Εργαστήριο Γνώσης και Αβεβαιότητας

Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory

Manolis Wallace

Short CV

I was born in Athens in 1977. In 2001 I received a diploma in electrical and computer engineering and in 2005 a PhD in intelligent knowledge-based systems in uncertain environments, both from NTUA's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Since 2007 I am a faculty member at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese, while at the same time and up to 2013 also a senior researcher at the Foundation of the Hellenic World. Before that, I was at the Athens Campus of the University of Indianapolis, where I served as the chair of the Department of Computer Science.

My research interests lie in the meeting of computing and humans, specifically in areas such as cultural informatics, educational informatics, smart cities, personalization and so on, and since 2002 I have (co-) authored around 150 papers in these fields. Most of them can be found here or (uncurated) at Google Scholar. Like many of my colleagues I serve, or have served in the past, as associate or guest editor in numerous journals and as general, local, program committee or publicity chair in numerous conferences.

Contact details

ΓΑΒ LAB - Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications

University of the Peloponnese

Akadimaikou G. K. Vlachou str

22 131 Tripolis


[email protected]


I currently serve as:


It seems I have a thing for new beginnings. Over the last few years I have been involved in the following:

Detailed CV

(as required by Greek legislation)

  • Curriculum Vitae [updated 18/2/2024, 365Kb, in Greek]
  • Projects [updated 18/2/2024, 238Kb, in Greek]
  • Publications [updated 16/2/2024, 373Kb, in Greek]
  • Teaching record [updated 18/2/2024, 356Kb, in Greek]