, K., Deutsch, K., McKenzie, G., and Goulias K. (2012): Using spatial-temporal signatures to infer human activities from personal trajectories on location-enabled mobile devices. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2012)

24| Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Berg-Cross, G., Obrst, L., Sheth, A., Finin, T., and Cruz, I. (2012): Semantic Aspects of EarthCube. EarthCube report of the Technology Subcommittee of the EarthCube Semantics and Ontologies Group, May 22, 2012.

23| Adams, B. and Janowicz, K. (2012): On the Geo-Indicativeness of non-Georeferenced Text. The 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2012). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. pp. 375-378

22| Bröring, A., Maue, P., Malewski, C., and Janowicz, K. (2012; forthcoming): Semantic Mediation on the Sensor Web. IGARSS 2012.

21| Bröring, A., Janowicz, K., Stasch, C., Schade, S., Everding, T., and Llaves, A. (2011): A RESTful SOS Proxy for Linked Data - Demonstration Paper. In Kerry Taylor, Arun Ayyagari, David De Roure (Eds.): The 4th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2011 (SSN11) in conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), Bonn, Germany

20| Thatcher, J., Mülligann, C., Luo, W., Xu, S., Guidero, E., Savelyev, A., and Janowicz, K. (2011): Hidden Ontologies -- How Mobile Computing Affects the Conceptualization of Geographic Space. Workshop on Cognitive Engineering for Mobile GIS 2011 (CEMob2011) in conjunction with the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'11), Belfast, Maine, USA, September 12-16th 2011. Volume 780, CEUR-WS.

19| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2011): Semantic Web Surveys and Applications (editorial). Semantic Web Journal. Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 1-2, IOS Press.

18| Lefort, L., Henson, C., Taylor, K., (Eds.); Barnaghi, P., Compton, M., Corcho, O., Castro, R., Graybeal, J., Herzog, A., Janowicz, K., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., and Page, K.(2011): Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report. W3C Incubator Group Report 28 June 2011.

17| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2011): Semantic Web tools and systems (editorial). Semantic Web Journal. Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 1-2, IOS Press.

16| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2010): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability (editorial). Semantic Web Journal. Volume 1, Number 1-2, pp. 1-2, IOS Press.

15| Janowicz, K., Arne Broering, Christoph Stasch, and Thomas Everding (2010): Towards Meaningful URIs for Linked Sensor Data. Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data, Workshop at Future Internet Symposium, September 20th, 2010, Berlin, Germany.

14| Bishr, M. and Janowicz, K. (2010; forthcoming): Can we Trust Information? - The Case of Volunteered Geographic Information. Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data, Workshop at Future Internet Symposium, September 20th, 2010, Berlin, Germany.

13| Scheider. S. and Janowicz, K. (2010; forthcoming): Places as Media of Containment. 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich, CH 14-17th September, 2010.

12| Devaraju, A., Neuhaus, H., Janowicz, K., and Compton, M. (2010; forthcoming): Combining Process and Sensor Ontologies to Support Geo-Sensor Data Retrieval. 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich, CH 14-17th September, 2010.

11| Janowicz, K. (2009): The Role of Place for the Spatial Referencing of Heritage Data. The Cultural Heritage of Historic European Cities and Public Participatory GIS Workshop. The University of York, UK 17-18 September 2009

10| Janowicz, K., Keßler, C., Bröring, A., Stasch, C., and Schade, S. (2009; forthcoming): Towards Semantic Enablement for Spatial Data Infrastructures. 4th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC 2009).[POSTER]

9| Scheider, S., Devaraju, A. Janowicz, K., Maue, P., Schade, S., Keßler, C., Ortmann, J., Bishr, M., Fincke, T., Weigel, T., and Kuhn, W. (2009): Grounding Geographic Information. The European Information Society - Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further (Proceedings of the 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June, Hannover, Germany); [POSTER].

8| Janowicz, K. (2009): Trust and Provenance - You Can't Have One Without The Other. Technical Report; Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany; January 2009.

7| Wilkes, M., Janowicz, K. (2008): A Graph-based Alignment Approach to Similarity between Climbing Routes. First International Workshop on Information Semantics and its Implications for Geographic Analysis (ISGA '08) held in conjunction with GIScience 2008, the 5th International Conference on Geographic Information Science in Park City, Utah, September 23, 2008

6| Schöning, J., Paczkowski, O., Panov, I., Keßler, C., Janowicz, K., Müller, H. J., Raubal, M., and Krüger, A. (2007): Klettern im Jahr 2017. Alpine Magazine 03/07. (Web version)

5| Janowicz, K., Schöning, J. (2007): Mobile Map Interaction for Local News. Workshop on Mobile Spatial Interaction at ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2007. April 28, 2007. San Jose, California, USA.

4| Janowicz, K. and Wilde, M. (2004): Why Environmental Metadata Description Needs Ontologies. Environmental Informatics Archives, Volume 2/2004, EIA04-01 ISEIS Publication #002. pp. 140-150.

3| Janowicz, K. (2003): An der Kette - Über den praktischen Nutzen von Ontologien für verkettete Web Services. XML & Web Services Magazin. pp. 34-38.

2| Janowicz, K. (2003): Fahrt in die Havel DAML+OIL - Über den praktischen Nutzen von Ontologien. XML & Web Services Magazin. pp. 34-38.

1| Wilde, M., Lange, M., Pundt, H., Ostländer, N. and Janowicz, K. (2003): An environmental metadata profile for the EU project MEDIS. Metropolis, A. Gnauck and R. Heinrichs (Eds.). 17th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo), Cottbus, Germany. pp. 482-489.

edited books, proceedings, and journals (outdated)

16| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2013): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 4, Number 3, IOS Press.

15| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2013): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 4, Number 2, IOS Press.

14| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2013): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 4, Number 1, IOS Press.

13| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2012): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 3, Number 4, IOS Press.

12| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2012): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 3, Number 3, IOS Press.

11| Gentner, D., van Harmelen, F., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., and Kühnberger, K.-U. (2012): Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 12221 on Cognitive Approaches for the Semantic Web. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings DOI: 10.4230/DagRep.2.5.93.

10| Vasardani, M., Winter, S., Richter, K.-F., Janowicz, K., and Mackaness, W. (2012): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Place-related Knowledge Acquisition Research (P-KAR 2012). Monastery Seeon, Germany, August 31, 2012. CEUR-WS Proceedings, volume 881, ISSN 1613-0073.

9| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2012): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 3, Number 2, IOS Press.

8| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2012): Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 3, Number 1, IOS Press.

7| Janowicz, K., Raubal, M., Krüger, A., and Keßler, C. (2011): Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Engineering for Mobile GIS 2011 (CEMob2011). In conjunction with the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'11). Volume 780 of CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073.

6| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2011): Semantic Web Tools and Systems. Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 2, Number 2, IOS Press.

5| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2011): Semantic Web Tools and Systems. Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 2, Number 1, IOS Press.

4| Janowicz, K., Pehle, T., Hart, G., and Maué, P. (2010): Proceedings of the Workshop on Linked Spatiotemporal Data 2010 in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010) Volume 691 of CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073.

3| Hitzler, P. and Janowicz, K. (2010): Vision Statements for the Semantic Web Special Issue. Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. Volume 1, Number 1-2, IOS Press.

2| Janowicz, K., Raubal, M., and Levashkin, S. (2009): GeoSpatial Semantics - Third International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics, GeoS 2009, Mexico City, Mexico, December 2009, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5892, Springer.

1| Janowicz, K., Raubal, M., Schwering, A., and Kuhn, W. (2008): Special Issue on Semantic Similarity Measurement and Geospatial Applications, Transactions in GIS 12(6), Blackwell Publishing.


2| Janowicz, K. (2008): Computing Semantic Similarity Among Geographic Feature Types Represented in Expressive Description Logics. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI), Universitity of Münster [Slides from the defense].

1| Janowicz, K. (2003) Service Composition and Interoperation with DAML-S: a Critical View. Diploma Thesis at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster.


University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

+ GEOG 178/258: Conceptual Modeling and Programming in GIScience (2015 --ongoig)
+ GEOG 176C: GIS APPLICATIONS (2013 -- ongoing)
+ GEOG 176B: Technical Issues in GIS (2013 -- ongoing)
+ INT 200A: Cognitive Science Seminar (Fall 2015)
+ GEOG 288KJ Geospatial Semantic Web and Linked Data (Fall 2014)
+ GEOG 195KJ: Conceptual Modeling and Programming in GIScience (Winter 2014)
+ GEOG 12 Web: Maps and Spatial Reasoning (Spring 2013, Spring 2014)
+ GEOG 12: Maps and Spatial Reasoning (Spring 2012)
+ GEOG 201 Geography Colloquium (Winter 2012) + GEOG 288KJ Conceptual Modeling and Programming in GIScience (Winter 2012)

Pennsylvania State University, USA

+ GEOG 363 Geographic Information Systems (Spring 2011)
+ GEOG 494,496 & 596 PSUMobile (Location-based services and VGI) (Spring 2011)
+ GEOG 160 Mapping Our Changing World (Fall 2010)
+ GEOG 497F Conceptual Modeling and Programming in GIScience (Fall 2010)

University of Münster, Germany

+ Geosoftware I (programming course) (SS08)
+ Breadcrumbs-Broadcast Local Geospatial News Server (study project) (SS07)
+ GeoFox 2.0 (Geosoftware II; programming course) (WS06/07)
+ Identity Assumption Service for Historical Places (study project) (WS06/07)
+ Objektorientierte Modellierung in der Geoinformatik (course) (SS05, SS06)
+ Utopian: Pedestrian Navigation Services (study project) (WS05/06 - SS06)
+ Ontology Workshop (course) (WS04/05)
+ Geosoftware I & II (programming course) (2000-2002)


+ Formal Modeling; FH Kärnten, Villach, Austria (16.11-18.11, 2009)
+ Formal Modeling; FH Kärnten, Villach, Austria (23.06-27.06, 2009)
+ Geospatial Semantic Web; San Diego State University, USA (18.09-19.09, 2008)


+ 52° North Semantics Community: Semantic Enablement at 52°N
+ Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability journal
+ Blog about semantic similarity: similarity-blog.de
+ O'Reilly OpenBook on internet security : Sicherheit im Internet
+ Surfen Sie sicher? Autoren-Interview.
+ Our joint Wikipedia Article on Geosemantics (German only)
+ The SimCat project: sim-dl.sourceforge.net
+ QuickMenuMC, a small filing Thunderbird extension (with > 14.000 downloads :-)).
+ ELVE - Elektronische Leistungsverwaltung am SIC!
+ Utopian Location-based Service -- Compare this project we did with students in 2006 to your smartphone apps in 2012 ;-)

supervised theses

Ongoing (not up to date since 2013)

Yingjie Hu (1st supervisor/chair; Ph.D. thesis; ongoing): TBA

Grant McKenzie (1st co-supervisor/co-chair together with M. Raubal; Ph.D. thesis; ongoing): Forcasting activity locations using a geosocial data based user similarity model.

Jim Thatcher (external committee member; Ph.D. thesis; ongoing): Mobile Navigation Applications: The Hidden Ontologies of space.

Crista Livecchi (external committee member; Ph.D. thesis; ongoing): There's no place like home: Mobility, home, and US military kids.


Shaun Walbridge (committee member; master's thesis; 2012): Assessing ship movements using volunteered geographic information.

Benjamin Adams (committee member; Ph.D. thesis; 2012): Operationalizing Place: Discovering, reasoning about, and exploring place knowledge from descriptions.

Anusuriya Devaraju (committee member; Ph.D. thesis; 2012): Representing and Reasoning about Geographic Occurrences in the Sensor Web.

Christoph Mülligann (2st supervisor; master's thesis; 2012): Feature Type Plausibility in Volunteered Geographic Information.


Thorsten Diekhof (1st supervisor; diploma thesis; 2010): WRS - Transparent Encapsulation of Semantic Web Reasoning Services for use in Spatial Data Infrastructures.

Wadim Hamm (1st supervisor; bachelor's thesis; 2010): Semantics-based Navigation for Mobile Devices.

Stephanie Duce (2nd supervisor; master's thesis; 2010): Microtheories for SDI - Accounting for Diversity of Local Conceptualisations at a Global Level.

Johannes Trame (1st supervisor; bachelor's thesis; 2010): Tag Recommendations for Points of Interests in OpenStreetMap.

Andres Westermann (1st supervisor; bachelor's thesis; 2010): Building a REST based Annotation Service for Volunteered Geographic Information


Reza Kalbasi Khoramdashti (external examiner; master's thesis at ITC; 2009): Collaborative Ontology Development for Geo-Information Sharing.

Franca Scherer (1st supervisor, diploma thesis; 2009): Applying Similarity to Ontology Engineering to Estimate Functional Quality.


Mirco Schwarz (advisor; diploma thesis; 2008): Similarity Measaurement for a Feature Type Ontology for User Support in Gazetteer Handling.

Marc Wilkes (advisor; diploma thesis; 2008): A Graph-based Alignment Approach to Context-sensitive Similarity between Climbing Routes.


Krzysztof Janowicz FOAF
4830 Ellison Hall
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

Email: jano @ geog ucsb edu
Webpage: http://geog.ucsb.edu/~jano/
Semantic Web Journal: www.semantic-web-journal.net
Münster Semantic Interoperability Lab (MUSIL): musil.uni-muenster.de/

[FSF Associate Member]