
Los Angeles - Orange County -
Riverside/San Bernardino

Los Angeles Urban Area: Distribution of Population: 2000 (20070304)
Historical Urban Densities: New York, London, Paris, Los Angeles (20051216)

L'unit� urbaine densit�s historiques (Londres, Paris, New York, Los Angeles) (20050404)
Urban Areas: Historical Densities (London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles) (20050404)
Toronto & Los Angeles Urban Areas: Core & Suburban Density Analysis (20030120)
Vancouver & Los Angeles Urban Areas: Core & Suburban Density Analysis (20030120)
Canada & Western USA Urban Areas: Core & Suburban Density Analysis (20030120)

Hyper-Dense Areas in Europe and North America: Densities over 50,000/Sq.Mi. (20021205)
Los Angeles & Toronto Urban Area Density Profiles (20021010)
Portland, Phoenix & Los Angeles Density & Density Trends Compared (20020714)
Los Angeles More Dense than Portland in 2000 (20020714)
London, Los Angeles, New York & Paris Densities Compared by Sector (20020209)

So-Called "Smart Growth" No Answer to Los Angeles Traffic
Journey from Rail to Reality in Los Angeles: Oped
So-Called "Smart Growth" No Answer to Los Angeles Traffic
Density Profile: London & Los Angeles Urbanized Areas Compared (20010817)
Density Profile Chart: London & Los Angeles Urbanized Areas (20010817)

City of Los Angeles: Population by Area from 1950 (010608)
US Cities: Leading Population Gain by Decade from 1860 (010512)
International Urban Area Covering the Most Land Area (010502)
Los Angeles: 924,000 in Tracts More Dense than Portland's Densest (0104122
Portland Compared to Urban Areas with High Density Cores (010418)

Metropolitan Growth Rates Up in New York, Chicago, Down in Los Angeles (010415)
Los Angeles: Overall & Corridor Densities Much Higher than Smart Growth Portland (010410)
Density Profile: Average US Urban Area & Los Angeles Compared (010403)
Density Profile: Paris Urban Area & Los Angeles Compared (010403)
Density Profile: Toronto & Los Angeles Compared (010403)

Central Area Population Density Profiles: Compared to Los Angeles (010324)
Population Density Profiles: US Urbanized Areas 1990 (010324)
City of Los Angeles: Population & Density by Sector (001115)
City of Los Angeles: Districts Ranked by Population Density (001115)
City of Los Angeles: Population & Density by District (001115)

Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2005 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.