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Featured news

Read a selection of the featured news from across the EU's institutions and bodies.

Ursula von der Leyen giving a speech at Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin
  • News article

At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, the EU signed agreements worth €1.4 billion with partner banks to attract investments in Ukraine from the private sector. It also agreed to further support measures for Ukraine to ensure the country can defend itself against Russia.

Men in blue shirt voting
  • Press release

EU citizens cast their vote in the European elections on 6-9 June 2024. The European Parliament has published a projection for the composition of the new Parliament, based on final and provisional results in 26 countries and pre-electoral data for one.

Cows lying in hay in a stable
  • Press release

Even though the EU has among the highest standards of food safety in the world, there is still much work to be done. The importance of ensuring that food stays safe at every stage of the food chain cannot be understated. That is why every year we commemorate World Food Safety Day on this day.


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