Dear Colleagues! The organizing committee of the 17th International Conference "Gas Discharge Plasmas and Their Applications (GDP-2025)" would like to cordially invite you to take part in the Conference from the 8th up to the 12th of September 2025, which will be held in Ekaterinburg, located in the heart of the Urals on the border of Europe and Asia. Here you will have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the metropolis, which combines the rapid pace of modern life with the rich heritage of the region: mining, stone-cutting art and literary creativity.
Conference Topics
1. Fundamental processes in low-temperature plasma: low and high pressure discharges, near-electrode phenomena, radiation, ultrafast processes, diagnostics. 2. Gas-discharge methods for surface modification and coating deposition: surface modification, ion implantation, combined methods of surface treatment, neutron and synchrotron methods of diagnostics. 3. Plasma-chemical, electrophysical and laser technologies: environmental applications, production of nanopowders and functional materials. 4. Power supply for researches and applications: generators of continuous, pulse-periodic and pulsed action, gas switches, pulsed power machines and accelerators.
Key Dates
On-line registration open Abstract submission open | 01.02.2025 | Abstract submission deadline
| 20.04.2025 | Notification of abstract acceptance Manuscript submission open | 12.05.2025 | Preliminary program publication | 30.05.2025 | Manuscript submission deadline | 13.07.2025 | Early bird registration fee deadline | 31.07.2025 |
The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.All presentation files should be made in English.
Organizing Committee
 General Chairman of the Conference Gennady Mesyats Russian Academy of Sciences | |  Organizing Committee Chairman Stanislav Chaikovsky Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia |  Organizing Committee Chairman Ilya Romanchenko Institute of High Current Electronics SBRAS, Russia |  Program Committee Chairman Nikolay Zubarev Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia |  Program Committee Co-chairman Yuri Korolev Institute of High Current Electronics SBRAS, Russia |  Program Committee Co-chairman Mikhail Yalandin Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia |  Program Committee Co-chairman Nikolay Koval Institute of High Current Electronics BRAS, Russia |  Program Committee Co-chairman Nikolay Gavrilov Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia |  Local Organizing Committee Chairman Anton Kaygorodov Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia |
Programm committeeDmitry Shmelev – Section 1 Chairman - (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Alexander Kamenetskikh – Section 2 Chairman - (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Igor Filatov – Section 3 Chairman - (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Mikhail Yalandin – Section 4 Chairman - (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia)
Alexander Safronov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Boris Gelchinski (Institute of Metallurgy UB RAS, Russia) Dmitry Sorokin (Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Russia) Elena Kokorina (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Grey Boltachev (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Igor Beketov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Igor Uimanov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Maxim Vorobyov (Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Russia) Nikolay Zubarev (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Olga Krysina (Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Russia) Sergey Paranin (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Valery Shklyaev (Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Russia) Vasily Lisenkov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Vladimir Ovchinnikov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia) Yuriy Mamontov (Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Russia)
Institute of Electrophysics, UB RAS, RussiaInstitute of High Current Electronics, SB RAS, Russia Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia LLC "Signifika", Russia
After a participant has created a new submission(report) he has an opportunity to upload an abstract (from 01.02.2025 up to 20.04.2025) and a manuscript (from 12.05.2025 up to 13.07.2025). Abstract While creating your one page abstract please use the following template GDP2025 abstract template. For more clearness you can also look through the following example GDP2025 abstract example. The abstracts are accepted in *.doc or *.docx format. Please use English language for you abstract. Важно! Для включения тезисов в сборник необходимо до 30.05.2025 направить в адрес оргкомитета оригинал экспертного заключения на возможность их опубликования (for Russian participants only). Manuscript The selected papers will be published (in 2025 or 2026) in the following peer-reviewed journals: - Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics - Journal of Surface Investigation. X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques - Journal of Radio Electronics.
The distribution of articles among the journals will be carried out by the organizing committee. The decision will be sent to the participants together with the abstract acceptance notification. After that the manuscript submission will be open. For Russian participants the manuscript language is Russian, for others - Russian or English.
The participant is limited to one manuscript. The check-up list for manuscript publication:
- The successful peer-review - Presentation of the report at the conference - Наличие оригинала экспертного заключения на возможность опубликования статьи (for Russian participants only).
Conference Fee

The Conference fee includes: - participation in plenary, oral and poster sessions;
- Conference guide;
- e-book of abstracts;
- welcome party;
- coffee breaks;
- Conference excursion;
- up to two reports***.
*CIS - Commonwealth of Independant States ** The fee includes: welcome party, cofee breaks and Conference excursion. *** Selected papers will be published in peer-reviewed journals
There are various sponsorship options available to organizations who would like to sponsor GDP2025 and thereby promote their products and activities. We look forward to working with you and jointly ensuring that this conference contributes to the development of pulsed power technologies, plasma and particle beam sources, radiation-related and additive technologies, and other scientific and engineering applications. 
Previous events
Please click the links below to enjoy the previous Conferences "Gas Discharge Plasmas and their Applications"
Institute of Electrophysics
Ekaterinburg, Russia Amundsena st., 106 620016
tel: +7-922-122-20-53