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In this paper, we present the first method for the geometric autocalibration of multiple projectors on a set of CAVE-like immersive display surfaces including truncated domes and 4 or 5-wall CAVEs (three side walls, floor, and/or ceiling). All such surfaces can be categorized as swept surfaces and multiple projectors can be registered on them using a single uncalibrated camera without using any physical markers on the surface. Our method can also handle nonlinear distortion in the projectors, common in compact setups where a short throw lens is mounted on each projector. Further, when the whole swept surface is not visible from a single camera view, we can register the projectors using multiple pan and tilted views of the same camera. Thus, our method scales well with different size and resolution of the display. Since we recover the 3D shape of the display, we can achieve registration that is correct from any arbitrary viewpoint appropriate for head-tracked single-user virtual reality systems. We can also achieve wallpapered registration, more appropriate for multiuser collaborative explorations. Though much more immersive than common surfaces like planes and cylinders, general swept surfaces are used today only for niche display environments. Even the more popular 4 or 5-wall CAVE is treated as a piecewise planar surface for calibration purposes and hence projectors are not allowed to be overlapped across the corners. Our method opens up the possibility of using such swept surfaces to create more immersive VR systems without compromising the simplicity of having a completely automatic calibration technique. Such calibration allows completely arbitrary positioning of the projectors in a 5-wall CAVE, without respecting the corners.
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