News: - Presentation slides of some papers are on-line - Technical Program is available - paper 21: "Zero Downtime Reconfiguration ..." has been schedulled for a different HoloMAS Session - The list of accepted papers is published - New deadline for paper submission: Mar. 10, 2007 - PIHolS mailing list has been set up. Please subscribe. - Electronic paper submission facility is open. Please submit |
Please retrieve the list of Accepted Papers |
IMPORTANT:Authors of the accepted papers To ensure pre-event proceedings, which will be published by Springer (LNAI series), the camera-ready version of your paper must be returned not later than May 10. The camera-ready version must contain even number of pages, 10 or maximally 12, using the standard Springer Verlag Lecture Notes format (preferably as a doc file). Please, be so kind and register to the DEXA event (www.dexa.org) before May 25th - this is a condition for including your manuscript into the LNAI proceedings volume. ABOUT THE SESSIONA Holon in a broad philosophical sense is an entity which is a whole and a part of the whole at the same time. A very close paradigm of a holistic approach advocates for the fact that the properties of the whole system can not be described using only the properties of its parts. In such a holonic system some distinct �integral� properties appear. These emerging properties represent the new qualities of the non-mechanistic union of the system�s constituents. The following aspects of a holonic paradigm are of particular academic and practical interest: - The model of an Organization capturing its self-configurability, self-development, and dynamic character - Deliberate collaboration - Ambient intelligence One natural choice for modelling a holonic system and implementing software for it is the choice of an intelligent software agent and agency paradigms. Another way for implementing holonic software systems may be the use of self-configurable compositions of (Semantic) Web Services. These software engineering approaches, though distinct, have at least one important feature in common � formal shared representation of Domain semantics. The Session solicits primarily the contributions related to industry. Indeed, a holon and a holonic system are quite appropriate metaphors to be used in implementing and deploying intelligent software for a vastly wide variety of industrial applications. The spectrum is as broad as starting with Agile Manufacturing, e-Commerce, Traffic Control and ending with Engineering Design. Holons are especially attractive in representing self-configuring, self-optimizing, collaborative dynamic systems. These systems are distributed, reactive to the influences coming from their environment and have adaptive structures. Our special focus of interest in such systems is their performance. Performance Management domain is a fastly growing multi-billion market which drastically lacks reliable means for measuring, assessing, and optimizing the performance of industrial systems.
TARGET AUDIENCE The session aims to bring together researchers and practitioners active in the area of holonic, multi-agent systems, knowledge engineering, and performance management together with key engineers and decision makers to share their views and experience in design, development, deployment, and application of software tools for measuring, assessing and optimizing the performance of industrial systems based on holonic principles. |
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SUBMISSION TYPES The following kinds of papers are solicited:
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SUGGESTED TOPICS (not limited to)
In addition to the focus topics of HoloMAS the following and related themes are suggested:
PAPER SUBMISSION DETAILSAuthors are invited to submit research or industrial contributions in English. A paper should not exceed 10 pages in its length. Formatting guidelines are specified by the proceedings publisher (Springer Verlag). Authors are advised to submit their papers electronically:
The submissions are subjected to the double-blind review by several members of the HoloMAS Program Committee and session organizers.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) series by Springer Verlag. |