
2004 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL2004

(Collocated with KR2004)
Westin Resort and Spa
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
June 6-8, 2004

Pictures from the workshop

Call for Participation

The 2004 International Workshop on Description Logics continues the tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms based on Description Logics. It is the 17th in the series of international workshops. Demonstrations of Description Logics systems and Description Logics-based applications will be possible and people interested are encouraged to get in touch with the organizers.


Accepted papers are printed in the workshop proceedings. The proceedings will be electronically published as CEUR-Workshop Proceedings at http://CEUR-WS.org/. At the workshop, a hard copy of the proceedings will be handed out to the participants.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance: March  31, 2004
Camera ready papers due: April 30, 2004
DL'04 Workshop: June 6-8, 2004

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers can be found at http://www.cs.concordia.ca/dl04/cfp.html

Accepted Papers and Posters

The list of accepted papers and posters can be found here.

Workshop Program

The preliminary workshop program can be found here.

Invited Speakers

Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science, will give an invited presentation on "Combining Description Logics".

Sheila McIlraith, University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, will give an invited presentation on "OWL-S and web agent/web service composition".

Registration Information

Please keep in mind that attendance at the DL'04 workshop is by invitation only. All authors of accepted papers will be invited to attend the workshop. If you are interested to attend the workshop but did not submit a paper, you can still submit to the DL'04 organizers a short position paper (1 page) indicating your interest in Description Logics and the workshop.

The DL registration will be handled by AAAI  for KR, DL and the other affiliated workshops/conferences. Use this link to register for DL'04 once you have received the ok from the DL'04 organizers. The workshop registration is US$ 300 per person and includes a printed copy of the workshop proceedings, the conference dinner on June 6, and coffee during the breaks.

Local Information and Accommodation

The DL'04 workshop will be held in Whistler, BC, Canada, at the Westin Resort and Spa.

Please visit the KR web page for making room reservations for DL'04 and follow the instructions given there.

Program Committee (in alphabetical order)

Carlos Areces
INRIA Lorraine, France
Diego Calvanese
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Enrico Franconi
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Giuseppe De Giacomo
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Volker Haarslev
Computer Science Department
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Ian Horrocks
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Ralf Küsters
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University, CA, USA
Carsten Lutz
Technical University Dresden
Department of Computer Science
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science
Dresden, Germany
Deborah L. McGuinness
Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University, CA, USA
Ralf Möller
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Peter Patel-Schneider
Network Data and Services Research Department
Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, NJ, USA
Ulrike Sattler
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Grant Weddell
Computer Science Department
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Chris Welty
IBM Watson Research Center
Hawthorne, NY, USA

Workshop Organizers

Volker Haarslev
Computer Science Department
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Ralf Möller
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany


Volker Haarslev, 3.5.2004