Beyond Carolyn's Diary

Mon Mar 08 08


Online promotion for my novel: Bionaxe is a fictional nanotech research company featured in the novel and responsible for the singularity.

Sincerely, with love,

Carolyn L Burke

Carolyn's Diary republished

Sat Aug 18, 2007

A letter from Carolyn:


Another 3 years have passed. Over that time, while missing this open forum, I've tried to live with the same principles. Honesty, integrity, openness and a concern for the greater good. I've tried professionally to share my understanding of living with integrity through public speaking and in the role of advisor to other business professionals.

I remain steadfast in holding out the words here as they were published online, without change or redaction even while I've changed personally so much.

While the blogoshpere has evolved from my clumsy efforts 13 years ago into a vast complexity of communication, I still feel there is a place for this original work—a need almost of demonstration that the insides of a person need not be hidden away. In fact, while this effort of mine set the stage for blogging, I still strongly hope others will pursue self-exploration and change similarly.

Sincerely, with love,

Carolyn L Burke

Carolyn's Diary republished

Sun May 30 09:16 2004

A letter from Carolyn:

     Yesterday, I chose to place this site on the Internet, after more than 2 years offline.

Expect to see two things here. I'm publishing Carolyn's Diary as it was, ending May 2, 2002. That site was published and available online continuously from Jan 1995 through to it's removal on May 2, 2002. Since then, I've been writing infrequently offline, and circulating some pieces to my closer circles.

Many online diarists, journal writers, and now bloggers encountered problems with friends, family, and employers (actual and potential). I always held myself out as immune. Perhaps I was wrong. It remains important to pay tribute here to the freedom of expression - in this case writing online - we have the right to be persons with individual thoughts, opinions, viewpoints and feeling, without censorship. Or we ought to. This site will remain public, come what may, even if and when it may harm me. The site will continue to include everything published within its virtual pages between Jan 1995 and May 2, 2002, including items which may offend. I am disappointed that my opinion can ever offend. Allow me to pay tribute to each brave soul who has not had the freedom to publish ideas freely under his or her own name, or has been persecuted for doing so.

You may not agree with what I have said. You may not like that the ideas. But share with me, the respect due each individual who has braved this new world of pseudonymous exploration. When I started writing here, it was to make a point - that we have nothing to hide from each other. I still feel this strongly. As a species, we need clear communication between and amongst individuals. As individuals, we need to become more and more fully engaged in the understanding of what it is to be human, sentient, and free, some aspects of our birthright, and generally to learn from and successfully communicate these discoveries.

I challenge to you speak up, directly, clearly, and with good purpose each and every moment of your life. I will continue to do so.

Speak out with clarity, honesty, transparency, and a passion for exploring the unknown.

Sincerely, with love,

Carolyn L Burke

Beginning: Jan 1995
Middle: Last published entry of 2002
May 29, 2004: Integrity Incorporated and bio
For the future...

Carolyn's Diary
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