ダニエル・カールさんの「Stop the hysteria」書き起こしと全訳

「山形弁を喋るアメリカ人」として有名なダニエル・カールさんが,海外メディアに向けて「Stop the hysteria」と題した動画をYoutubeで公開しています.



My name is Daniel Kahl. I've been living and working in Japan for over thirty years.

I know the Japanese people pretty well and I know all of the affected areas in northern Japan which were struck by the quake and the tsunami last week.

I have to ask foreign news services, all the overseas media to, please, stop the hysteria.

You're causing panic amongst the foreign community here in Japan. They are freaking out and it's not helping. It's distracting. It is taking people's efforts away from where they need to be placed, which is up north.

There've been a lot of mistakes, a lot of untrue reports coming out of Japan. You're not listening to what the Japanese goverment is announcing, you're not listening to your own nuclear experts, people who actually build reactors and things have said over and over on even your channels that this is not a second Chernobyl. This isn't even a second Three Mile Island.

So would you please tone it down. You're causing a lot of problems over here. All my friends in Japan have tweeted me, they've e-mailed me, they're asking me tell you to stop. And the only way I can think of doing this is making a YouTube video and hoping that some people will see this.

Please all foreign media cut it out, knock it off right now or you're just not gonna have any more fans in this country. OK? Thank you.

YouTube - Stop the hysteria







