vimでGroovyのコードを書く為のプラグインとしてGroovyの公式サイトでも触れられている「groovy.vim : Runs or compiles Groovy scripts.」というものがある*1。
しかしここで諦めるのも嫌なので、「GROOVY_HOMEが未定義 == GROOVY_HOME/binに相当する場所を環境変数PATHに通してある」と決め打ちして直してみることにした(GROOVY_HOMEが定義されている場合はそれを使う)。
という訳でパッチ。ライセンスは……元コードに準じる、で良いのかなあ? 実は元のコードのライセンスが分からないのだけど。
*** groovy.vim 2012-07-27 19:35:42.859375000 +0900 --- groovy.vim.new 2012-07-28 00:48:34.140625000 +0900 *************** *** 14,23 **** " " Date Created: April 20, 2008 " ! " Version: 0.1.2 " " Modification History: " " April 24, 2008: Properly reset modified indent when leaving " buffer. " --- 14,28 ---- " " Date Created: April 20, 2008 " ! " Version: 0.1.2a " " Modification History: " + " July 28, 2012: <eel3 @ TRASH BOX> Fixed to be enabled to runs or + " compiles scripts: + " - if $GROOVY_HOME is not defined. + " - its filename containing spaces. + " " April 24, 2008: Properly reset modified indent when leaving " buffer. " *************** *** 49,64 **** " Script variables " ! " Replace Windows backslashes, that would be swallowed in Cygwin, with slashes ! let s:GROOVY_HOME = substitute($GROOVY_HOME, "\\", "/", "g") ! let s:GROOVY_PATH = s:GROOVY_HOME . "/bin/groovy" ! let s:GROOVYC_PATH = s:GROOVY_HOME . "/bin/groovyc" let s:CLASSPATH_PROMPT = "Specify classpath, or hit Enter for none: " let s:ARG_PROMPT = "Specify arg(s), or hit Enter for none: " " Buffer variables let b:classpath = "" let b:args = "" " Prompt for classpath/args and run if !exists("<SID>RunPrompt()") function! <SID>RunPrompt() --- 54,90 ---- " Script variables " ! if $GROOVY_HOME == "" ! " XXX Assume that $GROOVY_HOME/bin is in $PATH ! let s:GROOVY_PATH = "groovy" ! let s:GROOVYC_PATH = "groovyc" ! else ! " Replace Windows backslashes, that would be swallowed in Cygwin, with slashes ! let s:GROOVY_HOME = substitute($GROOVY_HOME, "\\", "/", "g") ! let s:GROOVY_PATH = s:GROOVY_HOME . "/bin/groovy" ! let s:GROOVYC_PATH = s:GROOVY_HOME . "/bin/groovyc" ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! let s:GROOVY_PATH = '"' . s:GROOVY_PATH . '"' ! let s:GROOVYC_PATH = '"' . s:GROOVYC_PATH . '"' ! endif ! endif let s:CLASSPATH_PROMPT = "Specify classpath, or hit Enter for none: " let s:ARG_PROMPT = "Specify arg(s), or hit Enter for none: " " Buffer variables let b:classpath = "" let b:args = "" + " Helper function + if has("win32") || has("win64") + function! s:currentfile() + return &shellslash ? '"' . expand("%") . '"' : shellescape(expand("%")) + endfunction + else + function! s:currentfile() + return shellescape(expand("%")) + endfunction + endif + " Prompt for classpath/args and run if !exists("<SID>RunPrompt()") function! <SID>RunPrompt() *************** *** 81,97 **** endif endif if b:classpath == "" ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVY_PATH . '" ' . expand('%') . ' ' . b:args ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH . " " . expand("%") . " " . b:args ! endif else ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVY_PATH . '" -cp ' . b:classpath . ' ' . expand('%') . ' ' . b:args ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH . " -cp " . b:classpath . " " . expand("%") . " " . b:args ! endif endif silent cd - endfunction --- 107,115 ---- endif endif if b:classpath == "" ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH s:currentfile() b:args else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH "-cp" b:classpath s:currentfile() b:args endif silent cd - endfunction *************** *** 111,127 **** endif endif if b:classpath == "" ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVYC_PATH . '" ' . expand('%') ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH . " " . expand("%") ! endif else ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVYC_PATH . '" -cp ' . b:classpath . ' ' . expand('%') ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH . " -cp " . b:classpath . " " . expand("%") ! endif endif silent cd - endfunction --- 129,137 ---- endif endif if b:classpath == "" ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH s:currentfile() else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH "-cp" b:classpath s:currentfile() endif silent cd - endfunction *************** *** 133,149 **** update silent cd %:p:h if b:classpath == "" ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVY_PATH . '" ' . expand("%") . ' ' . b:args ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH . " " . expand("%") . " " . b:args ! endif else ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVY_PATH . '" -cp ' . b:classpath . ' ' . expand('%') . ' ' . b:args ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH . " -cp " . b:classpath . " " . expand("%") . " " . b:args ! endif endif silent cd - endfunction --- 143,151 ---- update silent cd %:p:h if b:classpath == "" ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH s:currentfile() b:args else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVY_PATH "-cp" b:classpath s:currentfile() b:args endif silent cd - endfunction *************** *** 155,171 **** update silent cd %:p:h if b:classpath == "" ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVYC_PATH . '" ' . expand('%') ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH . " " . expand("%") ! endif else ! if has("win32") || has("win64") ! execute '!"' . s:GROOVYC_PATH . '" -cp ' . b:classpath . ' ' . expand('%') ! else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH . " -cp " . b:classpath . " " . expand("%") ! endif endif silent cd - endfunction --- 157,165 ---- update silent cd %:p:h if b:classpath == "" ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH s:currentfile() else ! execute "!" . s:GROOVYC_PATH "-cp" b:classpath s:currentfile() endif silent cd - endfunction
直していて気づいたのだけど、インデント周りの設定って本来ならindent/groovy.vimに分けて記述するべきではないだろうか? quickrun.vimを使う人の場合、自動インデントは欲しいけどスクリプトの実行機能は不要な訳で、groovy.vimの全機能だとオーバースペックというか機能の重複があるというか。