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Table 3

Expression and role of unique dysregulated ion channels in experimental models of MS.

Gene/proteinDistribution, localizationCellular functions during physiological conditionsWM in MS models
KCNA1/Kv1.1JPN of myelinated axonsRegulate AP propagation and neural excitabilityRedistribution to internodes and nodal segments, upregulationHyperpolarise axonal Vrest, affect AP threshold, impair AP conduction
Microglia, astrocyte (t), OPCs (t)Proliferation, cell activation
KCNA2/Kv1.2JPN of myelinated axonsRegulate AP propagation and neural excitabilityRedistribution to internodes and nodal segments, upregulationHyperpolarise axonal Vrest, affect AP threshold, impair AP conduction
Reactive astrocyte, microglia, OPCProliferation, cell activation
KCNA4/Kv1.4Axons (HP)Regulate AP propagation and neural excitabilityUpregulation in astrocytes and OPCs around EAE lesionsDeficiency ameliorated EAE course in KO mice, but have no effect on demyelination/remyelination in the cuprizone model
Reactive astrocyte, OPCsProliferation
KCNB1/Kv2.1Soma, proximal dendrites, AIS
Microglia, OPCs (t)
Influence AP duration during high frequency firing, regulate neuronal excitabilityUnknown in WM
Downregulation in motor neurons of GM spinal cord during EAE
KCNB2/Kv2.2Soma, proximal dendrites, AIS
Not detected in glia
Influence AP duration during high frequency firing, regulate neuronal excitabilityUnknownUnknown
KCNC3/Kv3.3Axons, somatodendritic compartment
Astrocyte, microglia (t), OPCs (t)
Regulate AP firing at high frequencyUpregulation in some injured WM axonsUnknown
KCND2/Kv4.2Soma, dendrites
Astrocyte (t), OPCs (t), microglia (t)
Regulate threshold for AP initiation and repolarization, frequency-dependent AP broadening, AP back-propagationUnknownUnknown
KCNQ2/Kv7.2AIS, nodes of Ranvier
OPCs, microglia
Stabilize Vrest, regulate activity of NaV-channels, accelerate AP upstroke, influence neuronal subthreshold excitability, regulate spike generation, and repetitive firingUnknownUnknown
KCNQ3/Kv7.3AIS, nodes of Ranvier
Microglia (pro-inflammatory), OPCs, astrocyte (t)
Stabilize Vrest, regulate activity of NaV-channels, accelerate AP upstroke, influence neuronal subthreshold excitability, regulate spike generation and repetitive firingUnknown in WM
Upregulated in demyelinated neocortical axons of L5 pyramidal neurons in the cuprizone model.
Unknown in WM
Ensure AP conduction in demyelinated GM axons, decrease excitability
KCNQ5/Kv7.5Soma, dendrites
Astrocyte, OPCs, microglia
Contributes to AHP currents in the HPUnknownUnknown
Oligo lineage (t)
Co-assemble with Kv2.1, reduce Kv2.1 current density which may lead to AP broadening and hyper-synchronized high-frequency firingUnknownUnknown
Oligo lineage (t)
Co-assemble with Kv2.1UnknownUnknown
Astrocyte (t), OPCs (t)
Astrocyte (t), OPCs (t), microglia (t)
Dampen excitability, stabilize VrestUnknownUnknown
OPCs (t)
KCNK2/TREK1Axons, and node of Ranviers in afferent myelinated nerve
Astrocyte, microglia (t)
OPCs (t)
Contribute to “leak” K+-current, help establishing and maintaining Vrest, regulate neuronal excitability, ensure AP repolarization at nodes of Ranvier in afferent myelinated fibers
Contribute to passive membrane K+ conductance, glutamate release
UnknownDeficiency aggravates
EAE course in KO mice
Channel activation reduces CNS immune cell trafficking across BBB and attenuate EAE course

OPCs (t)
Contribute to “leak” K+-current, help establishing and maintaining Vrest
Contribute to K+ buffering, glutamate
KCNT1/KNa1.1Soma, axons
Astrocytes (t)
Regulate the generation of slow afterhyperpolarization, firing patterns, and setting and stabilizing the VrestUnknownUnknown
KCNN3/KCa2.3Dendrites, AIS

Astrocyte, microglia, oligo lineage (t)
Regulate AP propagation and neuronal excitability, contribute to maintaining Ca2+-homeostasis
K+ buffering in astrocytes
Microglia proliferation and cytokines production
KCNJ6/Kir3.2Somatodendritic compartment

Astrocyte, oligo lineage (t)
K+-homeostasis, maintenance of Vrest, hyperpolarization, control of AP firing and neuronal excitability, inhibition of excitatory neurotransmitter releaseUnknownUnknown
KCNJ16/Kir5.1Somatodendritic compartment, dendritic spines

Astrocyte, oligo lineage, microglia (t)
Silent channel when combined with Kir2.1. When combined with Kir4.1, build channels with larger conductance and greater pH-sensitivity. Plays a role in synaptic transmission
K+ buffering
SCN1A/Nav1.1Somatodendritic compartment, AIS, nodes of Ranvier
Microglia, astrocyte, OPCs (t)
Saltatory conduction, maintenance of sustained firing, control of excitability

Microglia phagocytosis, cytokine release
Increase or no change; localize along the demyelinated regionsUnknown
SCN2A/Nav1.2AIS, immature nodes of Ranvier, along the non-myelinated axons

Astrocyte, pre-oligodendrocytes
Back-propagation of AP into the somatodendritic compartment, may support slow spike propagation

Oligo maturation
Increase of diffuse distribution along demyelinated axons in various mouse models; no change in myelin-deficient rat
Upregulated in astrocytes during EAE
Unclear. Suggested: preservation of AP propagation, or axonal damage
SCN3A/Nav1.3Somatodendritic compartment, along the axons including myelinated fibers
Astrocyte oligo lineage (t)
AP initiation and propagation, proliferation and migration of cortical progenitorsNo change in the optic nerveUnknown
SCN8A/Nav1.6AIS, nodes of Ranvier; low density on cell soma, dendritic shafts, synapses

Astrocyte, microglia oligo (t)
AP initiation and propagation, neuronal excitabilityDecrease at the nodes of Ranvier, increase of diffuse distribution along the damaged axons, no change at AIS
Upregulated in microglia/macrophages during EAE
May trigger Na+ increase in axoplasm, reversal of NCX, and intra-axonal Ca2+ overload. Deletion improves axonal health during EAE
SCN11A/Nav1.9Soma, proximal processes
Negligible in all glial cells (t)
Regulate excitation, control activity-dependent axonal elongation, mediate sustained depolarizing current upon activation of muscarinic receptorsUnknownUnknown
CACNA1C/CaV1.2Somatodendritic compartment (synaptically, extrasynaptically), axons, axonal terminals (extrasynaptically), pioneer axons during development
Astrocyte, oligo lineage, reactive microglia
Synaptic modulation, propagation of dendritic Ca2+ spikes, regulation of glutamate receptor trafficking, CREB phosphorylation, coupling of excitation to nuclear gene transcription, modulation of long-term potentiation, neurites growth and axonal pathfinding during development
OPCs development and myelination
UnknownUnknown. Suggested: Neurodegeneration because L-type VGCCs blockers attenuate mitochondrial pathology in nerve fibers and axonal loss
Deletion in astrocyte- reduces cell activation and pro-inflammatory mediators release in the cuprizone model
Deletion in OPCs reduced remyelination in the cuprizone model
CACNA1D/CaV1.3Somatodendritic compartment, axonal cylinders

Astrocyte, microglia oligo lineage
Pacemaking activity, spontaneous firing, Ca2+-dependent post-burst after-hyperpolarization, Ca2+-dependent intracellular signaling pathways, regulation of morphology of dendritic spines and axonal arbores
Oligodendrocyte-axon signaling, release of pro-inflammatory mediators by microglia
UnknownUnknown. Suggested: neuroprotection because L-type VGCCs blockers attenuate mitochondrial pathology in nerve fibers and axonal loss
CACNA1A/CaV2.1Axonal synaptic terminals, axonal shafts in WM, somatodendritic compartment

Reactive astrocyte
OPCs, premyelinating oligo, microglia (t)
Neurotransmitter release at neuronal and neuron-glia synapses, regulation of BK and SK channels, control of neuronal firing, regulation of gene expression, local Ca2+ signaling, and cell survival
Calcium influx in oligo upon neuronal activity
CACNA1E/CaV2.3Dendritic spines, axonal terminals
Astrocyte, oligodendrocyte
Neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, regulation of BK, SK, and KV4.2 channelsUnknownUnknown
CACNA1G/CaV3.1Somatodendritic compartment, AIS

Astrocyte (t) oligo lineage
Generation and timing of APs, regulation of neuronal excitability, rhythmic AP bursts in thalamus, neuronal oscillations, neurotransmitter releaseUnknownT-cells from KO mice show decreased cytokine release

Deficiency in KO mice inhibits the autoimmune response in the EAE model
CACNA1H/CaV3.2Somatodendritic compartment, AIS

Astrocyte oligo lineage
Generation and timing of APs, regulation of neuronal excitability, rhythmic AP bursts in thalamus, neuronal oscillations, neurotransmitter releaseUnknownUnknown
CACNA1I/CaV3.3Somatodendritic compartmentGeneration and timing of APs, regulation of neuronal excitability, rhythmic AP bursts in thalamus, neuronal oscillations, neurotransmitter releaseUnknownUnknown
RyR2Along ER (also in axons)

Astrocyte, oligo lineage
Ca2+ release from the ER into the cytoplasm, vesicle fusion, neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, growth cone dynamicsUnknownUnknown
RyR3Along ER (also in axons)

Astrocyte, OPCs, oligodendrocytes
Ca2+ release from the ER into the cytoplasm, vesicle fusion, neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, growth cone dynamics
Astrocyte motility
OPCs development
TRPV1Soma, post-synaptic dendritic spines, synaptic vesicles
Astrocyte, microglia, oligodendrocytes
Regulation of Ca2+-signaling, synaptic plasticity

Astrocyte: migration, chemotaxis, activation during stress, inflammasome activation
Microglia: migration, cytokine production, ROS generation, phagocytosis, polarization, cell death
Suggested a main role in regulating microglia inflammatory responseBoth detrimental and beneficial effects have been described in EAE disease
Astrocyte (t)
TRPM2Soma and neurites in neuronal cultures
Microglia, astrocyte (t), oligodendrocyte (t)
Contribute to synaptic plasticity and play an inhibitory role in neurite outgrowth
Microglia activation and generation of proinflammatory mediators
Upregulated in monocyte-lineage cellsTRPM2 deficiency reduce monocyte infiltration in EAE
PKD2/TRPP1ER, primary cilia, and plasma membrane
Astrocyte (t), microglia (t), oligo lineage (t)
Maintenance of Ca2+-homeostasis, cell proliferationUnknownUnknown
Astrocyte (t), microglia (t)
CLCN2/CLC-2Plasma membranes, intracellular membranes

Astrocyte, OPCs, microglia
Maintenance of low intracellular Cl level, control of cell volume homeostasis, regulation of GABAAR-mediated synaptic inputs, regulation of neuronal excitability
Interacts with AQP4 in astrocytes, regulates OPCs differentiation, contribute to volume regulation and phagocytosis in microglia

Microglia, astrocyte (t), oligo lineage (t)
Suggested function in the neuronal endo-lysosomal pathway
Regulate lysosomal acidification in activated microglia
GJA4/CX37Largely expressed in vascular cellsRegulate vasomotor activity, endothelial permeability, and maintenance of body fluid balanceUnknownUnknown
PANX1/Px1Soma, dendrites, axons
Astrocyte, OPCs microglia
Paracrine and autocrine signaling, ATP-sensitive ATP release in complex with P2X7Rs, intercellular propagation of Ca2+-waves, cell differentiation, migration, synaptic plasticity, memoryUnknownPanx-1 induced ATP release and inflammasome activation contribute to WM damage during EAE
Inhibition of Panx1 using pharmacology or gene disruption delays and attenuates disease course in EAE and cuprizone model
Oligo lineage (t) Microglia (t)

AHP, afterhyperpolarization; AIS, axon initial segment; AP, action potential; BK, big-conductance Ca2+-activated K+-channels; ER, endoplasmatic reticulum; GABAAR, ionotropic gamma aminobutyric acid A receptor; HP, hippocampus; JPN, juxtaparanodal regions; NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger; SCI, spinal cord injury; SK, small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+-channels; SSCx, somatosensory cortex; t, transcipts; Vrest, resting membrane potential.